God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1371 Battle of Honor

"Hmph! Didn't you agree to be my breeder? It turned out that I was allowed to feed myself, damn it..." Sylvia muttered in a low voice, but then immediately threw herself into her busy work.

Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu moved quickly, and they left Qinglong Manor through the hidden side door in a short while.

If so, he was discovered by many residents of Azure Dragon City not long after he left the house, and they all bowed and saluted with great respect.

Since the destruction of the Gluttonous Demon Palace, many young talents from Azure Dragon City have been released, and they naturally announced the evil deeds of the Long family to the world.

The residents of Qinglong City were not too shocked when they heard the news, because many of them already had doubts in their hearts, but at that time no one dared to speak out first, after all, it was the Long Family who overshadowed the sky.

Feng Yixiu naturally became the hero of Qinglong City, and the day he was announced as the new Qinglong City Lord was also warmly supported by the residents of Qinglong City.

In desperation, the two could only summon the battle spirit, and they flew above the clouds before getting rid of those enthusiastic residents...

"Huh... I didn't expect you to be so popular in Qinglong City, I almost couldn't come out." Shen Ruyu wiped the cold sweat from her forehead and said softly.

"This is unexpected, after all, where can I find a handsome city lord like me!" Feng Yixiu smiled charmingly, and said lightly.

Shen Ruyu rolled her eyes helplessly: "But you actually let Sister Wei Ya take charge of Qinglong City, is it really okay?"

"Is your worry because he is a monster? Or do you think she is not trustworthy?" Feng Yixiu asked.

"I think Sister Wei Ya is trustworthy, but she is a monster after all, and the residents of Azure Dragon City are all human beings. I'm afraid those humans will be afraid..." Shen Ruyu said with some concern.

"Back then, Sylvia almost fell in Qinglong City in order to prevent Han Wu and the remnants of the Long family. All the residents of Qinglong City watched this battle. I don't think they can be so indiscriminate..." Feng Yi Xiu suddenly became serious, and continued, "Besides, Sylvia doesn't look scary, so she shouldn't be scary."

Shen Ruyu nodded, and said in a deep voice, "That's true, but you're always the hands-off shopkeeper, is it really okay?"

Feng Yixiu touched his nose in embarrassment, and said lightly: "Hahaha... I don't know how to do it! Besides, I didn't let her manage Qinglong City alone, so Si Fan and Sister Qingci would help her Well! Si Fan's mind is different from ours, and it won't take much time to deal with the affairs of Qinglong City, don't worry!"

"Hey... I don't know if brother-in-law Si Fan is lucky or unlucky to have you as a friend..." Shen Ruyu sighed helplessly.

"I don't know if he's lucky or not, but I'm pretty lucky anyway." Feng Yixiu said with a smile.


Furious Academy.

The two of them turned into a cyan streamer across the sky above Nulin Island, attracting the attention of many people.

It was also the first time for everyone to see Feng Yixiu's Sky Azure Jade Linlong, and all of them were amazed.

Because the Azure Jade Linlong and the statue of the Azure Dragon at the gate of the Fulin Academy are so similar this day, except that they are slightly smaller in size, it can be said that there are eight or nine layers of similarity.

Moreover, the appearance of the Azure Jade Linlong on this day can be said to be no less than that of the Azure Dragon Holy Spirit. The whole looks like an emperor's emerald and suet white jade carefully carved, exuding an indescribably noble atmosphere.

Not long after, the Azure Jade Linlong stopped at the entrance of Yuanmen Lingfu, and was immediately surrounded by Yuanmen members.

Everyone is surrounded by the sky blue jade dragon with stars in their eyes, almost drooling...

"Hello, Master Fengmen!"

Almost everyone bowed respectfully when they saw Feng Yixiu, and Feng Yixiu nodded in return.

"Are Han Xiao and Dongfang Xiamo there?" Feng Yixiu asked.

"They have been cultivating in Yuanmen Lingfu for the past few months!" Lin Zhujiu said loudly.

Feng Yixiu patted Lin Zhujiu's shoulder with a smile, and said with a smile: "Brothers have made great progress recently..."

Leng Fan walked over quickly, and said in a deep voice: "No matter how fast we make progress, we are still incomparable with City Lord Feng!"

"Yes, yes! Now the master of Fengmen is the master of Qinglong City, and he is on an equal footing with Dean Ren. Compared with you, we are really ashamed..." Lin Zhujiu also echoed with a smile.

"Don't say that, what kind of city lord is not a city lord, I only know that you are all my brothers!" Feng Yixiu glared at the two of them, "From now on, don't call me the city lord of Feng, it seems extravagant, and it's terrible if you do this again. Don't blame me for turning my back!"

"Yes! Boss!" Lin Zhujiu said with a smile.

"That makes sense..." Feng Yixiu nodded in satisfaction, and immediately waved his hand, "Everyone should leave, I know your intentions, don't delay your cultivation."

The surrounding Yuanmen members gradually began to disperse. Feng Yixiu scanned the circle and found that there were many more Yuanmen members than before, and the overall quality was also much higher.

Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu immediately walked towards the core barrier of Yuanmen Lingfu, and the two passed through the barrier hand in hand, and found that Han Xiao and Dongfang Xia Mo were concentrating on meditation and spiritual cultivation.

The noise from the outside world didn't affect them at all, they were completely immersed in their own world.

Their current realms have also caught up. Both Dongfang Xiamo and Han Xiao have reached the realm of the sixth-level and fifth-order War Spirit Kings.

During this time, although Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu did not

Neglecting cultivation, but after all, it is difficult to concentrate on cultivation because of the heavy responsibility, and there is no such excellent cultivation conditions as Yuanmen Lingfu, so there is not much breakthrough in the realm.

But after Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu entered it, they opened their eyes almost at the same time as if they had some kind of telepathy.

"Captain Feng! Ruyu! You are finally back!"

Dongfang Xiamo pounced on the two of them like a hungry tiger, almost knocking them over.

Han Xiao also laughed and walked over quickly: "Great, you are finally back safely!"

Feng Yixiu smiled slightly, looking at the familiar smiles of the two, he felt an inexplicable joy: "I haven't seen you for a while, you guys are improving fast enough! This has caught up with us..."

"You don't take us to play when you go out to practice, we can only turn our grief and anger into motivation and work hard!" Dongfang Xiamo murmured, pouting.

"Hahaha... It's alright if I'm wrong..." Feng Yixiu scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, and smiled innocently.

"I heard that you have gained a lot from going out for training this time! But we were taken aback." Han Xiao said with a smile.

"Hey... those are not important." Feng Yixiu shook his head indifferently, and then became serious: "We are about to start preparing for the Huaxia Senior League now, this is related to the battle of honor between Nulin and Huaxia! "

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