God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1389 Ghost Queen

Princess Mononoke was also very excited when she saw Feng Yixiu, and blurted out: "Dad, Dad... are you here to help me evolve?"

Feng Yixiu smiled slightly, and said lightly: "Yes, I am indeed going to help you evolve, but I also have something to trouble you."

Princess Mononoke wandered slowly to Feng Yixiu's side, and said with a smile: "No problem, Dad's business is Gui Gui's business!"

"I need you to go to the Xuanwu Tower, and go to the top floor, and help me find an indestructible stone." Feng Yixiu showed Guigui a portrait he had prepared before speaking.

Guigui also memorized the portrait in Feng Yixiu's hand very seriously, nodded and said: "I remember it, do I just need to take a look?"

"Yeah, you just need to check if there is this indestructible stone. If you encounter danger, don't be brave, even if you don't reach the top floor, you have to come back." Feng Yixiu specifically explained.

"I'll be careful... I'll try my best to help Dad complete the task!" Guigui nodded very seriously.

Dongfang Xiamo was a little worried and said: "This Xuanwu Pagoda is full of dangers, he is just a purple-gold demon spirit, there will be no problems, right?"

Feng Yixiu replied: "I will help Guigui evolve into a black gold demon spirit. Guigui can sneak, and it should be enough to deal with it."

"Okay..." Dongfang Xia Mo hesitated for a moment and nodded, looked at Guigui and said softly: "Guigui, if there is any danger, you must tell me, and I will call you back."

"Sister, don't worry, Guigui is very strong!" Princess Mononoke puffed up her mouth and muttered.

"Sister Xia Mo, let Guigui go back to the devil card first, and I'll let her upgrade to a black-gold devil." Feng Yi corrected his voice.

Dongfang Xiamo nodded, and immediately called Princess Mononoke back to the monster card, and then handed it over to Feng Yixiu.

Feng Yixiu called out the fusion interface of the monster card, and put Princess Mononoke's purple-gold monster card in the main card slot very seriously.

This is not the first time Feng Yixiu has fused a black gold demon card, and it didn't take much effort to successfully fuse it.

If Dongfang Xiamo could only use black-gold monster cards, Feng Yixiu would have spent more time fusing them into diamond-level monsters.

Feng Yixiu slowly removed the monster card after the successful fusion, but found that the originally very petite Princess Mononoke had undergone a very big change.

After successfully evolving, Guigui couldn't wait to rush out, and an elegant Yujie with a height of about 1.8 meters appeared in front of everyone.

At this time, Guigui can be said to have a fair face like an angel, and a perfect figure like a devil. His long jet-black hair reached his waist, and the demon tail behind him was still swaying unconsciously.

She also has this pair of pointed elf ears, a gorgeous Queen's corolla and a black neon feather coat, which perfectly set off her noble and elegant temperament.

But Guigui didn't seem to be aware of her own changes. Fusion evolution only made her stronger, her mind didn't change much, and she still had a somewhat innocent smile on her face, which formed a very peculiar The contrast is cute...

It wasn't just Feng Yixiu who was a little surprised, Shen Ruyu and Dongfang Xiamo were both taken aback by Guigui's change.

"Guigui, you've become so beautiful!" Dongfang Xia Mo also circled around Guigui and exclaimed.

"Sister, have I changed a lot?" Guigui was a little at a loss.

"I think I'll call you sister in the future. This is simply the temperament of a queen, so beautiful..." Dongfang Xia's eyes were full of stars.

"I don't! No matter what I become, you will always be my sister!" Guigui lowered his head and said angrily.

"Okay, okay...it's all my sister's fault for saying the wrong thing, you will always be my good sister." Dongfang Xia mo comforted with a smile.

Feng Yixiu glanced at the name of the monster card in his hand, and said with a smile: "Queen of Ghosts, no wonder Guigui has changed so much."

"Then I'll go to Xuanwu Pagoda now!" Guigui looked at Feng Yixiu and said with a smile.

"Be careful, if you encounter any danger, don't force yourself, safety first." Feng Yixiu instructed again.

"Hmm... ghosts know how to measure." The Queen of Ghosts nodded, and then gradually became more and more transparent, even passing through the wall directly.

"You guys also go to bed earlier, I won't bother you." Feng Yixiu also got up slowly, opened the door carefully and walked out.


next morning.

Everyone got up early, and after breakfast together, they went to Xuantian Martial Arts Field.

At this time, the Xuantian Martial Arts Field is extremely lively, almost all the teams have come to participate in the opening ceremony of the China Advanced League.

Hundreds of drones hovered over the Xuantian Martial Arts Field to shoot, and this China Senior League will be broadcast live across China.

This China Senior League can be said to be the most grand one over the years. Not only the country attaches great importance to it, but many high-level officials from big countries also attach great importance to it.

Therefore, many of these drones are overseas equipment, and these drones also have the logos of various countries.

Around the Martial arts arena, there are quite a few international reporters taking pictures of the arena, which shows the importance attached to this grand ceremony.

And the auditorium was full of people, all the seats were already filled, not only were there elite war spirit masters from all over China, but even many international friends came to watch the match.

The opening ceremony of this grand event is also very cumbersome, first of all

Each team enters the arena one by one.

The Four Great Saints were the first to bear the brunt, followed by the Seven Headquarters, followed by the top 100 teams.

But what some people didn't expect was that the Sun and Moon Royal Team was actually treated as a special guest and was the last one to enter the arena.

Although the Sun and Moon Royal Team didn't say much, they were obviously resentful, and the whole audience walked the entire distance with a calm expression.

More than one hundred teams gathered in the center of the Xuantian Martial Arts Arena in an orderly manner, and each team was in high spirits.

After the lengthy membership ceremony, Dean Gu on the rostrum spoke. He was dressed in a decent suit and walked slowly to the front of the standing microphone.

"As the dean of Xuantian Academy, it is a great honor for me to hold this extraordinary Chinese Senior League in our academy. First of all, I welcome envoys from all over the world to attach so much importance to this Chinese Senior League. , can match your level, match your demeanor...

Finally, on behalf of Xuantian Academy and the organizer of this competition, I announce that the Huaxia Senior League is now officially open! "

As soon as Dean Gu's words fell, there was thunderous applause, and everyone in the martial arts arena applauded enthusiastically.

Feng Yixiu and the others couldn't help applauding in such an atmosphere, a sense of mission welling up in their hearts.

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