God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1307 Winning Hearts

"It seems that you have a good vision. I am indeed the owner of the Azure Dragon Gym. You can call me Long Lan." The woman in black opened her lips and began to introduce herself.

"Are you the owner of the gymnasium here? This is a bit of a look. I thought the famous Qinglong gymnasium was full of rotten fish and rotten shrimp..." Feng Yixiu sneered, completely ignoring the coaches around him. Put it in your eyes.

"My lord, they are here to kick the gym. They don't pay attention to our Azure Dragon Gym at all!"

The frightened coach in black stood up slowly, pointed at Feng Yixiu and Bai Yuan angrily, and roared.

"In your opinion, how should I deal with them?" Long Lan lightly held his chin, distracted.

"In my opinion! Let's beat them into cripples and throw them out of the Qinglong gymnasium, otherwise, where will we put our face in the future!" the black-clothed coach murmured softly.

"Oh? Are you teaching me how to do things?"

Long Lan's crescent-like eyes gradually became darker, like a poisonous snake that might get angry at any time, making people shudder.

Before the black-clothed coach could react, a delicate green fingertip appeared on Long Lan's slender fingertips, like a poisonous scorpion attacking at such a speed that it was difficult for the naked eye to catch it.

The green fingertips were like the needles behind the tail of a poisonous scorpion, piercing the neck of the black-robed coach with ease, and the terrifying speed spread instantly.

Cobweb-like poisonous lines appeared on the wound on the neck of the black-robed coach, and they expanded at a very fast speed. Dark green blood began to flow out of his mouth, but he couldn't speak at all. .

After a while, the black-robed coach fell to the ground, his whole body twitching uncontrollably, extremely miserable.

"Come on! Throw him out of the Azure Dragon Gym, and he will never be hired again." Long Lan didn't look at the man in black from the beginning to the end, but waved his hand lightly.

Immediately, the man who was still twitching was carried out. As for how to deal with it later, Feng Yixiu couldn't do anything about it. I'm afraid it wouldn't be too good.

Long Lan clapped his hands lightly, regained his harmonious smiling face, and said softly: "The purpose of our Azure Dragon Gymnasium has always been to make friends with talents from all walks of life. Naturally, everyone is welcome to come and communicate. If you have the ability of this girl, there will be no problem in kicking the gymnasium."

The fear in the eyes of the onlookers was gradually dispelled, and with just a few words, the prestige of the Azure Dragon Gym was re-established.

Feng Yixiu naturally knew that he was doing this for himself. If he hadn't shown enough value, he might be the one who was carried out.

This woman's method is not simple...

"Girl, if you don't dislike it, can you please go upstairs and discuss in detail?" Long Lan slowly put her eyes on Feng Yixiu and said calmly.

Feng Yixiu tried his best to hold back his joy, and in order not to make the other party suspicious, he said coldly: "What do we have to talk about, I don't know you well..."

"Girl's talent, if she is cultivated, she will definitely become a giant in the future. If possible, would you like to join our Long Family?" Long Lan said with a smile on her face.

"Is there any benefit to joining your Long Family?" Feng Yixiu frowned.

Long Lan was also taken aback for a moment, obviously he didn't expect Feng Yixiu to refuse again, and said again: "The resources of the Long family are comparable to those of the Four Great Holy Courts, and they also have such priceless treasures as the True Dragon Crystal Core. , if you agree, I can apply for you a true dragon crystal core you need, and I will also distribute you a large amount of alliance currency and spirit crystal resources every month..."

"This... this is a bit attractive..." Feng Yixiu smiled and stroked his chin.

It turned out that they recruited talents in this way, and the conditions were indeed very attractive, that is to say, he could not be moved.

Seeing such high-quality conditions, ordinary people probably couldn't wait to agree to it. No wonder they were able to win over so many geniuses.

The reason why he didn't agree immediately was that he didn't want the other party to be suspicious, as long as he was more unwilling, the other party's wariness would be less.

Seeing Feng Yixiu's heart moved, Long Lan said with a smile, "There are a lot of people here, let's go to the third floor and discuss in detail..."

After saying that, the woman in black walked towards the third floor on her own, and the crowd parted ways again.

Everyone looked at Feng Yixiu again with envy and jealousy in their eyes. They all wanted to be selected by the Long family but could not.

Feng Yixiu came to Qinglong Gym for the first time, and turned the Qinglong Gym upside down. Not only was he not punished, he was even treated as a guest.

Many people are still praising Director Long for his broad-mindedness, and their desire to enter the Long family has become stronger...

"Curator Long, I have been here for more than a year, when can I join the Long Family?"

A courageous man suddenly said loudly, but he spoke the aspirations of many people, and immediately aroused the sympathy of many people.

Long Lan looked back and smiled, and said with a flowery smile: "As long as you are good enough, you will be selected one day, work hard..."

Feng Yixiu was stunned for a while, the brainwashing technique of the Long family is really amazing, it makes these people scramble to become a blood psychic one by one!

After a while, Feng Yixiu and Bai Yuan followed Long Lan's footsteps to the third floor of Qinglong gymnasium.

As soon as Feng Yixiu entered the third floor, he felt a strange aura, and many unkind eyes were cast on him.

Qinglong Gymnasium's third

The first floor is even more unique, the number is only a few dozen people, but the aura exuded by each person is even more terrifying, obviously much stronger than the group of people on the second floor.

From this point of view, the first and second floors of Qinglong Gymnasium are all blindfolds, and the third floor is their core area. No wonder there are people guarding them all the time.

Feng Yixiu's first impression of these people is that something is not right, not only the eyes are not right, but also the breath exuding faintly is not quite right.

There seems to be a faint smell of blood in this breath, which is a fierce breath that can only be formed by drinking blood for a long time.

Ordinary people may not be aware of it, but they can't escape Feng Yixiu's eyes, after all, he knows blood mages very well.

"What are you looking at? Go back to training!" Long Lan roared angrily, and those people dispersed tactfully.

"Sorry, I made you laugh, please come with me..." Long Lan walked into an office, which was the room exclusively for the curator.

Feng Yixiu and Bai Yuan followed closely behind, and the moment they stepped into it, they also smelled a faint smell of blood. Although it is covered by a strong scent of high-end perfume, it still does not escape Feng Yixiu's keen perception.

"Please sit down, little girl, don't be restrained..." Long Lan took the lead to sit down, and very naturally took out a women's cigarette from the drawer and put it near her mouth.

But when he was about to ignite the lighter, he found that the lighter was out of oil.

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