This red lotus dragon cannon has the ability to lock the target, and can only attack the lightning hummingbird within the attack range.

These red lotus missiles are all closely behind the lightning hummingbird, and they are gathering together.

Hundreds of red lotus missiles are like a huge mechanical dragon, closely chasing the lightning hummingbird.

Whenever the red lotus dragon was about to catch up, the lightning hummingbird suddenly accelerated and opened the distance again!

Feng Yixiu frowned slightly when he saw this scene, and sighed inwardly.

The Lightning Hummingbird seems to be controlling its speed intentionally or unintentionally, and it is creating an illusion that it is about to be caught up.

If he didn't guess wrong, Liu Feng wanted to attack his own shield with his own spear!

However, there are rules in the arena. Players cannot interfere with the progress of the game. Otherwise, both parties will be severely punished.

With the passage of time, the number of red lotus missiles has changed from dozens to hundreds now, forming a super-large red lotus dragon hundreds of meters long!

It can be imagined that if this red lotus dragon explodes, its power will be devastating...

Tantai Yangxu finally realized that something was wrong, but he had no way out.

The bullets discharged from the chamber will not be controlled by the master's consciousness, this red lotus dragon has lost control!

In fact, this can't be blamed on Tantai Yangxu, now the Super Tyrannosaurus King only has these two long-range attack methods, and he can't touch the Lightning Hummingbird whose speed is far faster than him.

He could only gamble on whether the Red Lotus Dragon Cannon could catch up to the Lightning Hummingbird, but obviously he failed...

When Liu Feng saw that the Super Tyrannosaurus King no longer launched the red lotus missile, he said calmly: "Did you realize it now? It's a pity it's too late."

After all, the speed of the lightning hummingbird made a 180-degree turn, and the red lotus dragon behind it also made a sharp turn.

Although the Lightning Hummingbird can't do anything to the Extreme Ice Dragon Shield, it doesn't mean that the red lotus dragon formed by hundreds of red lotus missiles behind it can't do anything to it!

The red lotus dragon hundreds of meters behind the leader of the golden flash quickly attacked the super tyrannosaurus king, and the momentum was extremely huge...


All of a sudden, ear-piercing roars sounded continuously, and the noise formed by hundreds of red lotus dragon cannons seemed to be the roar of a giant dragon!

When the Super Tyrannosaurus King saw the red lotus dragon attacking towards him, to be honest, his heart was also very broken...

In the past, it was others who appreciated the unparalleled attack power of the Super Tyrannosaurus King, and never thought that one day he would face his own super attack.

The oversized tyrannosaurus king knew that his speed was not as fast as the opponent's, so running away was useless, so he could only use the extreme ice dragon shield in his left hand to block himself in front of him!

The golden flash approached directly towards the Extreme Ice Dragon Shield, less than a millimeter away from the shield, making a 90-degree turn in disguise.

This kind of extreme precision is an extreme operation for the lightning hummingbird, which is only a few centimeters in size, and the red lotus dragon, which is hundreds of meters long, cannot react at all!

"Boom boom boom..."

In the ultimate collision of ice and fire, the hundreds of meters long red lotus dragon exploded for more than ten seconds!

The shock wave formed by the deafening explosion spread like a wave towards the surroundings. This level of attack caused the entire Xuantian Martial Arts Field to be plunged into a brief earthquake.

Within ten seconds, many viewers who didn't cover their ears in time only felt their heads buzzing. Even though the sound of the explosion had disappeared, their ears were still buzzing...

The gray-white mist formed by the big bang gradually dispersed, and only then did everyone see clearly what happened.

I saw that the Extreme Ice Dragon Shield in the hands of the Super Tyrannosaurus Dragon King had been completely blasted into pieces, and there were cracks visible to the naked eye on the metal body all over his body.

The oversized tyrannosaurus king, who was majestic just now, has become the end of his battle, and no part of his body is intact, and even one of the thrusters behind him is broken.

This is also the first time that Tantai Yangxu disliked that his attack was too powerful, and he almost had to explain it here!


Xuantian Martial Arts Field couldn't help but gasped when seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

With the Lightning Hummingbird unscathed, it actually made the super strong Tyrannosaurus King on the verge of disintegration. I have to say that the Huazhong team is really terrifying...

After confirming that the Super Tyrannosaurus King was no longer a threat, Liu Feng approached slowly, and said calmly, "Tsk tsk tsk... As expected of the Super Tyrannosaurus King, both the attack power and the defense power are so amazing!"

This sentence seems to be praising the Machine Emperor team, but it is actually a ruthless mockery!

The subtext is also obvious, although you are very powerful, but it is useless...

Tantai Yangxu, the captain of the King of Machines, also turned pale with anger, but there was nothing he could do in his heart.

Whoever makes them inferior to others, no matter how many grievances they have, they can only swallow it alone.

"Let me see you off for the last time!"

"Shen Feng·Big Sword Slash"

Liu Feng drew his saber violently again, few people saw clearly how he swung the saber.

The only thing I saw was a white rainbow covering a kilometer flashed by. After the flash of light, Shenfeng returned to a short blade again.

Liu Feng inserted Shenfeng into his waist with a relaxed expression, then turned around confidently, and walked towards his own safe zone.

If you observe carefully, Liu Feng can't see any traces of fighting from head to toe, not to mention

It was an injury, and even the clothes were not damaged...

Not only Liu Feng himself, but also the Lightning Hummingbird was almost unscathed, the streamlined body that seemed to be poured in gold was still as clean as new, not even a single scratch appeared.

Everyone knew that the Huazhong team's weakness was the three will-o'-the-wisps behind Liu Feng. If they touched even a single trace, the defenseless pure support-type battle spirits would disappear.

But no one can do it, even the astonishingly powerful Ultra Tyrannosaurus King can't do it...

Liu Feng walked less than three steps away, and the huge head of the oversized tyrannosaur king slowly slid down, leaving only a headless body with a shrill electric sound.

After more than ten seconds of bombing by the Ultra Tyrannosaurus King, the superalloy armor on his whole body has been completely shattered, and the defense power is almost gone!


With a loud cracking sound, the beheaded oversized tyrannosaur king burst open, completely dissipating in the light of the painting and disappearing invisible.

And from the beheaded head, a human-shaped streamer was ejected, and Tantai Yangxu fell heavily to the ground.

At this time, Tantai Yangxu's face was as pale as white paper, there was hardly a trace of blood, and the bloodstains on his face also showed signs of turning black.

Tantai Yangxu was not poisoned deeply before, and he used powerful spiritual power to suppress the outbreak of poison, but now he can't bear it...

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