God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1319 Senior Deacon

"What? Brother Niu, what are you doing in this ghostly place?" The woman in blue couldn't understand.

"On the one hand, it is to force myself to become a rebel, but the most important thing is to accumulate blood points. Although the Endless Colosseum is full of dangers, but as the so-called seeking wealth and danger, this is also one of the fastest ways to accumulate blood points. Those who go out here are at least senior deacons!" Niu Haolang said.

"Senior deacon! The prison envoy who has been taking care of us is only a mid-level deacon. If you really go out, you are not her boss. No wonder she has been so polite to you." The woman in blue said with a look of surprise.

"Hahaha... What is a mere prison envoy? My goal is to become a high-ranking deacon, who is on an equal footing with the warden!" Lao Niu laughed triumphantly.

"Brother Niu, why do you know this place so well?" the woman in blue asked curiously.

"Let me tell you the truth... the warden told me the secret here! When the warden was not a blood psychic, I had a lifelong friendship with him." Lao Niu laughed.

"If Brother Niu is really prosperous, remember not to forget us then!" the woman in red said softly, showing her charming posture.

"As long as you take good care of me, I will naturally not forget you!" Niu Hao squeezed the person next to him dishonestly, hugging left and right and laughing.

During the whole process, the prison envoy who led the team didn't say a word, but the face hidden under the mask was already flushed with anger, and his eyes could almost burst into flames.

"Hmph... just because you still want to become a high-level deacon, you want to step on my head, dream about you!" The ghost-faced prison envoy cursed in his heart.

Feng Yixiu didn't interrupt from the beginning to the end, but he kept all these key information in his heart. It turns out that this endless Colosseum is such a place where opportunities and dangers coexist.

It seems that it is not all a bad thing for me to come here by accident, maybe I can get a higher starting point by virtue of this place.

From Niu Hao's words just now, it can be heard that the blood points obtained here can also be used in the entire Taotie Dungeon, and the blood points have a crucial relationship with their own position.

You can become a senior deacon with 10,000 blood points, but you don't know what level is above becoming a senior deacon, so you must find a way to get more blood points...

The ear-piercing noises and cheers were getting closer, Feng Yixiu slowly opened his eyes, and after a month, he finally saw the Endless Colosseum again.

The huge prison van slowly pushed into the endless Colosseum, the deafening cheers made Feng Yixiu frowned, and the ring-shaped Colosseum auditorium was already full of seats.

More than half of the audience here are blood mages, and the other half are monsters that can transform into human form. Their nature is to like violence and gore, and the endless Colosseum is one of the most popular entertainment items for these people.

However, tickets to the Endless Colosseum are very expensive. The average low-level blood magus doesn't have extra blood points to spend here. The blood magus who can come here are all good high-level blood magus.

Feng Yixiu glanced around, and found that the scale of this place was much larger than he imagined, and the number of people probably exceeded 30,000.

When his eyes swept to a certain place, his eyes froze instantly, because he saw an acquaintance, it was the black-veiled woman who brought him here with her own hands, the Black Demon Envoy!

The Black Demon Envoy also seemed to have noticed Feng Yixiu's gaze. Looking at each other from a distance, the corners of his mouth curled into an intriguing arc, with indescribable pride and sarcasm.

But the status of this Black Demon Envoy is not the highest. Beside her is a more noble domineering throne, on which sits a middle-aged man with a fierce face and a burly figure, who is resting with his eyes closed.

However, the image of this middle-aged man is somewhat different from that of normal human beings. He is over five meters tall, has exaggerated large muscles, and has a pair of magic horns exuding a dark atmosphere on his head. Humanoid beast.

The huge prison cart slowly approached the center of the endless Colosseum, and finally transported them all to the very center of the Colosseum.

There is a huge semi-circular cage, which seems to be prepared for these players participating in the Colosseum.

Sure enough, the prison guards removed all the shackles from Feng Yixiu, Niu Hao and the others, and then roughly drove them into this small cage.

After everything was ready, the prisoner led his men to evacuate the Endless Colosseum, but the moment they left, the entire Endless Colosseum began to undergo earth-shaking changes.

A light red barrier appeared on the periphery of the Colosseum, completely separating the Colosseum from the auditorium. There was also a wide lava gap around the periphery, and hot flames were still gushing out from time to time.

Before the beast fight started, the atmosphere at the scene was already very enthusiastic, and those crazy blood mages and monsters were all cheering excitedly.

Above the VIP seats, the horned man seemed to be awakened by the lively atmosphere, and gradually opened his eyes, a fierce aura unconsciously spread out.

In an instant, the domineering aura of the king covered the entire Endless Colosseum, and the auditorium, which was so noisy just now, instantly became audible and terrifyingly quiet.

The aura of this horned man is simply too astonishing, it doesn't seem to be the aura of a blood mage, but the fierce aura emanating from a real monster!

When Feng Yixiu felt this powerful aura, his face couldn't help becoming a little heavy.

The head man turned out to be a master-level monster...

This powerful aura is only slightly weaker than that of the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox, so it is already a very terrifying existence.

You must know that the nine-tailed sky fox is a powerful race in legends, an existence that can be evenly matched with the real dragons. The tauren man is only weaker than the nine-tailed sky fox. Presumably the main body is also an extremely powerful monster race.

At this time, the bull-headed man seemed a little uninterested, and slowly looked at a trembling man beside him, and said coldly: "Since you are ready, let's start..."

"Obey! My lord!"

The person named by the head of the Bull Head Palace just now is the manager of this Endless Colosseum, and also the warden of the Dark Dungeon, an eighth-level Blood Spirit Emperor powerhouse.

But even such a powerful existence would not dare to speak loudly in front of the Niutou Palace Master, and seemed extremely cautious.

The warden was wearing a blood-red uniform, his expression looked a little solemn, and he gestured to the ghost-faced woman beside him with his eyes.

The ghost woman immediately picked up a tablet device, which was connected to the public display screen of the Endless Colosseum.


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