God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1393 Strength Overwhelms

The black feathers all over the sky gradually fell in the vacuum field, presenting a sense of death and silence, with a range of about 500 meters!

The big tengu slowly approached the falling Cangyuan Leiying step by step, the scarlet eyes under the mask exuded frightening blood, which made people feel frightened.

The Cangyuan Thunder Eagle kept struggling and fluttering its wings, but as the big tengu got closer, it couldn't soar again at all.

The vacuum field is like the nemesis of all flying war spirits, and the Cangyuan Thunderhawk's combat effectiveness on the ground is nonexistent.

Kong Pei could only feel the qi and blood in his body surge violently, and the blood vessels all over his body exploded, and this situation gradually intensified as the big tengu approached...

This is still the case of Kong Pei as a Tier 3 source martial artist. If ordinary people are in the vacuum field, they may not survive ten seconds.

Reluctantly using the Cangyuan Sword to support his body, feeling the extremely reduced oxygen in his body, he tremblingly looked at the big tengu that was getting closer and closer, feeling more and more fear in his heart.

Too strong, facing such a powerful battle spirit, he has no chance of winning at all!

Although he was unwilling, Kong Pei still thought of surrendering immediately, but in this vacuum field, the sound could not be transmitted at all.

I saw Kong Pei raised his right arm with difficulty, preparing to make the prescribed gesture of surrender. As long as he made this action, the referee would announce the end of the game immediately.

But the big tengu seemed to be aware of his movement, and when his right arm moved a little, the big tengu waved his wings lightly.

"call out!"

A black feather pierced through his right arm easily, leaving two penetrating blood holes.

In an instant, the blood on Kong Pei's arm gushed out like a spring. It was hard to imagine that such a small wound could spurt out so much blood!

Under normal circumstances, a wound of this degree can only be regarded as a minor injury, but under the vacuum domain, no matter how insignificant the wound is, it is a fatal injury...

The severe pain made Kong Pei frowned, and immediately covered the two blood holes on his right arm with his left hand, so as not to let him lose blood quickly and die.

He could tell that Yuan Shenya was not going to give himself a chance to surrender!

He turned his head slowly and looked at his teammates in the safety zone. The tacit understanding for many years made the teammates understand instantly.

"Referee, we..."

A player in the safe zone immediately looked in the direction of the referee, but before he could finish speaking, he was pushed out by a strong hurricane.

Although there are regulations that cannot step into the safe zone, the regulations do not say that people in the safe zone cannot be pulled out!

This obviously took advantage of a loophole in the rules, but wind is an invisible thing, and it can't be seen on the surface at all.

Ootengu used its extremely strong repellent power to form another vacuum field outside the safety zone, and then instantly dispelled it.

The air pressure difference between the two formed an invisible hurricane, and it was this powerful force that forcibly pulled all three people out of the safe zone.

The great tengu's wind-repelling skills are simply amazing, and the intensity of the hurricane it creates is also well controlled.

In the eyes of ordinary viewers, it looks like the team members are worried about the captain's safety and want to rescue him, and it can be said that they do not leave any traces at all...

The hurricane came and went quickly, and when the three reacted, they were already ten meters away from the safety line.

One of the team members was Gong Lianglu, the vice-captain of the Canglei team. His reaction was the fastest, and he was ready to open his mouth immediately to signal the referee to surrender.

But the big tengu didn't give her this chance at all, and the big tengu disappeared instantly, leaving only a piece of black feather falling rapidly.

When the big tengu reappeared, it was already in front of the vice-captain Gong Lianglu, and the sharp claws that were as black as ink directly penetrated his chest!

Gonglianglu looked terrified, and slowly lowered his head to look at his pierced chest, his vitality was constantly being lost...

The two members of the Canglei team on the side were frightened and stupid, and they sat on the ground limply, looking at the big tengu wearing the mask of the ghost king, their hearts were completely shrouded in fear, and they couldn't think of anything else.

"Referee, we..."

Gong Lianglu wanted to save the other team members with his last breath.

But the big tengu suddenly pulled out its bloody claws, and stepped on it under his feet.

Scarlet blood gradually stained the ground, Gonglianglu's twitching body gradually calmed down, and finally remained completely motionless.

The big tengu kicked Gonglianglu's body aside heavily, and then slowly moved towards the other two terrified team members.

At this time, the big tengu looks very scary. There is scarlet blood on the black ghost king mask, and a pair of sharp claws that are as black as ink are still stained with bright red blood. It is like an evil ghost that climbed up from hell. fear……

The two team members looked at such a terrifying big tengu, and couldn't think of anything other than running!

I saw two team members struggling to stand up, but failed several times, and finally could only struggle to crawl towards the safe zone...

Not far away, Kong Pei went out to the vacuum field to see the tragedy that happened here, and he was so angry that he opened his mouth wildly and wanted to shout, but there was no sound at all.

Kong Pei only felt that the oxygen in his body had been completely consumed, and the meaning of his brain became more and more blurred. He couldn't even move his fingers. He could only watch his teammates being brutally murdered.

Ootengu followed the two members of the Canglei team step by step, not in a hurry to make a move.

Just when the two teammates were less than half a meter away from the safety zone, the big tengu waved his wings violently, and countless black feathers scattered like countless sharp swords.

Those two team members were penetrated by countless black feathers in an instant, and died less than half a meter outside the safety zone...

For a moment, the entire Xuantian Martial Arts Field was deathly quiet.

There is no doubt that this is not like a competition at all, but like a blatant massacre!

Everyone in the entire auditorium looked at the No. 4 arena with heavy expressions, and a sense of grief and indignation was palpable.

Although death incidents in the China Senior League are not an exception, it is intolerable for such incidents to occur at this moment.

At this time, almost all foreign drones are gathered in the sky above the No. 4 arena, and this one-sided competition will spread to the major powers...

The referee looked gloomy as he watched all this happen. Why didn't he want to save the Cang Lei team?

However, as a referee, he can only act according to the rules. If he does not surrender or make a sound, it will be regarded as not admitting defeat, and the game can only continue...

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