God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1345 Unparalleled

"Hall Master, please forgive me... this guy bewitched me to come here, otherwise I wouldn't dare touch your beloved disciple even if I had a hundred guts!"

The Great Elder was already terrified by the Hall Master of the Bull Head, and pointed at Zhou Yuan in a flustered expression.

"That's right! This kid is the one who dragged me here!" The great priest quickly echoed.

When everyone heard that the master of Niutou called Feng Yixiu his beloved disciple, they also had strange expressions.

It has been a month since the Lord of the Niutou Temple has summoned Feng Yixiu, and he has not arranged any position for him, so you have the nerve to call him a lover?

But they only dared to mutter a few words in their hearts, no one dared to disobey the intention of the Niutou Palace Master.

The Lord of the Niutou slowly locked his eyes on Zhou Yuan who was kneeling on the ground, and his brows could not help but frown tightly.

Zhou Yuan was completely terrified, and kept kneeling in the direction of the Niutou Palace Master, but before he could open his mouth to intercede, he saw the Niutou Palace Master's palm reaching towards the void.


The person who was still alive just now turned into a cloud of blood mist and disappeared completely.

There was a faint smell of blood in the air, and the bull head palace master was still expressionless, as if he had just slaughtered a pig and dog.

Zhou Yuan was one of the top ten worshipers in the worship hall, and his realm had reached the level of the eighth-level War Spirit Venerable, yet he was killed by the bull head palace master with a single move!

If the former Lord of the Bull Head Palace couldn't do it, it means that after evolution, his current strength has reached an extremely terrifying state.

The Lord of Niutou looked around, and said calmly: "Feng'er is my beloved disciple, let alone a mere enshrinement, even if the two of you dare to touch a hair on him, you will end up just like this person!"

"Yes Yes Yes……"

The Great Elder and the Great Priest nodded like smashing garlic, as if they were alive after a catastrophe.

The two of them had never seen such a big fire from the bull head priest. They were also important figures in the Taotie Demon Palace, and they were ridiculed in public like this.

This also shows how important Feng Yixiu's position is in the mind of the Niutou Palace Master...

Seeing that Feng Yixiu was still sound asleep, Sylvia was about to wake him up, but was stopped by the Lord of the Bull Head.

"I heard that the task of researching spirits consumes a lot of brain power. I guess Feng'er was pushed too hard by these people, resulting in too much brain power consumption. That's why he's so tired. Let him sleep for a while..." Hall Master Niutou whispered.

"Hallmaster is right..."

The always cold deputy hall master also nodded in agreement.

"Then after Junior Sister wakes up, I'll let him find you?" Sylvia said in a deep voice.

"No need, I'll just wait here for him to wake up..." Hall Master Niutou waved his hand and said calmly.

After all, the Lord of the Niutou really stood there, quietly waiting for Feng Yixiu to wake up.

The scenes at the scene were extremely weird, the two masters of the Taotie Demon Palace were standing beside Feng Yixiu like doormen, and they showed no sign of impatience.

The Great Elder of the Blood Blade Hall and the Great Priest of the Enshrining Hall wanted to leave here quickly, but seeing the two Hall Masters obediently waiting here, how dare they move half a step!

The two hunched their bodies and waited nervously for Feng Yixiu to wake up, but they were also afraid that Feng Yixiu would pursue them after waking up, and their hearts were extremely tormented.

Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw this scene, and the shock in their hearts could no longer be expressed in words.

It is eye-opening that these high-ranking figures in ordinary times have such a humble side.

The big bosses didn't leave, and the rest of the priests didn't dare to move, they didn't even dare to find a place to sit down, even if their feet were already numb...


About two hours later, Feng Yixiu slowly woke up from his deep sleep, and stretched himself very comfortably.

But when I saw the picture in front of me, I was stunned, and I wondered if I hadn't woken up yet...

I saw the Bull Head Hall Master standing in front of him with a smile all over his face, and a man in a black robe that he had never met before also showed a somewhat stiff smile.

After the Great Elder and the Great Priest saw Feng Yixiu wake up, they looked at Feng Yixiu flatteringly, nodding and bowing, which seemed a little funny.

"Who are you?" Feng Yixiu asked in confusion.

"Hahaha...Feng'er, you're finally awake!" Hall Master Niutou said a little excitedly.

Feng Yixiu was not used to looking at the smiling Bull Head Palace Master, and he didn't react for a long time.

"Feng'er! I've been too busy as a teacher these days, and I've neglected you a little bit. You won't be angry with me, right?" said the Niutou Palace Master with a smile.

"No...not angry, how dare I be angry with Master." Feng Yixiu smiled awkwardly.

"It's good not to be angry. I didn't expect you to be a peerless master of spiritual research. Why didn't you tell the master earlier?" the master of Niutou said in a deep voice.

"Master Yanling is not really a master, he just has some superficial research..." Feng Yixiu touched his nose and said lightly.

"It's rare! I am ashamed to have such a heart at such a young age..." Hall Master Gongsun looked at Feng Yixiu appreciatively, and nodded.

"If your research is considered superficial, then all the spiritual masters in this world are useless! The evolution plan you wrote before has doubled my strength!" The master of the bull head said a little excitedly.

"Such a young genius,

I've only seen it in my life..." Vice-Hall Master Feng Kui also nodded secretly.

"It's just luck..." Feng Yixiu waved his hand and said calmly.

Even though he said so, Feng Yixiu himself was taken aback. The black evolution is really terrifying, and it can double his strength!

But after thinking about the side effects, Feng Yixiu is relieved, I hope you can still laugh after a month...

"Master, I will arrange a position for you now. As long as you ask, no matter what the position is, even if it is the position of the great elder of the blood blade hall or the position of the chief enshrined in the worship hall, I will agree to you!" The master of the bull head hall waved his hand and said proudly.


Both the Great Elder and the Great Priest turned green.

"What? Do you have any opinions?" The Lord of the Niutou glared at them angrily.

"No...no, that's our honor, how dare we have any opinions." The Great Elder nodded repeatedly.

Hearing this, the corners of Feng Yixiu's mouth rose slightly, his thoughts turned.

Now that the owner of the Niutou Palace should have completely dispelled his doubts about himself, he was looking for an opportunity to investigate the evidence of the collusion between the Long Family and the Taotie Demon Palace.

But he didn't know which department was responsible for connecting with the Long family, and it seemed a bit abrupt to ask directly...

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