"That guy Long Yun died in your hands. He is a figure of the high priest level of the Gluttonous Demon Palace, so I want to contact you. If possible, please help me rescue my sister."

After saying that, Bai Yuan took out a somewhat worn-out photo, which was a photo of him and his sister.

Feng Yixiu took this photo, looked at it carefully for a while, and remembered the little girl with a bright smile, who was probably only about ten years old.

"I'll take you to the Qinglong gymnasium later. Whether you can let them follow you depends on your ability. They will only absorb excellent talents." Bai Yuan said.

"Are you going with me?" Feng Yixiu asked.

Bai Yuan nodded, and said in a deep voice: "I'll go with you, although I don't have much right to speak in the Gluttonous Demon Palace, but after all, I'm also a blood magus, and if I recommend it, it won't cause too much suspicion .”

"That's good...then how should I introduce my identity?" Feng Yixiu suddenly thought of a key point.

"In this case... just say that you are the confidante of that guy Long Yun. Anyway, that guy is very romantic, and no one knows how many confidante he has outside." Bai Yuan thought for a while and smiled.

"Ah? That guy is dead, there will be no problem, right?" Feng Yixiu instinctively rejected it.

"Isn't it just that there is no evidence for death... Don't worry, anyway, with your current appearance and Long Yun's dissolute personality before his death, no one will doubt your identity." Bai Yuan said with certainty.

"Then I still have to have a female name, what should I call it?" Feng Yixiu was a little embarrassed.

"I think you can read the name upside down..." Bai Yuan suggested.

"Xiu Yifeng...then call him Li Xiufeng, but it feels a bit vulgar..." Feng Yixiu frowned and shook his head.

"It doesn't matter, the name is just a code name, don't pay too much attention to it, we can set off when we are ready." Bai Yuan waved his hand, as if he was about to get up.


Azure Dragon Gym.

"Today is not the weekend, why are there so many people here..."

After Feng Yixiu entered the Azure Dragon Gym, he couldn't help sighing.

"The Qinglong Gymnasium has a long history, so it is naturally famous. Not only in Qinglong City, it can be said that it is the number one gymnasium in East China. And the badge issued by the Qinglong Gymnasium is also a symbol of honor." Bai Yuan explained.

"Oh...so that's the case." Feng Yixiu nodded blankly.

"I will take you to the elite area on the second floor later, and you must attract the attention of the museum owner, so that you have a chance to be spotted by them as soon as possible." Bai Yuan reminded in a low voice while walking.

"Don't worry... Marshal Ye told me that I'm pretty good at it." Feng Yixiu smiled confidently.

The two came to the second floor together. Compared with the crowded first floor, the density of people here is much less.

But everyone here seems to be very powerful, exuding a very powerful aura, most of them are men.

Bai Yuan brought Feng Yixiu into it very smoothly, but it didn't attract too much attention.

Because the atmosphere on the entire second floor is very active, half is the training area, and the other half is the fighting area, the sounds of various battles and machinery seem a bit noisy.

Feng Yixiu first glanced around the environment here, and found that there are monitors in every corner, and there is a third floor above the second floor, but there are two men in black with sunglasses guarding it.

Without thinking about it, the owner of the museum must be on the third floor, and every move here is under his nose.

"Over there is the registration area. After paying a certain fee, you can take part in the training area or fighting area. As long as you are strong enough, you will definitely be able to attract the attention of the gym owner." Bai Yuan gestured to the counter not far away with his eyes, low soundtrack.

"I still have to sign up, it's too troublesome... I don't have so much time to waste!" Feng Yixiu was obviously unwilling.

"There is no way, these are the rules here, otherwise there is no way to meet the owner here..." Bai Yuan explained in a low voice.

But before he finished speaking, Feng Yixiu walked out on his own, stood in the center of the gymnasium, cleared his throat first, and then said loudly: "I want to kick the gymnasium! Who refuses to accept it?" Stand up for me!"

Suddenly, the gymnasium that was still in full swing fell silent, and everyone's eyes were focused on Feng Yixiu.

That kind of look was surprised at first, then turned into Chi Guoguo's contempt, and finally turned into a burst of uproar...

"Where did this tigress come from? This is Qinglong gymnasium, it's not where you, a little tigress, should come!"

"It looks quite handsome, but it's a pity that your brain is not very good. I advise you to leave quickly, otherwise you will be carried out sideways."

"A mere sixth-level battle spirit king dares to come to kick the hall? I am a seventh-level war spirit master. I have been here for more than a year and I am not qualified to meet the curator. What are you?"


A man in a black Taoist robe in the gymnasium, with a vivid blue dragon embroidered on his clothes, seems to be a coach-like figure.

The black-robed man walked over with a cold face, first glanced at Bai Yuan, and then said indifferently: "Jian slave, did you bring this idiot woman?"

"Hey! Who are the idiots talking about?" Feng Yixiu cursed angrily with his arms akimbo.

"You idiot!" The black-robed man retorted without thinking.

Feng Yixiu smiled and touched

Touching his nose, he said lightly, "Oh...an idiot called me..."


Many onlookers around couldn't help laughing out loud, their faces flushed.

At first, the man in black robe didn't react, until he heard the laughter, he slapped Feng Yixiu with an extremely vicious slap, and said angrily, "You're courting death!"

Feng Yixiu smiled coldly, raised his hand lightly, easily blocked the opponent's fierce attack, and locked the opponent's wrist with a backhand buckle.

At this time, the power of Feng Yixiu can no longer be described by common sense. The third-level source warrior plus the power of the dragon, even the fourth-level source warrior will be severely suppressed in front of Feng Yixiu.

"Ka Ka Ka..."

The black-robed man's hand was twisting at an extremely unreasonable angle, and it was about to be completely broken.

When everyone who was still smiling just now saw this scene, they all looked at each other with doubts written all over their faces.

This black-robed trainer is a master of the fourth-order source martial artist, but he was suppressed by a weak-looking girl with one hand!

It's too outrageous!

"You... let me go!" The black-robed man grinned in pain, his body was constantly bending, and his knees were constantly approaching the ground.

Feng Yexiu sneered and said, "Just let me go if you tell me to let go. Wouldn't it be embarrassing for me?"

"You are all wooden people! Aren't you just a sixth-level battle spirit king? You are the best!" The black-robed man couldn't break free by himself, and began to seek help from others.

But the onlookers all took a few steps back, no one dared to provoke Feng Yixiu, this is simply a Vajra Barbie, one cannot be provoked...

"You bunch of idiots! Didn't you yell for joy just now?" Seeing that no one could save him, the black-robed man immediately came up with another way: "If anyone saves me, I'll take him to see the curator!"

Immediately, many reckless men rushed up, but before he got close to Feng Yixiu, he pushed the black robed man away with one palm, and knocked down a large group of people who rushed over.

Feng Yixiu saw that there happened to be an equipment specially used for strength training next to him, and he punched the fist handle!


There was only a loud bang, and the entire fist was torn apart, and the force gauge was blown to smoke...

It was an instrument with a power limit of 100,000 Dingli, which can be used by ordinary fourth-order source warriors, but it was blown away by a single punch!

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