God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1445 Frontal Collision

It can be said that the Super Tyrannosaurus King is a desperate super weapon all over his body, and it has almost no weaknesses in both offense and defense.

Feng Yixiu could clearly feel that the Super Tyrannosaurus King at this time was even stronger than what he had seen before, and the aura of the king was undoubtedly displayed.

And these can be glimpsed from the data of the Super Tyrannosaurus King:

[War Spirit Name]: Ultra Tyrannosaurus King

[War Spirit Attributes]: Gold, Thunder, Fire, Ice

[Battle Spirit Rank]: Complete Body (Super Limit)

[War Spirit Level]: Level 7 and Level 9

[Battle Spirit Quality]: Sovereign Level

[War Spirit Skills]: Super Dragon Power, Red Lotus Dragon Cannon, Extreme Ice Dragon Shield, Ultimate Thunder Dragon Sword

The moment the Super Tyrannosaurus King appeared, the entire Xuantian Martial Arts Field once again set off a wave of heat.

"Finally, I saw the appearance of the Ultra Tyrannosaurus King again. If this is the case, I think the Machine Emperor team will definitely win!"

"This time, the Fury Scale team's luck seems to be really bad. Mu Chunxue was able to draw over-limit firepower..."

"This time the Ultra Tyrannosaurus Dragon King seems to be even stronger than the last time I saw it. I'm afraid the Furyscale team is in danger..."

Almost all the audience were not optimistic about the Furyscale team. After all, the appearance of the Ultra Tyrannosaurus King gave them too much shock.

On the team leader's seat, many team leaders were also talking about it, and they were also shocked by the strength of the Machine Emperor team.

Bo Ling, the leader of the Machine Emperor team, said with a smile: "Leader Xuanji, our luck is really good in this round, we have accepted..."

Teacher Xuanji's face was cold, and he said calmly: "This competition has just begun, and it is not yet known who will win and who will lose. How can we talk about concessions?"

"Just started? I think it seems to be over. If the leader of Xuanji is still worried about the next game, it's better not to hurt your main players." Bo Ling gradually put away his smile and said lightly.

"You mean to ask me to negotiate with the referee and prepare to admit defeat?" Teacher Xuanji chuckled and asked back.

"Do you have any other choices?" Bo Ling pushed his glasses and said lightly.

"I think it's you who should admit defeat..." Leader Xuanji shook his head with a smile, then looked at leader Bo Ling with a very calm gaze, and said with a smile: "Are you right? Spirit leader..."

Hearing this, Bo Ling's team leader looked ashen, and did not respond to Xuanji, but set his sights on the field.

"Everyone retreat to the safe zone!" Tantai Yangxu immediately shouted loudly.

The four members of the King of Machines all retreated to the safe zone not far behind them, leaving only the Ultra Tyrannosaurus King on the field.

Because at this time, the four members of Chance Emperor's team have all been injured to some extent, and the spirit soldiers have been destroyed, and the spirit armor has also been damaged to varying degrees.

Not only will they not be of much help if they stay on the field, they may also need the distraction of the oversized Tyrannosaurus King to protect them, so retreating to the safe zone is the safest decision.

"Star Meteor Shocker! Attack!"

Feng Yixiu frowned when he saw the 'Super Mass Tyrannosaurus King' being summoned, but he was not too flustered. With a slight movement of his fingers, all the monster cards in the first monster book flew out and disappeared. into the body of the Azure Jade Linlong.

Immediately afterwards, the "Xingyu Zhenxing" launched an attack, and the six Xingyu Zhenxing attacked the Super Tyrannosaurus Dragon King from different directions. Each of them was surrounded by three-color glazed thunder, which looked dazzling.

But the Azure Jade Linlong itself is secretly brewing Thunder Cloud, ready to launch the strongest thunder-type combat skill, the Divine Singing Hall!

In the past, every time Xingyu Zhenxing launched an offensive, he always had an unstoppable posture like a falling comet, and his body size played a big role in it.

But now that the target of the attack is the Super Tyrannosaurus Rex King, the visual impact of Xingyu Zhenxing does not appear to be so huge.

Even Xingyu Zhenxing seemed a little small in front of the nearly 60-meter-tall Tyrannosaurus King...

When the Super Tyrannosaurus King faced the Xingyun Zhenxing attacking from all directions, he didn't seem to be too nervous, and his calmness was a little scary.

It just hovered above the sky quietly, its sharp eyes circled the surrounding stars, as if it was calculating something...

The two star meteors pinched the Super Tyrannosaurus King from left to right, and when it was about to succeed, its figure disappeared in place in an instant.

The speed of the Super Tyrannosaurus Rex King is so fast that it is difficult for the naked eye to catch it. When the super quantum thruster behind it is fully activated, the speed can exceed several times the speed of sound!

This is also its first battle spirit, named Super Quantity Dragon Power!

However, this kind of full-force burst advance time is very short, only less than three seconds, even if it is so, it is already a very terrifying existence...


There was only a dull impact sound, and the two meteorites had no time to dodge and crashed into each other.

The huge impact force caused obvious spider web cracks to appear on both of them, followed by two red lotus dragon cannons chasing them, blasting them into powder in an instant.

The two Xingyu Zhenxing closest to the Super Tyrannosaurus King launched a pincer attack again. After all, they are thunder-type war spirits. When the Super Tyrannosaurus King does not use super dragon power, his speed is slightly slower than that of Xingyu Zhenxing .

Facing the pincer attack of the two stars and earthquakes again, the Super Tyrannosaurus King first raised the Extreme Ice Dragon Shield in his left hand to block the Xingyu Zhenxing attacking from the left.

The huge impact force caused cracks visible to the naked eye to appear on the Extreme Ice Dragon Shield, but there were also cracks on the Star Meteor Shock Star.

Thick ice crystals began to form.

And the ultimate thunder dragon sword in the right hand slashed towards another star, the star, and actually cut it in half. The section of the severed star was red, like molten texture.

The fragments of the two meteorites bounced towards the two sides suddenly, landed heavily on the snow field, and gradually disappeared into little streams of light.

The power of the Ultimate Thunder Dragon Sword is simply astonishing, and the power of the Super Tyrannosaurus King has brought this ultimate weapon to the extreme!

And the star that was blocked by the left hand was completely covered by ice crystals, and the power of extreme ice made the star more fragile.

I saw that the Ultimate Thunder Dragon Sword pierced it with a simple stroke, and pushed it away with force with his left hand, the whole movement was as smooth as flowing clouds and flowing water.

However, in ten seconds, four of the six meteorites were lost, and only two meteorites were still hovering nearby, without rashly launching an attack.

The super tyrannosaurus king activated the super thrusters behind him again, rushed towards Feng Yixiu at a speed almost teleported, and appeared in front of him in the blink of an eye.

The Ultimate Thunder Dragon Sword was raised high, and the nearly forty-meter-long sword gave people a great visual impact. The speed was so fast that only a flash of thunder could be seen.


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