However, if there is the assistance of the Black Thorn Queen's Sen Luo Domain, this shortcoming will no longer exist, but now Feng Yixiu does not intend to use the second battle spirit.

Because he wants to preserve his strength as much as possible, after all, the characteristics of Xiao Yao's battle spirit skills are still very obvious, and he can't use them lightly unless it is absolutely necessary.

The Devil's Book automatically flew out without wind, and two Devil's Books flew out quickly, one gold and one black gold monster card, all of which were Thunder-type monster cards.

The Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex - Overlord!

Annihilate Jielong—— Jielei!

Armed with two Thunder-type monster cards, the blue thunder around the Azure Jade Dragon began to change.

Several different types of thunder began to gradually merge, becoming a more powerful three-color glazed thunder!

Feeling the terrifying thunder energy, the evil-eyed sky spider also consciously stepped back a dozen steps. It was a little timid even though it was always proud!

"Lightning storm!"

Feng Yixiu was already preparing for a quick battle, and immediately began to prepare for a fierce offensive, and he took advantage of the right time and place when he started.

A huge colorful thundercloud began to grow on the top of the seven azure jade dragons, and the thunder contained in it was the three-talented glazed thunder.

And these thunderbolts faintly began to merge together gradually, and the coverage area became larger and larger, with piercing thunderclaps exploding from time to time.

When the thunder reaches a certain range, it will be the time when the 'Hall of Thunder' is activated, and the evil-eyed sky spider will probably turn into a roasted spider...

The Xieyan Sky Spider looked at everything in front of him, so he could only bite the bullet and start attacking, but the target of his attack was not the Azure Jade Dragon, but Feng Yixiu who was standing on top of the Sky Azure Jade Dragon!

"call out!"

There was a sound like a strong attacking crossbow, and the evil-eyed sky spider shot out a huge net from the abdomen, and the coverage reached a terrifying 500 meters!

This is one of the Demonic Beast skills that the Evil-eyed Sky Spider is proud of. It is called Tian Luo Di Wang, a very strong control skill!

As long as it is bound by Skynet, the probability of escaping is very small. It is not only very tough, but also has a terrifying fire poison!

The blue-eyed poisonous scorpion and the giant lava beast suffered from this, and eventually became the prey of the evil-eyed sky spider...

Feng Yixiu looked at the net that was gradually approaching, but he didn't pay attention to it at all, and didn't even move a step.

I saw golden thunder light erupting all over the Azure Jade Linlong, as if forming a golden protective cover.

As soon as the huge sky net approached, it was bounced off by the golden lightning cover, and the effect of the domineering golden thunder was brought into full play.

"I'm sorry... my domineering Jinlei is in a control-free dominance state, you better not waste your efforts, little spider!" Feng Yixiu sneered and said loudly.

Seeing that the control had no effect, the evil-eyed sky spider could only launch a strong attack again, and the flames on the eight strange evil eyes gradually became more dazzling.


The eight evil eyes burst out a crimson flame beam at the same time, and then all gathered together to form an even larger flame beam.

This is the most powerful attack skill of the Evil Eye Sky Spider, Evil Eye Aurora!

"Hmph! It's just a useless struggle!"

"The Roar of the Thunder Dragon!"

Feng Yixiu gave an order, and the mouths of the seven azure jade dragons burst out a glass-colored thunder light, and these seven rays of light converged into one, like a galaxy descending from the nine heavens.


Under the collision of the two extreme forces, a dazzling white light group was formed, followed by a terrifying shock wave spreading out like a stormy sea.

All the audience in the Endless Colosseum were forced to cover their eyes, and they could barely see what happened on the stage through their fingers.

"Oh my God! Is this really a complete battle spirit? Why do I think some ultimate battle spirits are nothing more than this..."

"Sixth-level full-body combat spirit and hard-bodied natural disaster-level monsters, I can only say two words, outrageous!"

"Didn't you hear what the Lord Master said just now? This real dragon battle spirit is an ultra-limit battle spirit!"

"What! Do ultra-extreme war spirits really exist in this world?!"


When the white light gradually went out, a huge smooth pit appeared in the center of the Endless Colosseum.

However, the Xieyan Sky Spider didn't seem to have suffered much damage, it just seemed a little weaker...

Feng Yixiu looked at the unscathed Evil-Eyed Sky Spider, and secretly exclaimed: "It's really troublesome... If it's not that you can't reveal your hole card, it's just an Evil-Eyed Sky Spider, you can kill it with your hand!"

But he suddenly thought of a crucial question, killing the evil-eyed sky spider is not difficult, but isn't it impossible for him to become a rebel!

This is a good opportunity to take the opportunity to become a rebel, otherwise it will not be so easy to find a reason to become a blood magus in the future...

"I almost missed a major event!" Feng Yixiu scolded himself angrily, "Hey...acting is really tiring."

He slowly raised his head to glance at the glazed thundercloud above his head, and found that the scope of the lightning storm was large enough.

He waved his hand lightly, and the huge thundercloud slowly moved towards the evil-eyed sky spider.

The moving speed of this glazed thundercloud was deliberately slowed down by Feng Yixiu, but it was not too obvious.

When the Xieyan Sky Spider saw Liuli Leiyun coming towards him, his heart was broken.

The glazed thundercloud covered hundreds of meters. The evil-eyed sky spider ran away without even thinking about the terrifying scene like a thunderbolt descending into the world!


The frightening thing is that the lightning storm landed like rain, but wherever it was swept away, it left a piece of scorched earth!

However, it was still unable to catch up with the Evil-Eyed Sky Spider, which was fleeing at high speed, so it could only follow closely behind it.

"Hey...that's what I want!"

Feng Yixiu secretly laughed in his heart, but a sad expression appeared on his face, and he jumped off the head of the Azure Jade Linlong suddenly.

The Xieyan Sky Spider was even more overjoyed seeing Feng Yixiu jumping down, it couldn't beat the Azure Jade Dragon, and you, a little human!

I saw it rushing towards Feng Yixiu like crazy, its legs as strong as springs leaped to a height of more than 100 meters.

Feng Yixiu held the Azure Dragon Holy Spear tightly in his hand, and secretly sighed, "Good time!"

With a sudden step, he rushed towards the Xieyan Sky Spider head-on, and a fierce and domineering shot burst into a dazzling thunder.

Not to be outdone, the evil-eyed sky spider rushed towards Feng Yixiu indiscriminately with the eight evil-eyed aurora, and Feng Yixiu could only keep dodging.


The first collision between the Azure Dragon Holy Lance and the Xieyan Sky Spider's chelicer made a dull metal crashing sound.

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