The entire blackthorn cage began to be covered with a layer of purple poisonous fire, and then the entire blackthorn forest began to turn into a dark purple sea of ​​flames.

The war spirit behind the three armed black demon cards wanted to forcibly break through the shackles of the Ten Thousand Poison Cage, but it was inevitable that they would come into contact with the poisonous fire.

In an instant, the three war spirits were completely enveloped by the purple poisonous fire, and the intense poison made them let out a tragic roar.

Even so, these three war spirits still completely ignored the poisonous fire on their bodies, and broke through the shackles of the cage with crazy violence.

The first one to break through the cage was vice-captain Xu Wenhua's Xiaoyue Silver Wolf. It didn't attack Feng Yixiu the moment it rushed out, but rushed towards the poisonous cage that restrained the Lion Mastiff King. .

Xiaoyue Silver Wolf is an extremely powerful assault-type extreme war spirit. If it desperately wants to break through the poisonous cage, it will not be difficult.

It's just that this will obviously speed up the life of Xiaoyue Silver Wolf, but it doesn't seem to care at all, and is still madly attacking the Ten Thousand Poison Cage.

Feng Yixiu also had a heavy expression on his face. Although he didn't know what they wanted to do, he launched an offensive immediately.

"Hmph! Don't forget that I'm still here!" Meng Mingjie rushed towards Feng Yixiu frantically.

His fighting style is completely attacking but not defending, even though he is already bruised and scarred, he is still completely ignorant.

Feng Yixiu now understands why Meng Mingjie of the Frenzy team is called a berserker. I'm afraid this desperate fighting style is the main reason.

With the violent consumption of Meng Mingjie's blood, Feng Yixiu obviously felt that the opponent's speed and strength were increasing rapidly, and there was a tendency to be equal to him...

"Little Bailou! Stop it for me!"

In desperation, Feng Yixiu could only summon the first battle spirit and ask him to stop Xiaoyue Silver Wolf.

The moment the Azure Jade Linlong appeared, it launched a fierce attack on the Xiaoyue Silver Wolf, completely bathing the Silver Moon Wolf King in the light of thunder.

Under the double attack of poisonous fire and thunder, Xiaoyue Silver Wolf was still a weak candle in the wind, as if he might fall down at any time.

But what Feng Yixiu didn't expect was that the Howling Moon Silver Wolf still insisted on attacking the Ten Thousand Poisons Cage regardless.


With a loud noise, the ten thousand poisonous cage that originally restrained the Lion Mastiff King burst open, and the Lion Mastiff King was also released.

However, Feng Yixiu did not expect that the Lion Mastiff King still did not launch an offensive against Feng Yixiu, but went on to rescue the Scarlet Blood Mephid.

With the cooperation of the two battle spirits, the third 10,000-poison cage was also successfully breached, leaving only the 10,000-poison cage of Gray Explosive Demon Bear, which was Captain Meng Mingjie's battle spirit.

There is no doubt that this last 10,000-poison cage was broken almost instantly, and the Gray Explosive Demon Bear was also released.

Feng Yixiu slapped Meng Mingjie away with a slap, and said coldly: "These three war spirits have been poisoned, and I'm afraid they won't survive a minute. So what if they are released?"

"Hmph! Do you think I let them out to deal with you? Then you are wrong!" Meng Mingjie sneered.

As soon as the words were finished, the Gray Explosive Demon Bear started attacking the other three battle spirits, Feng Yixiu was a little puzzled for a while.

What the hell are these guys doing? What's wrong with attacking your teammates?

Just when Feng Yixiu was wondering, Meng Mingjie threw out a black-gold rank monster card, and said coldly: "Bloodthirsty Greedy Wolf—Bloodthirsty Armed Forces!"

The black streamer sank into the body of the Gray Explosive Demon Bear, and it also began to experience significant changes visible to the naked eye. The gray hair all over its body turned into a dazzling blood red, and each hair became like a spar.

The three war spirits that were already bleeding profusely let out a low growl of pain, and all the blood gathered in the body of the Gray Explosive Demon Bear.

I saw that the size of the Grizzly Explosive Demon Bear began to increase visible to the naked eye, and the sharp bear claws more than doubled in length, sending out monstrous waves of blood...

Feng Yixiu couldn't help but frown when he looked at the Gray Explosive Demon Bear who was more than forty meters tall in front of him.

If you didn't guess wrong, the magic card used by the three war spirits just now was to greatly increase the power of blood, which was obviously used as a wedding dress for the gray blast demon bear.

At this time, the energy and blood of the Demonic Gray Explosion Bear had reached a very astonishing level, Feng Yixiu could smell a pungent smell of blood from a long distance away...

After completing their respective tasks, the three members of Team Frenzy made gestures of admitting defeat, and the three were quickly teleported out of the arena.

Although it seems that there is only one person left in the Frenzy team, it seems to be at a disadvantage, but it is actually several times stronger than when all the members are present!

On the surface, this Frenzy team is a balanced team, but in fact it is a hidden extreme team, but few people can push them to this point.

For a moment, the entire Xuantian Martial Arts Field looked dumbfounded. The situation was one-sided just now, but in the blink of an eye, there was a big reversal.

There was an astonishing silence in the VIP seats. Everyone was lost in thought when they looked at the Frenzy team. This team was not as easy to deal with as they imagined.

Tantai Yangxu, the captain of the King of Machines, also had stern eyes, no one knew what he was thinking...

On the rostrum, all the team leaders talked a lot when they saw Team Frenzy's performance.

Mu Han, the captain of the Frenzy team, glanced at Xuanji, and said indifferently: "I said

, there is no word admitting defeat in the dictionary of our frenzy team! "

Teacher Xuanji chuckled lightly, and said lightly: "Don't say this too slowly, could it be that the slap on the face just now didn't hurt enough?"

"Hmph..." Thinking of the previous situation, Mu Han couldn't help but blushed, and continued: "This time there will be no more accidents!"

Teacher Xuanji shook his head with a smile, and ignored the other party, but continued to focus on the competition.

Meng Mingjie was also fed back by the blood of the war spirit, and the blood on his body was even more prosperous. He sneered and said: "I didn't expect you to be able to push me to this point and let me use my hole card so early. I have to admit that you are very happy!" powerful!"

"I hear your tone, it seems like a victory speech?" Feng Yixiu shook his head and continued: "But! Are you sure you really won?"

"Hahaha... I haven't lost a single defeat in this state! And you, Feng Yixiu, are no exception!" Meng Mingjie looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Oh? Then I will let you taste the taste of failure today!"

After saying that, Feng Yixiu instantly turned on the Shura mode, and the phantom of King Shura, which was more than eight meters high, instantly condensed, and the realm of King Shura gradually spread.

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