God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1340 Collecting Information

When Feng Yixiu saw the SSS-level bulletin board, he was also taken aback. The difficulty of the task here can be said to have reached the extreme.

He actually saw the reward orders of the Seven Marshals here, as well as the reward orders of the other three Patriarchs besides Long Xiao!

These are big figures who are the mainstay in the world of war spirits. Unexpectedly, these big figures are also on the reward list of the evil spirits.

The reward amount can be said to be an astronomical figure, Huazhong Marshal Luo Xingyun's reward is as high as 100 million!

And this is not the highest, the highest is North China Marshal Gu Yuan, and his bounty is an astronomical figure...

Judging from the dusty situation on the reward orders, these reward orders have been hung up for a long time, and no one has opened their eyes to accept such suicidal tasks.

The reason why Feng Yixiu skimmed through all the bulletin boards was not because he was idle, but because he was searching for valuable information.

Because these reward orders can reflect many things, for example, those who should have appeared on the reward order but did not show up, these people are likely to be the insiders planted by the evil people.

Long Xiao's absence from the reward order has already proved this point. As long as the reward order is reversed, I am afraid that all the moths in the War Spirit Alliance can be pulled out!

High-level blood magisters can pretend to be war magisters, but war psychics cannot pretend to be blood magisters. Most of the people who want to go undercover have become real blood magisters.

The long-term blood drinking and brutality can almost quickly destroy the belief of a normal person, assimilating him into a blood mage with no bottom line.

After paying a heavy price, the Alliance of Fighting Spirits gave up their plan to plant an insider in the Sky Ominous People. Because that is really not worth the candle, and the War Spirit Alliance has lost many outstanding talents.

Bai Yuan was one of the few people who joined the evil crowd, but he was forced to become a blood mage by accident, not due to the plan of the War Spirit Alliance, but it is difficult for such a person to become a core cadre above the priest level.

Not only do they have no dignity at all among the evil spirits, but they also have no chance to get in touch with high-level tasks. They couldn't even go up to the second floor of the Heavenly Fiend Hall, let alone provide any valuable information.

Feng Yixiu can be said to be the only insider who has entered the highest level of Tianjiutang, so naturally he will not waste this excellent opportunity...

The man in white saw Feng Yixiu staring at the SSS-level bulletin board for a long time, and laughed, "Are you sure you're not here to be funny? Do you really think you're here for shopping?"

Feng Yixiu said indifferently: "I don't seem to need your permission for what I do?"

"I don't care where you go, but we, the Fiends of the Sky, never support idlers. If you don't complete a task above S rank today, then don't blame me for going to the Blood Blade Hall to sue you!" The man in white sternly said road.

Sylvia reminded in a low voice: "Our priests must complete a mission above S rank every month. If you don't complete a mission today, you will be severely punished by the Blood Blade Hall. Otherwise, I wouldn't be in such a hurry Let’s take you to the Heaven’s Fierce Hall to pick up the quest, why don’t we just pick up an S-level quest, even though the blood points are less, at least we won’t be severely punished.”

"Elder Sister, don't waste your words in vain. If I remember correctly, today should be the 30th day since this big celebrity came to the Gluttonous Demon Palace. That is to say, unless you complete the task today, otherwise, I'm afraid If you can't keep your position as a priest, I'm afraid you will suffer some flesh and blood!" The man in white said coldly.

"Zhou Yuan, how did my junior sister offend you, that you are targeting her like this?" Sylvia glared at the man in white, and said through gritted teeth.

Although this is the rule of the evil people, if no one reports it, the Blood Blade Hall will not check it one by one, but if someone is serious, it may not be so easy to escape.

In order to maintain the strict rules of the fierce people, the Blood Blade Hall will not care about Feng Yixiu's identity, and will definitely enforce the law impartially. I am afraid that the Lord of the Bull Head will not be able to protect her if he comes forward.

Zhou Yuan sneered, and said lightly: "Hehe... How did you offend me? I think she should be very clear in her heart! Even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu comes today, I can't keep him, I said it!"

"You are forcing me to do something to you!"

Sylvia's eyes gradually became gloomy and cold, and gorgeous six wings gradually appeared behind her, and the violent spiritual pressure gradually spread out.

"Elder Sister, I am indeed not your opponent, but it is a felony to attack a colleague for no reason. Besides, the people in our worship hall are not vegetarians. Are you sure you want to attack me?"

Zhou Yuan had no intention of fighting at all, and spread his arms with a rascal face, as if a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

"you wanna die!"

When Sylvia was about to make a move, she was stopped by Feng Yixiu.

"Why are you stopping me? If he really reports you, do you know how serious the consequences will be?" Sylvia was a little puzzled.

Feng Yixiu shook his head, and said lightly: "Senior sister, don't worry, it will take half a day. I can finish it in half a day, and it's not a big deal. I won't make such a big move..."

"Hey... What you said is easy. Even if you want to complete the S-level task now, it will take three days at the fastest. Now it only takes half a day. It is obviously too late." Sylvia sighed.

"Don't panic, half a day is more than enough." Feng Yixiu smiled and wrote lightly.

"Hahaha... I think your brain has been kicked by a donkey. Even a newcomer dares to speak out, so I want to see you

How to complete the S-level task in half a day! "Zhou Yuan roared.

Feng Yixiu didn't pay attention to Zhou Yuan's ridicule, but reached out to pick off a dusty reward task on the SSS bulletin board.

For a moment, everyone was stunned by Feng Yixiu's actions. They thought that Feng Yixiu would accept the S-level reward task, but they didn't expect him to accept the SSS-level task!

In their eyes, such behavior is no different from suicide...

Feng Yixiu took advantage of the time when Sylvia was in a daze, and connected three SSS-level reward tasks, and was about to reach out to continue tearing up the reward orders.

Sylvia finally came to her senses, immediately grabbed Feng Yixiu's wrist, and said in shock, "Junior Sister?! What are you doing, don't let it go!"

Zhou Yuan, on the other hand, was trembling with excitement, and laughed wildly: "Hahaha... this is not a matter of flesh and blood, if you can't complete the mission, you will deduct double blood points, these reward orders Enough for you to die dozens of times!"

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