God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1329 Deception

The Dark Demon Ambassador returned the microphone to the host, and slowly returned to his seat, wanting to ask the reason but dared not.

The Lord of the Niutou suddenly said: "This human woman is not simple... She still chose one-vs-10, but this time not only did not increase the difficulty of one-vs-10, but it greatly reduced the difficulty."

"My lord? What do you mean by that? One pick can lower the difficulty?" The Black Demon Envoy was confused, with question marks all over his head.

"This is because you don't know much about the evil-eyed sky spider. The evil-eyed sky spider has a strong sense of territory and is extremely arrogant in its heart. It will never cooperate with other monsters!" the Bull Head Palace Master explained.

Hearing this, the Black Demon Envoy suddenly realized, and his complacent face just now turned green in an instant.

Damn it...was placed again!

"My lord, at such a young age, Li Xiufeng shouldn't have such extensive knowledge. She must have not thought of this level. Maybe it was a mistake..." After calming down, the Black Demon Envoy smiled.

"Maybe... To be honest, I don't really believe it. Just by watching how he responds, you should be able to see his true thoughts." The master of the Niutou Palace was expressionless, and his eyes were always on the Colosseum below the stage. .

The host picked up the microphone again, and said: "This newcomer is really a group of dark horses. He even chose to leapfrog the challenge, and he is also a powerful monster on the list of ten natural disasters. Will he be able to create a miracle? Let us wait and see!"

The prison envoy had finished operating while the host was speaking, and the name of the monster on the public big screen changed again, from a purple-gold square to a black-gold square.

The visual effect of a row of neat black and gold square frames is extremely shocking. From top to bottom, it is NO.1~, and the first one is the evil-eyed sky spider!

Feng Yixiu didn't even bother to look up at the big screen, anyway, it was enough to know that the strongest of the ten monsters was the Xieyan Sky Spider, he didn't want to know what the other monsters were, and he didn't need to know...


After everything was ready, the phenomenon of space tearing began to appear in all directions of the Endless Colosseum, and various elemental storms were raging crazily.

These ten dark cracks brought an extremely shocking visual effect, which was not comparable to that of the previous disaster-level monsters.

Feng Yixiu didn't stand in the center of the endless Colosseum this time, but he suddenly started to step in the air, and rushed towards the largest dark crack in the sky.

For a moment, everyone was stunned, that was the dark crack of the evil-eyed sky spider, what exactly did he want to do?

I saw that Feng Yixiu's speed was extremely fast, and several of them stepped in the air suddenly, like a thunderbolt rushing.

To everyone's surprise, Feng Yixiu bypassed the dark crack, came to the back of the dark crack, and began to slowly restrain all his aura.

"This... what kind of operation is this? Isn't this just deceiving yourself..."

"Could it be that she is afraid? Wasn't she very arrogant just now?"

"But isn't it too late to hide now? Those monsters are not fools. Even if the evil-eyed sky spider can't see him, other monsters can see it too..."

Everyone in the audience looked puzzled. They were crazy before, but now they are hiding at the beginning of the game!

Everyone in the audience showed contemptuous gazes, except for the Black Demon Envoy and the Master of the Bull Head Hall, who looked dignified.

"My lord's guess is right...she really understands the habits of the evil-eyed sky spider." The Black Demon Envoy smiled wryly and said softly.

The Lord of the Bull Head Palace nodded slightly, and did not speak, but stared intently at what happened in the Colosseum.

This human woman is not only superior in strength, but also has a frighteningly wide range of knowledge. She actually understands the habits and characteristics of the evil-eyed sky spider.

And can use this habit to fight, this ability to adapt to changes is very scary...

At this moment, the Lord of the Niutou Palace became more and more frightened, he already felt that he must keep Feng Yixiu no matter what, even if it violated the rules of the Endless Colosseum!

I saw that the head master of the bull head condensed a black mace at some point, this is his natal magic soldier, possessing terrifying and destructive power that can destroy the world.

If Feng Yixiu really encountered any danger to his life, he would take action immediately...

Feng Yixiu's current position is very tricky, because the position of the evil-eyed sky spider is in the most central position, so except for the evil-eyed sky spider, other monsters can see Feng Yixiu when they come out.

But this is exactly what Feng Yixiu wants to see. He just wants to attract other monsters to attack him. When the time comes, let the evil-eyed sky spider help him get rid of those monsters.


A deep roar came from the dark crack in front of Feng Yixiu. Being so close to the Evil Eye Sky Spider was indeed a test of psychological quality.

Feng Yixiu didn't move from the beginning to the end, and held his breath, so the beating speed of his heart slowed down.

Under the noisy environment, the Xieyan Sky Spider did not notice Feng Yixiu behind it, but instead noticed a few monsters around it, and let out a warning low growl.

Those monsters seemed to be a little afraid of the evil-eyed sky spider. Although they saw Feng Yixiu, they didn't dare to approach it for a while.

But the fact that the other monsters didn't come over didn't mean that the Evil-Eyed Sky Spider wouldn't go over, and it roared at the second-ranked Jasper Scorpion like a demonstration.

The Jasper Scorpion is the second-ranked monster on the list of natural disasters. Although it is not as powerful as the evil-eyed sky spider, it cannot afford to lose it in front of so many monsters.

Save face.


The jasper poisonous scorpion didn't come close, and waved the jasper poisonous needle hanging behind it high, the dark green venom dripping from the tail needle in the seam little by little.

The Evil-Eyed Sky Spider made a move without warning, and suddenly spit out a huge lava web from its abdomen, covering the Jasper Poisonous Scorpion overwhelmingly.

The evil-eyed sky spider was taught a lesson by the master of the bull head before, and she was already in a bad mood. Since this jasper poisonous scorpion dared to challenge her, it was even more furious!

The jasper poisonous scorpion didn't expect that the evil-eyed sky spider would actually make a move after a disagreement, and was caught off guard, and the jasper scorpion couldn't move at all due to the fiery net.

But the most unlucky one was the fourth-ranked lava monster next to the jasper poisonous scorpion. It looked honest, but it was also caught by the huge spider web for no reason.

The tenacity of the arm-thick spider web is simply astonishing. No matter how hard the jasper poisonous scorpion and the lava monster struggle, they cannot break free from the spider web at all.

The evil-eyed sky spider is not only amazing in size, but also extremely powerful. Two natural disaster-level monsters were easily dragged by it.

Like a top fisherman, it brought back the net little by little. It seems to enjoy this kind of hunting very much, no matter whether the prey is a human or a monster!

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