God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1594 Heavy News

Teacher Xuanji nodded, and said lightly: "Then you can practice here, but even though this is no man's land, you can only practice at night."

"Why can you only practice at night?"

Shen Ruyu on the side was a little puzzled and asked.

"Although this is no man's land, I'm afraid that such a big commotion will cause unnecessary panic. Besides, aren't we training in secret? If someone finds out, it will be difficult to achieve unexpected results." Teacher Xuanji responded .

"The teacher is right...we will pay attention." Feng Yixiu nodded and said seriously.

"Okay, you don't have much time, why don't you hurry up and practice? If you can't master the training before the competition, I won't allow you to take risks in the competition." Teacher Xuanji said seriously. .

Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu nodded together. They also knew that the time was short and the task was heavy, so they had to hurry up to train.

There are only two days left for the match between the Xuantian team and the Fulin team, which means they only have two nights of training time at most...

Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu jumped off the golden gourd together and landed firmly on the ground.

With the experience of the previous failure, Feng Yixiu became more cautious when operating again, and the control of spiritual power continued to become stronger and stronger.

With the accumulation of repeated failures, Feng Yixiu gradually mastered the technique of virtualizing weapons, and became more and more familiar with the control of Shaking Yuzhenxing.

After the first night, Feng Yixiu was able to exert 100% of the power of the Polar Star Destroyer Dragon, and he could control the precise timing of the sunspot explosion.

On the second night, Feng Yixiu began to try to cooperate with Shen Ruyu, and the difficulty increased again.

After all, it is not easy for one person to be able to control it accurately. If two people operate together, it will test the tacit understanding of the two people.

However, Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu's progress far exceeded Teacher Xuanji's expectations, and they actually completed the virtual armament after the battle spirit fusion in only one night.

On the day of the start of the competition, a ray of morning sun shone on the sweat-filled foreheads of Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu, and a super-large shock star like a meteor from the sky hung in the air.

This super-large meteorite is surrounded by azure blue thunder and fire, and its size has reached an astonishing level.

Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu were as insignificant as ants under their feet. Looking at the super-large meteor in mid-air, they also showed satisfied smiles.


When Teacher Xuanji saw the huge monster in front of him, he kept swallowing secretly.

However, his expression still maintained a calm look, after all, he still couldn't lose his composure too much in front of his students.

"You guys did a great job. I didn't expect you to be able to accomplish such superb skills in such a short period of time." Master Xuanji slowly fell from midair, hovering beside Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu, and said lightly: "The game is about to start, let's go back quickly."

Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu joined hands and flew onto the golden gourd, and then the figure of the golden gourd gradually disappeared into the sky.

And the super-large space-shaking star also fell slowly, smashing towards the barrenness below.


There was only a loud noise that resounded through the sky and the earth, and the power generated by the huge shock wave involved everyone within a radius of several kilometers.

Even though Teacher Xuanji was already 10,000 meters away, he still felt a strong hurricane.

Without looking back at all, you can guess that the road behind must be a mess, and immediately accelerate the speed of flight...

But what Feng Yixiu, Xuanji and the others didn't know was that shortly after they left, a reporter from the war spirit world with a keen sense of smell came to investigate.

After all, the meteorite with the largest volume was completed in the early morning, and the night could no longer serve as a cover for Feng Yixiu and the others, so it was not surprising that it was discovered.

When these reporters saw the huge craters all over the ground, the shock in their hearts can be said to be indescribable.

Not long after that, an explosive news broke out in the northwest base.

The specific general content of the report: In a certain uninhabited area of ​​the northwest base, a large area of ​​meteorites landed at night, causing damage to an area of ​​tens of kilometers, but fortunately no casualties were caused.

Many people in the Northwest Base are also secretly rejoicing that this meteorite group landed in no man's land. If it were in other places, it would probably cause incalculable losses...

If these people knew that there was no meteorite group landing at all, and it was only caused by Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu's training, they would probably vomit blood on the spot.

But this is all for later, Xuanji led Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu to rush towards Xuantian Island.


Xuantian is playing martial arts field.

At this time, it was less than ten minutes before the official start of the game, and the atmosphere at the scene was even hotter.

Yesterday's semi-finals had come to an end, and as expected, as Tantai Yangxu predicted, they were indeed not the opponents of the Burning Yu team.

In the end, the Burning Feather team successfully won the internal third place in the China Senior League, while the Machine Emperor team ranked fourth.

All members of the Xuantian team had already arrived, their faces were filled with confident smiles, and their aura became much more arrogant.

As for the Nulin team, the main members have not yet arrived, only Han Xiao and Dongfang Xia Mo are present.

Although the two were very calm on the surface, they were also a little worried in their hearts. Could it be that something happened...

I saw Han Jiang glanced at the time, and said loudly: "The match is about to start, and your captain and vice-captain haven't come yet. Could it be that you don't dare to come because you know you can't beat it?"

"Hehe..." Han Xiao sneered, and said lightly: "I'm afraid that if you forget the pain after the scar is healed, our captain will be afraid of you? This is the funniest joke I've heard this year."

Hearing this, everyone in the Xuantian team had serious expressions on their faces. Hearing the faint laughter in their ears, they couldn't help clenching their fists.

Although the slap marks on Han Jiang's face were gone, he still felt a burning pain on his face.

I saw Han Jiang flipped his palm, and a simple and simple mirror emitting a faint light appeared in his palm, it was Yata Mirror!

"Do you know what this is?" Han Jiang said coldly, the corners of his mouth rising uncontrollably.

When Han Xiao and Dongfang Xiamo saw the object in each other's hands, their pupils shrank involuntarily, and they exclaimed, "Yataka Mirror!"

"Hahaha... It seems that you guys are quite knowledgeable. Don't say that your captain didn't come today. Even if he came, I still want to let him know why the flowers are so popular!" Han Jiang laughed up to the sky for a while, excited road.

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