God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1398 Psychological Game

"Of course it's not as good as it is, but if I'm not wrong, your ultimate goal should be to win the championship?" Teacher Xuanji pondered for a while, and continued: "The reason why you stopped Yuan Shenya from continuing to attack , I am afraid it is also because of this consideration?"

"So what?" Shao Si Ming said indifferently.

"What I want to say is that since your ultimate goal is to be the champion, you must hide your cards, but participating in the top 100 qualifying competition may make us lose face in Huaxia, but you will also expose a lot of cards , maybe you will get injured, which is not a good thing for the finals..." Teacher Xuanji said in a deep voice with stern eyes.

For a while, Shao Si Ming was also silent. The reason why he stopped Yuan Shenya's attack was precisely because of this reason.

Originally, he thought that with the strong strength of the Sun and Moon team, it would be harmless even if their hole cards were exposed, as long as they were crushed in terms of strength.

But since Feng Yixiu showed her great strength, her thinking has completely changed, and she has become less unscrupulous.

Feng Yixiu is the biggest variable. He is not sure if the Sun and Moon team will reveal their strength, and whether the Fulin team will develop a tactic to deal with them. This will be very unfavorable to their final decisive battle...

Shao Siming said coldly: "Hehe... just relying on the crookedness of the top 100 qualifying competition, our Sun and Moon team doesn't need to reveal their strength at all, so how can the situation you mentioned happen?"

As soon as these words came out, the entire Xuantian Martial Arts Field was boiling again, and all the teams in the preparation area were furious.

"Hey! Who are you calling crooked melons and cracked dates! Our Frenzy team is the first to refuse!"

"That's right! Our Machine King team has never been insulted like this before, so it's too deceiving!"

"It's also part of our Shenying team! Even if we try our best, we will make you lose a layer of skin!"


Several teams from the preparation area rushed up one after another, and the referees who maintained order on the scene did not intercept them on purpose.

These few teams are all the best in the new century. Each team has its own characteristics, and its strength is undoubtedly strong.

Among them, the machine emperor team and the frenzy team are the most terrifying. They have won the first and second seats in the top 100 qualifying competition for eight consecutive times.

Although these teams are usually rivals and the relationship is very tense, but when dealing with the provocations of the Sun and Moon team, they appear to be unusually united.

All the members of Team Machine King and Frenzy have summoned their own battle spirits, and they are all extreme battle spirits!

Among them, Tantai Yangxu, the captain of the Machine Emperor team, is even more powerful with dual extreme battle spirits, both of which are powerful existences of the machine clan.

Meng Mingjie of the Frenzy team is also a person with an extremely tough fighting style, and his fierceness is undisguised. His battle spirit is also an extremely powerful assault-type extreme battle spirit.

Shao Siming was surrounded by a large number of war spirits. Although the situation was still calm on the surface, he was still a little apprehensive in his heart.

She has also studied a lot about the previous Chinese senior leagues on weekdays. At that time, there were absolutely no so many extreme fighting spirits!

Why did so many geniuses suddenly emerge in China in a short period of time? !

In particular, the King of Machines team gave people a very strong sense of oppression, and their captain Tantai Yangxu's eyes were full of confidence, without the slightest fear.

He has no doubt that these teams are going to fight the Sun and Moon team. Although they are not afraid of the Sun and Moon team, they still have to weigh it in the face of the desperate wheel battle of hundreds of strong teams...

A drop of cold sweat oozed from Shao Siming's forehead, and only then did he realize that the New Century Academy didn't seem to be all rotten persimmons.

With all the top 100 teams in Huaxia united, I am afraid that even the Sun and Moon team will have a hard time retreating...

Shao Siming pretended to be calm and said: "What do you mean? Could it be that your country is planning to bully the few with more?"

Teacher Xuanji waved his hand, and the dozens of preparation teams rushed forward to launch the No. 10 competition area one after another, but their eyes were still extremely fierce.

"Since you don't want the sacred badge, forget it..." Teacher Xuanji smiled.

"Wait a minute! Who said we don't want the sacred badge!" Shao Siming suddenly said loudly.

"Oh? Finally figured it out?" Teacher Xuanji said calmly, with the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"Ahem... Our Sun and Moon Royal Team doesn't like bullying. Since you all admit that it was a mistake in your work, then we won't be so inconsiderate." Shao Siming put his arms around his chest, paused for a moment, and then changed the subject. : "However... the captain of your Furious Scale team seriously injured the captain of our Sun Moon team, how will this be settled?"

"Naturally, it will be dealt with according to the rules of the China Senior League. Feng Yixiu forcibly disrupted the game. According to the rules, a point will be deducted from the top ten competition." Teacher Xuanji said in a deep voice.

Shao Siming nodded in satisfaction, and said lightly: "It seems that your treatment is fair, but do you mean what you say? As far as I know, you are just the leader of the Nulin team, right?"

This point may not seem like much, but it is already a very severe punishment.

Because in the top ten competition, each victory can only get one point, I am afraid that now the Fulin Academy is the only team that is at a disadvantage before the competition starts.

This also means that if they want to enter the semi-finals, they must not lose a game!

The pressure is not small...

"The words of the leader Xuanji are Ben's words.

The meaning of the dean is naturally counting! "

Before Feng Yixiu could speak, Gu Liangyu's voice, like an evening drum and a bell, echoed continuously in Xuantian Martial Arts Field.

Gu Liangyu made such a big mistake, now that Xuanji and Feng Yixiu have finally settled it, if he doesn't show up at this time, it will be too unreasonable...

After Shao Si Ming got a definite response, he nodded in satisfaction, and said lightly: "Your Highness, Third Prince, let's go!"

Yuan Shenya glanced at Feng Yixiu before leaving, and said lightly: "I hope to see you in the finals, and I will let you know what real power is..."

Feng Yixiu looked cold, he didn't pay attention to Yuan Shenya, but called the medical team to carry Kong Pei and Gong Lianglu down.

A professional medical team immediately carried the two of them down on a stretcher, and the roaring ambulance immediately went to the hospital for treatment.

The members of the Sun and Moon team also left the Xuantian Martial Arts Field one after another, and they had no interest in staying here as they no longer needed to participate in the Top 100 Ranking Competition.

All of a sudden, the entire auditorium burst into applause, and everyone was shouting the names of Feng Yixiu and Furyscale.

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