Under the terrifying Kongming Slash, the entire Taotie altar was completely divided into two, like a golden waterfall completely separating it...

"Feng Kui! You've seen enough of this show, if I die, you will be finished too!" Tun Tianniu yelled angrily at the deputy palace master behind him.

"Didn't you say that you can deal with it alone?" Feng Kui walked over slowly, and a huge black wolf gradually gathered around him.

This giant wolf is named Youye Wolf Emperor, and it is also a king-level ultimate blood spirit, a night king who is good at sneak attacks...

"It's been a long time. I didn't expect these two brats to become so difficult. I will deal with Luo Xingyun, and Ye Ming will leave it to you." Tuntian Niujie simply assigned their respective tasks.

"No problem, I'd like to see if the Marshal of East China has improved..." Feng Kui's hands surged with demonic energy, and slowly condensed a sharp blood claw.

As soon as the words fell, Feng Kui's figure disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was already behind Ye Ming.

Feng Kui's attack angle is very tricky, it is obviously aimed at the weakest neck position, this is to kill him with one blow!

But he underestimated Ye Ming's reaction speed, moved his body slightly and dodged the fatal blow, leaving only five blood marks that were not deep.

"Hehe...it's a bit of progress." Feng Kui sneered as he licked the warm blood on the blood claw intoxicated.

Ye Ming turned around slowly and said with a smile: "Of course I have improved, but why are you still the deputy palace master after you have been around for so long?"

"Shut up!"

Feng Kui seemed to have been poked at a sore spot, and his eyes, which had been blank just now, became a little crazy.

"Taste the taste of fear..."

"The Mark of Howling Moon!"

The Youye Wolf King began to howl, and the breathtaking sound waves seemed to possess some kind of magical power, which made everyone feel inexplicable palpitations.

A full moon slowly condensed above everyone's heads, and it was gradually changing from round to short. This is an extremely terrifying blood-controlling skill.

As long as the full moon is completely engulfed, Youye Wolf King will deprive everyone of their sight and hearing, and can instantly move behind any marked person!

This is like a countdown invitation to death, as soon as the time is up, Youye Wolf King will kill all directions like the arrival of death...

"Crazy thunder and furious flames!"

On the other side, Tuntian Niuji, whose pressure had dropped sharply, also began to launch a violent offensive. Two giant claws like warhammers hammered the ground frantically, and pillars of lava and fire rose into the sky!

The lava fire pillars were filled with red thunder, almost covering the entire Taotie altar, forming a lava cage that could not be escaped.

Facing the irregular lava that soared into the sky, the Allied Forces of the War Spirit had no way to dodge it in a panic, but their range of activities was getting smaller and smaller...

Feng Yixiu looked at the pillars of lava bursting up randomly around him, stared nervously at his watch, silently counting the time.

Back then he had calculated the time in detail, and today is also part of his plan, there is absolutely no possibility of any mistakes.

At 12:10 noon, the pillars of fire all over the sky stopped suddenly, and the marks of howling moon on everyone's heads disappeared instantly.

The Tuntian Niu, who was still invincible just now, began to shrink rapidly, and finally turned into a Manyan Niu with a body size of less than 50 meters. This is an immortal monster...

And Feng Kui's Youye Wolf King was not much better, and his Youye Wolf King also degenerated into Youye Wolf King, which turned out to be a complete blood spirit!

Not only the Niutou Palace Master and Feng Kui were stunned, but all the elites of the Heavenly Violent Crowd were stunned, and the flame of hope that had just been ignited was completely extinguished.

Everyone in the War Spirit Alliance gradually understood Feng Yixiu's battle plan, but they never imagined that this plan turned out to make the opponent degenerate!

The Lord of the Bull Head Palace is like a petrified person. He has degenerated from the state of a monster to a human form, and he no longer has the desire to resist.

Luo Xingyun slowly landed from a high altitude, and landed firmly in front of the Niutou Palace Master, and said lightly: "The victory and defeat have been decided!"

"I'm not reconciled! I'm not reconciled..." The master of the Niutou couldn't stop shaking his head, and his whole body was in a crazy posture, "What's going on? Why did I degenerate!"

Feng Yixiu also swam over while driving the Azure Jade Linlong, and said with a smile, "Master Niutou, is this evolution plan still working?"

He has no intention of hiding it, because the Lord of the Bull Head Palace is already a dead man in his eyes!

"You... how do you know?" The Lord of the Niutou looked at Feng Yixiu incredulously, and finally realized, "Could it be that you are that Li Xiufeng, what a traitor you are!"

"You'd better pay attention to what you say, I've never been one of you, so why would I say betrayal?" Feng Yixiu put his hands behind his back, and said coldly: "I can only blame you for being too stupid, there is no heaven in this world The pie thing..."

"Damn...Damn it! It's hard for you to lie to me!" Niutou Palace Master looked up to the sky and sighed, the anger in his heart was like a prairie fire with nowhere to vent, "This deity treats you well, why did you betray me!"

"Hehe...you just use me as a tool for spiritual research, and even quietly banned my teleportation authority. If it weren't for my senior sister to help me, I'm afraid I would never get out of the Gluttonous Demon Palace for the rest of my life!" Yixiu's eyes were burning, and he spoke word by word.

"Sylvia! She really betrayed me too!" The master of the Niutou Palace showed a fierce look, without concealing his extreme murderous aura, and roared: "Death! I want you to die!"

see him

Stamping his feet suddenly, the whole person rushed towards Feng Yixiu like a cannonball. Even if the Lord of the Niutou degenerates into an immortal monster, it is not something the current Feng Yixiu can deal with.

But before he touched Feng Yixiu, he was predicted all the movements by the golden-winged Sky Cloud Eagle with insightful eyes, and he was slapped away as soon as he jumped together!

At this time, the Lord of the Niutou Palace couldn't cause any disturbance in front of Luo Xingyun, and he had no choice but to be slaughtered...

Before the Lord of the Niutou got up, he was knocked out by Ye Ming with a hammer and completely lost his resistance.

After Ye Ming dealt with the Niutou Palace Master, he slowly looked at Feng Kui, whose figure was gradually fading, and said coldly: "If you don't want to die, I advise you to give up resistance now!"

Feng Kui only hesitated for a while, then sighed helplessly, the demon soldier and the blood spirit disappeared together, and were immediately subdued by several Zhan Lingzun who surrounded them.

The war spirit has degenerated into a complete body, and Feng Kui can be regarded as useless, and he has no desire to resist...

Just when everyone felt that the situation was still calm, the entire Taotie altar began to tremble violently, and a monstrous giant claw suddenly stretched out from the lava.

When Feng Yixiu saw this giant blood claw, he felt familiar. Isn't this the giant claw that he saw in the Endless Colosseum?

Unexpectedly, the lava blood pools are all connected to each other, and there is a powerful monster whose identity is unknown in this lava blood pool!

All of a sudden, everyone became nervous, staring at the big bloody claw that suddenly appeared.


The deafening roar seemed to come from the abyss, making people feel inexplicable fear.

A huge monster covered in fire crawled out from the crack in the center of the Taotie altar, its size was so huge that it made people feel extremely desperate.

With only half of his body exposed, he was already over 200 meters high. His whole body was covered in crimson flames as hair, and a huge tail of fire swung flexibly, stirring up a whirlwind of flames.

The two pairs of white fangs are as sharp as sharp swords, and the slightly opened mouth of the abyss is full of sharp fangs. Its abdomen is like a high-temperature furnace, exuding hot red flames, like a huge vortex ...

"His Royal Highness Taotie!" Feng Kui muttered to himself with his eyes widened.

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