Liu Feng was at the side, but he saw the needles, and said in a strange way: "No wonder you always persuade me to give up the match with the Sun and Moon team. Could it be that you really have some ulterior relationship in private?"

"Hmph..." Feng Yixiu sneered, and said lightly: "People with dark hearts see everything as dark, and I have no obligation to explain anything to you!"

"Are you afraid that I really won the Sun and Moon team and stole your limelight?" Liu Feng said lightly, frowning slightly.

Before Feng Yixiu could speak, Han Xiao couldn't stand it anymore, and said loudly: "You don't take a piss and take good care of yourself, our captain has never paid attention to you, let alone talk to you In contrast, you should put less gold on your face!"


Liu Feng stood up suddenly, but when he looked at Shang Feng Yixiu calmly, he had no choice but to sit down again.

But the anger on his face did not decrease at all, and the anger and competitive spirit in his heart became more and more vigorous...

"Captain Feng, Captain Liu can be regarded as a member of the Central China Base anyway, and you can be regarded as half colleagues. As for letting your teammates criticize others like this?"

Suddenly, a woman in a green team uniform glanced at this side and wrote lightly.

This woman was wearing an emerald green team uniform with the captain's exclusive badge on her chest, and there was an inexplicable arrogance in her eyes.

Feng Yixiu looked over slowly, and said lightly, "May I ask who you are?"

Hearing this, the female captain was also stunned for a while, with an inexplicable sullen expression on her face.

"Captain Feng, our North China team is your future opponent, you must be too small..." The female captain of the North China team frowned slightly.

"I'm sorry, I'm a person who never wastes time on unnecessary things." Feng Yixiu said indifferently with an indifferent expression.

"You are so defiant!" North China female captain said angrily.

"The premise is that you are also a normal person..." Shen Ruyu smiled lightly.

"Who are you calling abnormal!"

The female captain of the North China team also stood up angrily, but was held back by the person beside her.

"Captain Baizhu, please stop saying a word..." Xu Huayue, the captain of the Northwest team, quickly stopped Baizhu, and then said with a smile: "The game is about to start, and many cameras are facing this side, restrain yourself a little bit .”

Tuoba Bingfan, the captain of the Huadong team, also echoed: "Captain Xu is right! Peace is the most important thing..."

Only then did Bai Zhu sit down slowly, and said coldly, "I'm doing it for the sake of the two captains, otherwise..."

"Otherwise, what else are you thinking? Could it be that you still have to make gestures?" Dongfang Xia Mo interrupted the other party's words and sneered.

"Who am I? I heard that the Dongfang family has announced that you are the official heir. No wonder the tone of speech has changed." Bai Zhu glanced at Dongfang Xiamo, and said coldly: "I can tell, You are ready to bully others, right?"

"Hey! I'm just bullying others, what can you do to me?" Dongfang Xia mo folded his arms around his chest and said calmly.

"Too much deceit!"

Bai Zhu's face turned livid from anger, but just as she was about to stand up, she was pushed down by Tuoba Bingfan and Xu Huayue beside her.

"Captain Bai, don't be impulsive... He is now the future head of the Dongfang family, so he can't be offended!" Xu Huayue said earnestly.


Just as Bai Zhu was about to refute, Tuoba Bingfan said a step ahead: "What's wrong! The competition will start soon, let's watch the competition carefully!"

After saying that, Tuoba Bingfan and Xu Huayue sandwiched Bai Zhu in the middle, every time they were about to speak, they were stopped, and they didn't give her a chance to speak, Bai Zhu's face turned blue with anger.

Bai Zhu could see that Tuoba Bingfan and Xu Huayue seemed to be facing her, but they were actually helping Feng Yixiu.

Feng Yixiu has always disdained to waste words, especially a woman like Bai Zhu, so he didn't have much communication with the dialogue from the beginning to the end.

However, Shen Ruyu and Dongfang Xiamo are also very capable of fighting against each other. Not only did they not suffer, but they left the other party speechless...

"Captain Feng, do you really not know that Baizhu?" Tantai Yangxu asked in a low voice.

"Why do I know a shrew like her? I'm free..." Feng Yixiu said with a puzzled expression.

"I was thinking that she is also a member of the Seventh Headquarters, so I thought you knew her." Tantai Yangxu said with a smile.

"There are so many people in the Seven Headquarters, and besides, I didn't spend much time in the Central China Base, and I didn't come out of the Central China Training Center. How could I have time to meet so many people?" Feng Yixiu said lightly.

"That's true... I heard that Bai Zhu and Liu Feng have an unusual relationship, and they get very close in private." Tantai Yangxu whispered.

"No wonder that woman is so excited, so it is like this!" Feng Yixiu suddenly realized, and immediately looked at Tantai Yangxu's expression with a little surprise.

"Brother Feng, why are you looking at me like this? Is there something on my face?" Tantai Yangxu touched his face, wondering.

"I said, you old man, why do you know all kinds of gossip?" Feng Yixiu smiled lightly and frowned.

"Don't get me wrong! I just heard what Haruyuki said!"

While speaking, Tantai Yangxu glanced at Mu Chunxue who was beside him, it was obvious that the other party didn't seem to react, but instead looked confused.

"When will I..." Mu Chunxue asked in a daze.

Tantai Yangxu hastily

Interrupted: "I'm not talking about you, this memory is getting worse and worse. But these are not important! Let's watch the game first!"

Feng Yixiu also held back his smile, and immediately set his sights on the competition.

At this moment, the teams from both sides have all entered the arena, and the Huazhong team naturally entered the arena with the four main players.

Since the start of the semi-finals, almost no one will participate with a contemptuous mentality, and almost all of them are the main players entering the field.

But the Sun Moon team is obviously a special case. They only entered the field this time with two players, the captain Yuan Shenya and the vice captain Shen Daijing.

This can be said to be Chi Guoguo's contempt for the Huazhong team, and it can even be said to be an insult!

The entire Xuantian Martial Arts Field was in an uproar when they saw the lineups from both sides.

The four members of the Huazhong team glared at the two of the Sun and Moon team, their eyes full of fighting spirit and anger...

"Now please come forward to complete the handshake ceremony with the captains of the two teams!"

The referee stood in the middle of the arena with a serious expression on his face.

Liu Feng of the Huazhong team still came to the center of the arena at an extremely fast speed, but Yuan Shenya walked towards the center of the arena like a leisurely stroll.

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