God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1367 Show off our prestige

In fact, he didn't know what these old guys were thinking. The reason why they opposed so fiercely was also an expression of fear.

The Four Great Holy Courts and the Four Great Families all represent the supreme status, and a young man who is less than twenty years old has become the Lord of Qinglong City, and they will inevitably feel tremendous pressure.

Everyone at the Holy Spirit Conference nodded seriously. This quarrel is a quarrel, but they still have a sense of proportion in their hearts, and they will never do anything out of the ordinary.

This action was not widely announced, only a very small number of members of the headquarters knew about it, in order not to let Feng Yixiu become the target of public criticism so quickly.

The other is to avoid panic in the society. After all, if such a thing as Taotie's existence is publicized, it will definitely cause unnecessary panic.

Although more than three hundred years have passed, people's fear of the four fierce beasts is still difficult to erase. Just hearing the name will make you feel like a tiger...

"There is no need to discuss Feng Yixiu's becoming the Lord of the Azure Dragon, but I advise you to communicate with the Lord Feng in the future. You must know that he is the only one who has the real dragon crystal core now..." Gu Yuan glanced around, and said in a deep voice road.

For a while, many people looked at each other in blank dismay again, but with the lesson just now, no one dared to speak rudely again.

After all, the real dragon crystal nucleus was originally owned by the Long family, and it is reasonable for Feng Yixiu to manage it now after taking over.

"This time, the Holy Spirit Conference is held not only for the change of owner of Qinglong City, but also for another matter that needs to be discussed by everyone."

As Gu Yuan spoke, an exquisite envelope appeared in his hand, with the unique pictures and texts of the Sun Moon Empire on it, and the wax seal on the back had already been opened.

Since Gu Liangyu was the closest to the envelope, he took out the letter from the envelope, and his expression changed drastically after a glance.

"What the hell? Is there any need to be so surprised?" Ren Tianze yanked the letter away from Gu Liangyu's hand, but his expression became very serious after a while.

After a while, everyone at the Holy Spirit Conference read the letter again, and their expressions were mostly similar, and they all became very solemn and heavy.

"Everyone has finished watching, so let's talk about what you think now..." Gu Yuan said in a deep voice.

"This looks like a letter of friendly exchange on the surface, but it looks like a letter of war to me!" Ye Ming said with awe-inspiring eyes and gritted his teeth.

This letter was sent by the emperor of the Sun Moon Empire. At the beginning of the article, there was a series of friendly greetings, but at the end of the article, it mentioned that a team would be sent to exchange and study.

In short, it is to send a team to participate in the China High League, and the captain of this team is the third prince of the Sun Moon Empire, Yuan Shenya!

"That's right, this is actually a letter of war. They want to take this opportunity to spy on our strength, and the Huaxia Senior League, as the highest-level event in the Huaxia War Spirit world, is naturally the best way." Gu Yuan held his hands. Put your palms together, said in a deep voice.

"If that's the case, why should we agree? Wouldn't this make the other party get what he wanted?" Dongfang Yun pondered for a while and said softly.

"That's right! The Sun Moon Empire has always been a wolfish ambition, who knows what kind of medicine they sell in their gourds!" Dean Gu also echoed.

"No matter what they think, we must fight no matter what. As long as we avoid fighting, the Sun Moon Empire will definitely say that we are afraid of them. This will affect our reputation in the world!" Ye Ming sternly said .

"This reputation is one thing. The relationship between the Beiyuan Empire and the Sun Moon Empire is unclear now, but because of our national strength, the Beiyuan Empire has never agreed to form an alliance with the Sun Moon Empire. But as long as we avoid fighting, I'm afraid The Northern Yuan Empire will underestimate us, and may stand on the side of the Sun Moon Empire in the future, and that is the real trouble..."

Luo Xingyun frowned tightly, his words were full of worry.

"The two marshals and I have basically the same opinion. Not only can we not refuse, but we must completely defeat the exchange team sent by the Sun Moon Empire and show off our country's prestige!" Gu Yuan said loudly with firm eyes.

"Show off the power of our country!"

All the war spirit emperors spoke in unison, and their momentum soared to the sky!

Although everyone may have small conflicts in normal times, they are surprisingly consistent when they are out to the outside world.

"I'm relieved that everyone can realize this..." Gu Yuan nodded in satisfaction, and then changed the topic, "But you also need to know that sometimes awareness is one aspect, and the most important thing is strength. This time The team that came to communicate is very powerful!"

"How powerful can it be? It's just a small border country, how can it compare with our magnificent China?" Gu Liangyu looked confident.

"This is the information I collected with a lot of effort, but the identities of these people are very special, and I can only find some basic information. You can take a look first..."

Gu Yuan directly threw a set of documents on the table, but it seemed a bit flimsy.

In the era of the Great Manghuang, it was already very difficult to communicate between countries. In addition, the identities of the members of this team were all unusual. They were all elite students of the Sun Moon Royal Academy, and the secrecy work was also done very well. It is extremely difficult to obtain some basic information...


Everyone gasped when they got this information.

The captain of this team, Yuan Shenya, is only 20 years old and already a level 7 War Spirit Venerable, and also possesses an ultra-limit battle spirit!

And the rest of the team members are only slightly inferior to the captain, and all the battle spirits are

Ultimate Fighter...

"This is just information on the surface. No one knows how powerful this Yuan Shenya is. It is said that he is a rare genius in the Sun Moon Empire in a hundred years, and the most favorable candidate for the future heir to the throne!" Gu Yuan's face was heavy, snapped.

"It is indeed strong enough, but we may not be incapable of fighting, aren't we the ultimate fighting spirits! How can our Xuantian Academy not have it?" Gu Liangyu said loudly.

"Hehe... Naturally, our Baiya Academy can't lag behind. In fact, we also secretly cultivated a strong team for the purpose of winning the championship in the Huaxia League." Huangfu Wende also said in a deep voice.

"You old foxes are pretending to be weak on weekdays, so it's all a lie..." Jiang Xiahuai sneered, and then said loudly: "Since you have all said it, then I have a showdown too! I am Team Burning Feather All members of the Ultimate Fighting Spirit!"

Ye Ming, Mu Qingyi and the others were stunned for a long time before they could react.

Good guy! In the past, it was great to have only one Ultimate Battle Spirit appear, but this time there were so many at once!

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