God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1302 Azure Dragon Gym

Dongfang Yun didn't delve into it either, and put the real dragon crystal core into the ring with a flip of his palm.

"Our Patriarch will not be back for more than three months. During this period, I hope you can help take care of the Long family. Now that the two young masters, Long Chen and Long Yun, have been killed, there is really no one who can take care of it. When the time comes We must be grateful." The butler in black pleaded.

"You are welcome, butler. Brother Long's business is my business. I will take care of this trivial matter. Let alone three months, three years will be fine." Han Wu patted his chest and readily agreed. .

"Since Patriarch Han agreed, I will go back first. We still have some important matters to deal with in Baihu City, so it is inconvenient to stay." Dongfang Yun thought for a moment, but still declined.


Feng Yixiu, Ye Ming and the others did not stay too much in Longfu Manor, and walked out of the huge manor slowly.

"Xiaofeng, I didn't expect you to be so talkative! It's the first time I've seen Han Wu and Dongfang Yun deflated, it's really enjoyable!" Ye Ming rubbed Feng Yixiu's hair with a smile, and said with a smile.

"I'm also worthless for Xia Mo and Han Xiao. To have such parents, I can't see the slightest affection." Feng Yixiu frowned.

"Hey...the so-called big family is like this. The fate of a child is almost decided at the moment of birth. The cruelty of competition is beyond your imagination." Ye Ming said in a deep voice.

"Now that the Han family and the Dongfang family are involved in this matter, it seems that it will not be so easy for us to enter the Dragon Mansion." Feng Yixiu couldn't help but feel a little worried.

If the Long Family really had a connection with the Fierce Heavenly Crowd, those true dragon crystal nuclei would allow the Fiendish Heavenly Clan to cultivate a group of extremely terrifying and powerful blood mages.

It is estimated that there will be another bloodbath, and an unknown number of innocent people and war spirits will die in this cruel battle...

When Feng Yixiu was thinking, he was lightly bumped by Shen Ruyu on the shoulder, and his eyes pointed to the front.

Feng Yixiu raised his head slowly, and saw two familiar figures approaching, they were Bai Yuan and Chi Lian from Longmen.

I haven't seen Shi Hao, so I guess he has become a useless person...

Chi Lian was obviously a little scared when he saw Feng Yixiu, he lowered his head and dared not look directly at Feng Yixiu.

And Bai Yuan has been looking directly into Feng Yixiu's eyes, without the slightest hint of fear.

Feng Yixiu didn't pay attention to the two of them, but unexpectedly, when Bai Yuan passed by him, he slammed into his shoulder.

When Zhang Heng was about to get angry, Feng Yixiu grabbed him, and his eyes signaled him to keep quiet.

Several people quickly left the manor of the Dragon Mansion, and did not stop until they arrived at the Battle Spirit Alliance Base in Qinglong City.

The War Spirit Alliance base is a nationwide organization, a base that specializes in releasing missions, and is also one of the official organizations.

The entire Qinglong City may have the eyeliner of the Long family, only the base of the War Spirit Alliance is a little safer, at least most of them are Ye Ming's people.

After a few people came to a conference hall, Zhang Heng finally couldn't help it anymore and asked, "President Feng, that kid is so arrogant, why don't you let me teach him a lesson?"

Feng Yixiu smiled slightly, then took out a note, and said calmly: "He gave me a note, although I didn't open it, but I think he should have something important to tell us..."

After saying that, Feng Yixiu slowly opened the note, and there were only a few words written on it.

"Tomorrow at twelve o'clock, see you at the Azure Dragon Gym!"

Feng Yixiu looked at this note and fell into deep thought, not knowing what this Bai Yuan meant.

"I think there must be deceit here, that Bai Yuan is from the Long family, how can we trust him?" Shen Ruyu frowned.

"That's right... That guy looks a little weird, and I don't know what he wants to do. What if it's a trap?" Zhang Heng was also a little worried.

Ye Ming smiled slightly, and said lightly: "Hehe...you don't have to worry about this, Bai Yuan is actually an undercover agent I arranged for the Long family."


Not only Shen Ruyu, Zhang Heng and the others were stunned, but even Feng Yixiu looked confused.

"Actually, we have been suspecting that the Long family is in collusion with the Heavenly Fiends for a long time, but we have not found any definite evidence. Bai Yuan is our spy in the Long family. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that kid. There is nothing wrong with that. Don't worry." Ye Ming assured.

"But why did he ask me to go to Qinglong gymnasium? And where is the gymnasium?" Feng Yixiu asked with some doubts.

"The so-called gymnasium is a place where war spirit masters exchange ideas, and it is also one of the methods used by many big families to win over talents. According to the information I have obtained, perhaps the Qinglong gymnasium has some kind of connection with the fierce people." Ye Ming patiently explained.

"But what does this have to do with the Heavenly Fiends?" Shen Ruyu asked.

"Our long-term investigation found that all the talents who are valued by the Azure Dragon Gym will disappear inexplicably, so we sent many excellent war spirits to investigate this matter. In the end, only Bai Yuan came back, but his temperament changed drastically after he came back. He hasn't contacted us until just now..." Ye Ming looked at Feng Yixiu seriously, and said in a deep voice.

"Why is that?" Feng Yixiu also didn't understand.

"Maybe he thinks you can be trusted, or thinks you are strong enough." Ye Ming said in a deep voice.

"Then I'm going to Qinglong gymnasium tomorrow, what should I do?" Feng Yixiu asked.

"Since the Azure Dragon Gym has absorbed

They are all excellent talents, so you must try to show your strength as much as possible, and you must try to be as strong as possible. "Ye Ming specifically asked.

"Marshal Ye, don't worry, I'm quite good at this..." Feng Yixiu said with a smile.

"But... Brother Feng looks like this, who else doesn't know him? He shouldn't be able to get in..." Shen Ruyu was a little worried.

"This is not a problem. Our wind department has a master who is responsible for disguise. Not only can you change your appearance, but even the appearance of the battle spirit can be changed in a short time. It must be no problem to mix in, but I am worried. Yes..." Ye Ming hesitated to speak, frowning.

"Marshal Ye, but it's okay to say, there's no need to hide it." Feng Yixiu said anxiously.

"I don't know the specific situation. If there is a slight mistake, I may be in danger of life. If you don't want to, I won't force you." Ye Ming said very seriously.

"I am willing... Marshal Ye doesn't need to say more." Feng Yixiu waved his hand and said in a deep voice.

"Then I'll go with Brother Feng too!" Shen Ruyu immediately echoed.

"I'm afraid this won't work... If you really want to enter the hinterland of the evil spirits, you may be forced to become a blood psychic to gain trust. Xiaofeng has the heart of an asura and can change the status of a blood psychic at will. If a normal person enters , I'm afraid more bad luck than good..." Ye Ming did not continue.

"Yu'er, don't worry, I will definitely come back safely." Feng Yixiu said softly.

"Okay... I'll wait for you to come back." It wasn't appropriate for Shen Ruyu to go by herself, and she didn't continue to force her.

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