Feng Kui said in a deep voice: "It stands to reason that for such a large-scale operation, it is impossible for the other party to come with only two marshals. They must have something to rely on and have to guard against..."

"Huh... don't grow up with other people's aspirations, destroy our prestige! Now that I have evolved into a swallowing cow, what can two war spirit emperors do to me?" the master of Niutou said coldly.

"I always feel that something is wrong. Luo Xingyun and Ye Ming have always been cautious, and they should not fight uncertain battles. We still have to be careful..." Feng Kui frowned.

"Don't worry... this deity knows what's in his heart, just watch my performance later..." The Lord of the Niutou nodded, "Everyone is ready to fight with me. If we win this battle, the entire East China base will be in our pocket , then we don’t need to stay in this dark dungeon all day, and all the humans in the East China base will be our rations!”

"Kill kill kill!!!"

Thousands of days of fierce people shouted in unison, and the will to fight was very strong.

The tremors on the ground became more and more intense, and the storm of sword shadows all over the sky was rapidly approaching the Taotie altar!

"Two marshals, slow down your marching speed a little bit." Feng Yixiu reminded suddenly.

Luo Xingyun glanced at the time, and found that it was a little faster than the planned time. Their attack efficiency was too fast, and they killed the Taotie Palace in less than half an hour.

The two marshals gave an order, and the entire marching speed began to slow down, which was deliberately delaying time.

The Lord of the Niutou Palace naturally felt that the opponent's marching speed was slowing down, and laughed loudly: "This group of cowards! I guess they are afraid of this deity, how did it become so slow?"

Vice-Hall Master Feng Kui said coldly: "When things happen, there must be demons. What the hell are they doing? Shouldn't they be all-in-one?"

The elite blood spirits who had already lined up their defensive formations also showed contemptuous smiles, which seemed to them a sign of fear.

The journey that originally only took five minutes took more than ten minutes, and the two sides finally collided.


Ba Huang Xie was the first to bear the brunt, breaking through the iron barrel-like defensive formation with almost no effort.

Countless elite blood spiritual masters were smashed to pieces, and many were even turned into meatloaf on the spot...

The evolutionary thinking of Ye Ming's ultimate battle spirit is to follow the domineering and unparalleled route, whether it is a monster card or evolution.

"Wanjian - Facing Starfall!"

Luo Xingyun's gaze was as calm as water, and the Star God Sword turned into a rain of swords, pouring in through the loopholes in the defensive formation like a tide.

Countless star swords disintegrated the entire defensive formation from the inside, and the main force of the war spirit successfully broke into the Taotie altar.

The Taotie Altar is the most important place in the Glutton Demon Palace. It is a circular high platform with a diameter of several thousand meters, surrounded by hot blood-colored lava, and there is only one way in and out.

"Hahaha... There is a way to heaven if you don't go, there is no way to hell to come in! The two marshals have come, don't even think about going out!"

The Lord of the Bull Head Hall laughed, and walked to the center of the altar with a black mace in his hand, his arrogance was undoubtedly revealed.

The black wolf-sheep stick is the natal demon soldier of the Lord of the Bull Head. In fact, it is not accurate to call it the wolf-sheep stick. The real name should be the dragon tooth stick.

Legend has it that all the dragon teeth on this dragon tooth stick are the teeth of real dragons, and they are all processed by the real dragons killed by the master of the Niutou Palace.

Ye Ming was the first to fight, and laughed loudly: "I said, old bull head, you'd better find out the situation, you are the ones who are surrounded now!"

"It's you who haven't figured out the situation. This deity has now completed the mutation evolution and successfully evolved into a swallowing cow. You two ignorant juniors. I want to see what you can do to me!" smile.


Luo Xingyun has always been a person who doesn't talk too much harshly, and doesn't even bother to waste words with the head of the Niutou Palace.

The Heavenly Star Sword began to converge rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, it formed a golden giant sword more than two hundred meters long, exuding dazzling golden light.

"Wanxiang Sword Punishment!"

Luo Xingyun pointed lightly, and the golden giant sword attacked the Niutou Palace Master with the sound of breaking the wind.

The master of the Niutou Palace held the Dragon Tooth Stick tightly in both hands, and with the violent thunder force, he faced the Star God's giant sword head-on!


As soon as the two came into contact, there was a sound of gold and stone that resounded through the heaven and earth, arousing a powerful shock wave that spread out.

Everyone within a radius of 100 meters was blown away by this shock wave. This kind of imperial collision is not something ordinary people can bear...

The star god's giant sword was twirling crazily, and countless sword qi surrounded the bull-headed hall master, but these sword qi could not pierce the rock-solid armored skin of the bull-headed hall master after all.

The surface of the bull's head hall master's skin seemed to be covered with a layer of armor like dragon scales, and the tiny sword energy could not harm his body at all.

"The power of a bull!"

The head master of the Niutou let out a roar, and dazzling thunder burst out from his whole body, and the muscles on his two arms bulged like horned dragons.

The stalemate that was still in the balance of power just now was broken, and the star god's giant sword was faintly showing a tendency to disintegrate, with cobweb cracks appearing on it.

Luo Xingyun's forehead also oozes sweat, the strength of the Niutou Palace Master after the mutation evolution is indeed very terrifying...

Monsters of the same level are much stronger than war spirit masters. Normally, only two war spirit emperors can deal with one master level monster.

Luo Xingyun can fight hard

It's not easy not to lose the wind for a long time, not to mention the Swallowing Niuyu who has undergone black evolution.

Seeing this, Ye Ming frowned, and instantly condensed his own spiritual weapon, an infinite war hammer even bigger than him!

"Marshal Luo, I'm here to help you!" Ye Ming rushed out like lightning, reaching hundreds of meters in the air with a single leap.

I saw that Ye Ming was like a hot wheel spinning at high speed, and the Wuji Warhammer in his hand was danced vigorously by him.

The Promise Warhammer is a second-awakened spirit soldier of the strengthening system, which can greatly increase Ye Ming's speed and strength.


The Promise Warhammer slammed into the hilt of the Star God's Great Sword with a mighty force, making a deafening sound of gold and stone.

With the combination of extreme explosive power and extreme penetrating power, the Dragon Tooth Stick began to shatter inch by inch, and finally exploded completely with a bang.

The star god's giant sword still turned into a stream of light and stabbed at the chest of the master of the bull's head, but was tightly held by the master of the bull's head with both hands.

But he couldn't resist it at all, the huge body of the bull head hall master kept falling backwards, his natal magic soldier was broken, blood gradually overflowed from the corner of his mouth...

"Swallow the true body!"

The owner of the Niutou Palace laughed back in anger, his exaggerated body began to swell rapidly, and finally showed the true body of a monster, the swallowing cow!

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