"I think it's better to forget it. I can't transfer my personal pressure to them. The players in the Huaxia Senior League are the elite among the elite. This time, there will be strong players from the Sun and Moon Royal Academy participating. This is too unfair to them. I think it's better to wait for the next session..." Ren Tianze pondered for a long time, as if he had made some kind of decision, his eyes became very firm.

"Then do you have any candidates for the China Senior League now?" Shen Zhong asked with some concern.

Ren Tianze shook his head helplessly, and said lightly: "Now, only my daughter Mu Ziyue is eligible to participate, but she is still far away from the top powerhouse. Bai Yuan is a good seed, but it's a pity that he has already gone. King Shura is gone, and he doesn't know when he will be able to return, and the tacit understanding of this impromptu team is also a problem."

Originally, Dean Ren planned that the candidates for this China Senior League would be Long Chen and Bai Yuan, but this plan could not keep up with the changes.

"Then you are planning to give up this China Senior League? Wouldn't that mean you will be expelled from the ranks of the Four Great Saints?" Shen Zhong frowned.

Although Nulin Academy is not strong enough nowadays, relying on the name of the Four Sacred Academy, it can still attract many outstanding students every year.

However, if Wrathscale Academy is expelled from the ranks of the Four Saints, it is estimated that it will start to go downhill, and it will continue to be a vicious circle. It will be difficult to become one of the Four Saints again...

"There is no way around this. Of course I know the strength of Feng Yixiu and the others. I am confident that they can achieve certain results in the China Senior League, and even reach the top four, but if they want to win the championship, they..." Ren Tianze stopped talking, sighed and continued, "The China Senior League is held every two years. After two years of hard work, I believe they will be able to easily win the China Senior League championship in two years' time."

"But even if they won the championship at that time, Fulin Academy would not be able to return to the ranks of the Holy Academy!" Zhong Zhong said with a serious face.

In order to become one of the Four Holy Courts again, the Holy Court must fall out of the top four three times in a row. This is not something that Feng Yixiu and the others can do once they win the championship.

"Compared to my personal and academy glory, I still don't want the children to leave any regrets. Everyone in this Chinese high-level league has only one chance to participate. Since the children can definitely win the championship, why should they give up?" Ren Tianze shook his head , said in a deep voice.

The championship of the China Advanced League is of great significance, which is different from the intermediate leagues held by the seven major bases. This championship glory not only has the highest gold content in China, but also has a very high gold content in the world.

This is an extremely important matter for a young war spirit master, it represents supreme honor and respect.

When the champions of the China High League enter foreign territories, they enjoy the treatment of nobles, and the emperor of the empire also treats them with courtesy.

"I think you should discuss it with the children, maybe..." Shen Zhong wanted to continue talking, but was interrupted by Ren Tianze before he could finish.

"Patriarch Shen, stop talking, I've made up my mind, so don't try to persuade me anymore. This is also for the sake of the children's future..."

After saying that, Dean Ren turned around in a daze, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Looking at Ren Tianze's gradually shrinking back, Shen Shen sighed helplessly: "Hey... If it weren't for that guy Long Xiao, Nulin Academy wouldn't be reduced to such a state, it's really abominable!"

I saw him frowning tightly, and kept pacing in the same place, it seemed that he was also very entangled.

After wandering around for about five minutes, Shen Zhong still couldn't hold back and called Shen Ruyu, without any emotional inclination, just recounted the matter exactly.

Shen Ruyu did not express her attitude immediately, but said that she would discuss with Feng Yixiu whether to participate in this China Senior League.

"Do your best to obey the destiny..."

After Shen Chong made this phone call, the big stone in his heart fell, and then he summoned the Eternal Purgatory Fire Phoenix and left quickly.


Azure Dragon City.

In a manor full of history, Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu are sitting on a white swing.

The two seemed to be discussing a serious matter, and Feng Yixiu's expression also looked a little dignified.

"Brother Feng, that's the way it is. Do you think we will participate in this year's China Senior League?" Shen Ruyu asked softly, frowning.

Feng Yixiu was silent for a long time, and finally spit out a word slowly: "War!"

"But I heard that this year's China Senior League is full of monsters. We are now the sixth-level battle spirit kings. Will we become cannon fodder if we participate in this competition?" Shen Ruyu asked worriedly.

"As long as we break through Zhan Lingzun before the competition, I have the confidence to win the championship of this China Senior League!" Feng Yixiu said seriously with his eyes burning.

"At present, there is only half a year before the China High League. Even if we have a holy place for cultivation like Yuanmen Lingfu, I am afraid that we will not be able to become a seventh-level war spirit master anyway..." Shen Ruyu frowned.

"The current Qinglong ancient wood is naturally not good, but I can let it continue to evolve. If the double cultivation speed is not enough, then three times!" Feng Yixiu said in a deep voice.

The reason why Yuanmen Lingfu is special is because of the existence of the ancient Qinglong tree, which can provide a large amount of high-quality spiritual power for cultivation.

The current Ancient Azure Dragon Tree is twice as fast as the cultivation speed in the Nulin Inner Court, that is to say, it took half a year to practice in Yuanmen Lingfu for the previous year!

However, trying to break through five small realms in one year and reach the level of the seventh-level Zhan Lingzun still seems a bit overwhelming.


But if the Ancient Azure Dragon Tree can be upgraded again, it should be barely able to catch up, after all, it is equivalent to a year and a half of cultivation.

"Three times, it is indeed possible to break through to the level of Zhan Lingzun. Although we still have some disadvantages, we are not invincible." Shen Ruyu nodded and said in a deep voice.

"I want to see how big the gap is between us and the world's top teams." Feng Yixiu smiled slightly, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

"I heard from my father that the team sent by the Sun and Moon Royal Academy is ridiculously strong, and that captain, like you, also has an ultra-extreme battle spirit. As for the other team members, they are all extreme war spirits. Our pressure is not small... ..." Shen Ruyu leaned her head on Feng Yixiu's shoulder and said softly.

"There is pressure to be motivated..." Feng Yixiu smiled lightly, "If you guessed correctly, the third prince of the Sun Moon Empire must have obtained the inheritance of the Holy Spirit, and he must have devoted all his efforts to cultivate the top It is only reasonable to have such a level of talent."

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