God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1379 Hell Training

"My god... why did Teacher Xuanji suddenly become so fierce, it scared me to death." Dongfang Xia Mo didn't even dare to breathe just now, only dared to take a big breath after seeing Xuanji left.

"Mr. Xuanji is also doing it for our own good. I think he is under a lot of pressure. After all, there are so many masters in the Huaxia Senior League this time, and it is of great significance to Nulin Academy. We also need to understand them..." Shen Ruyu said softly .

"That's right, since ancient times, strict teachers have produced outstanding apprentices." Feng Yixiu also had a dignified face, "Although what Teacher Xuanji said just now was a bit harsh, but the words are not rough, we really have no right to rest."

Teacher Xuanji's words just now really awakened them. At present, they can indeed be said to be thriving in the Nulin Academy, so they can't help but feel a little proud and complacent.

But if this kind of strength is viewed in the entire Huaxia range, I'm afraid it's nothing...

"The captain is right. We are indeed not qualified to rest. Let's pack up and leave quickly. Don't make the teachers wait in a hurry." Han Xiao nodded seriously.

Everyone packed up everything quickly, and rushed to Nulin Martial Arts Field as quickly as possible.

It was already midnight at this time, and there was no one in the Nulin Martial Arts Arena, but the lights were still on.

Xuanji and Jialan Ziyu had already been waiting for them in the center of the biggest martial arts arena, and Xuanji's battle spirit, Panda Jiuxian, was also waiting for them.

"Teacher Xuanji, Teacher Jialan, here we come."

Feng Yixiu and the others stood in a very neat row, and everyone was very serious.

Xuanji glanced at the time, frowned and said: "It's two minutes later than I expected, and I went around the field twenty laps with weight!"

After saying that, a series of weight-bearing equipment appeared in Xuanji's mouth. These are all made of special alloys, and the weight of each is very exaggerated.

Xuanji also knew the physical fitness of the four of them very well. Among them, Feng Yixiu and Han Xiao carried the heaviest load, reaching a thousand tripod weight, that is, a thousand tons.

Dongfang Xiamo and Shen Ruyu were much lighter than them, but they both reached five hundred tripods, which was the limit they could bear.

At first, everyone looked at the small alloy sandbag and didn't pay attention to it, but they didn't realize how terrifying it was until they got it.

As soon as Han Xiao, Dongfang Xiamo and the others put on the sandbags, they felt bad all over. It was difficult for them to walk, let alone run twenty laps!

Only Feng Yixiu's complexion remained normal. Although he was also a Tier 3 Origin Warrior, his physique was comparable to that of a monster. The weight of the thousand tripods only made him a little bit strenuous, but other than that, he didn't feel much.

"Wait a minute!"

When Feng Yixiu was about to lead the team to start running, Xuanji found that Feng Yixiu's pace was too relaxed, so he stopped him immediately.

"Teacher Xuanji, is there anything else?" Feng Yixiu turned around and asked.

Teacher Xuanji glanced at the panda Jiuxian at the side, and said in a deep voice, "Xiaobao, give him your wine gourd!"

Panda Jiuxian also hesitated for a moment, and then reluctantly threw the wine gourd to Feng Yixiu, and said, "You must not drink it secretly!"

Feng Yixiu was almost thrown away by the heavy mountain-like wine gourd, barely carrying him on his back, gritted his teeth and said, "Don't worry... I don't have time even if I want to drink it!"

The current Feng Yixiu really wanted to cut open the wine gourd of Panda Jiuxian to have a look, how much wine was inside, since it was so heavy!

"I'll give you fifteen minutes, and you will be fined two laps for every extra minute!" Teacher Xuanji pressed the timer he had prepared, and said in a deep voice.

Feng Yixiu just wanted to say something, but looking at the stopwatch that had started to rotate, he could only helplessly start running crazily.

The speed of the four barely maintained a balance, and Feng Yixiu still maintained his position as the team leader, and he could see obvious depressions on the ground without taking a step.

I have to say that Teacher Xuanji really knows them very well. They have been working hard to break through at the edge of the limit. As long as they relax for a moment, they will not be able to meet the strict requirements of Teacher Xuanji...

Feng Yixiu and the others managed to complete the 20-lap penalty run eight seconds ahead of time. Everyone was exhausted and out of breath, wishing they could fall asleep on the spot.

"Not bad... Barely met the requirements." Xuanji glanced at the time, nodded and continued, "It's just that Feng Yixiu is not proficient in controlling power. You have nothing but divine power but can't control it precisely. I will train you on strength control, and I hope that after half a year, you can learn to lift weights as lightly as possible, and those footprints on the ground will disappear."

Feng Yixiu looked back at the runway, and indeed found that there were many potholes and footprints left behind, and such a phenomenon could not be seen on the panda Jiuxian.

"Thank you teacher for your guidance. I will study hard." Feng Yixiu nodded his thanks.

"Okay, the warm-up is almost over, and now we have to officially start training. In the next six months, our goal is very clear, which is to make you stronger, so powerful that it is scary!" Teacher Xuanji said. The face is serious.

"You call this a warm-up?" Dongfang Xia's voice trembled while his legs were trembling.

Teacher Xuanji, do you have any misunderstanding about warming up?

He is able to stand now because of his faith, otherwise she would have been lying on the ground long ago...

"What did you just say? Do you want to run a few more laps?" Teacher Xuanji glanced at Dongfang Xiamo and said coldly.

"No, no, no...I said Teacher Xuanji is right!

"Dongfang Xia Mo tried to stand up straight with his legs, and his body was also straight.

"I will talk about the next training goal in detail. Everyone's basic martial arts skills must be cultivated to the perfection level. Han Xiao and Dongfang Xiamo will strengthen their tacit training. I will find a way to let you have your own combat power and coordination skills. .

There are also basic core strength training, endurance training and agility training, etc., which will lay a solid foundation for you to become a fourth-order source warrior in the future, and Feng Yixiu's training intensity is twice that of others, as well as tacit understanding training and Tactical courses will also be the necessary training for you to win the championship, don't be a martial artist with brute force. "

Teacher Xuanji roughly explained the training plan for this time.

Hearing this, everyone gasped, the task was not trivial.

Feng Yixiu frowned when he heard that he had doubled his training. He is also a dumb eater of Coptis chinensis.

Whoever makes himself the captain, there is no way to treat him specially...

Han Xiao slowly raised his hand, and said weakly: "Teacher, is it really possible for Xia Mo and I to have our own War Spirit Synergy Skill?"

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