God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1617 A qualitative leap

I saw that the Dragon Power exuded by the Azure Dragon Sacred Spear and the Azure Dragon Sacred Armor was more domineering, and the entangled green-gold thunder was more condensed, and its weight was more than doubled than before...

I'm afraid this is the true posture of the Azure Dragon Sacred Spear and Azure Dragon Sacred Armor, a super existence with extremely domineering attack power!

Followed by Shen Ruyu's Fentian Battle Armor and the Liangyi Fentian Bow floating above his head, great changes took place.

I saw that the Fentian War Armor and the Liangyi Fentian Bow were forged by the Suzaku holy fire, and their shapes began to undergo significant drastic changes, very similar to the changes after borrowing the power of the Suzaku in the previous competition.

However, it was only a temporary borrowing before. This is a completely different concept from the fusion and absorption of the lineup. The two are completely different!

After absorbing the power of Suzaku, the Fentian Battle Armor was successfully forged into the Suzaku Sacred Armor, possessing the power beyond rebirth from ashes, that is rebirth from Nirvana!

And the Liangyi Burning Heaven Bow has also evolved into the Suzaku Burning Heaven Bow, and each Suzaku arrow has the terrifying power to burn everything...

It can be said that the evolution of Shen Ruyu's spirit soldiers and spirit armor has given her a qualitative leap in combat power. Not only does she have the ability to save her life from death, but she also has the terrifying destructive power of fire.

And Han Xiao, as the owner of the Shuanglingbing, saw that a force representing the water element first submerged into its body.

The Raging Wave Armor began to undergo a huge change, the overall color gradually changed from dark blue to black gold.

I saw that after absorbing the power of Tianshui in the power of Xuanwu, the gauntlets of Raging Waves were forged into a brand new spirit weapon, Wuji Gauntlets!

The Wuji gauntlet allows Han Xiao to have a very powerful destructive power, and can even easily control the ocean, with overwhelming power in every gesture!

The Tiandou Gauntlet was forged into the Tianxuan Gauntlet after absorbing the power of Xuanwu from the power of Tianxuan. It can greatly increase Han Xiao's strength, and even has the power to move mountains and mountains!

Han Xiao is also the only one among the four who can use dual spirit weapons at the same time. The Tianxuan arm armor is the main defense, and the emphasis is on strength, taking the route of reducing ten sessions with one force.

Martial art gauntlets mainly attack, focusing on destructive power, with a powerful smashing effect, it can be said to be a model of violent aesthetics...

However, Han Xiao now only has one spirit armor left, which is the Xuanwu Holy Armor. Although it does not have the terrifying recovery power of the Suzaku Holy Armor and the Qinglong Holy Armor, its defensive power is the most terrifying existence!

It may be more difficult for a general seventh-level battle spirit to break Han Xiao's basalt armor than to climb to the sky. Even if he stands still and let someone beat him, he still feels pain in his hand...

As for Dongfang Late Xia's Spirit Armor and Spirit Armor, it can be said that they have changed the most among the four.

The reason why it is said that she has changed the most is because the others only changed the shape and function of the spirit soldier, but the attributes did not change.

But after Dongfang Xiamo absorbed the White Tiger Sacred Orb, he even awakened the hidden light blood in his body!

In this way, Dongfang Xia Mo has also become a dual-attribute awakened War Spirit Venerable, the light element and the dark element exist in one person at the same time...

Dongfang Xiamo's Soul Chasing Scythe has also become a spiritual weapon that can change form. The dark form has inherited the characteristics of the previous spiritual weapon, and it is still good at assassination!

After absorbing the hidden power of the dark system hidden by the White Tiger Sacred Orb, the dark-type "Scythe of Chasing Soul--Ye Sha" was forged into a brand new "Tian Ming Zhan Ye-Ye Sha!"

Tianming Zhanye almost inherited all the advantages of the Soul Chasing Scythe, allowing Dongfang Xiamo to sneak in the shadows and kill him with a surprise blow.

And under the state of the light system, a brand new white tiger sickle was formed, a killing sickle with terrifying evil aura...

The White Tiger Scythe is different from Tianming Zhanye, who is good at assassination. It is best at confronting opponents head-to-head. The powerful killing spirit can make people frightened!

When Master Xuanji saw the changes in the crowd, he was overjoyed. Although he was about to lose his hold, he still gritted his teeth and persisted.

The spiritual soldiers of the crowd began to condense from their translucent incorporeal state to a solid state, and the four holy beads that were constantly surrounding them also gradually began to disappear.

At this time, three days and three nights have passed, and the power of the four holy beads is too strong. This is obviously a tough battle.

However, the Wrathscale team and others have received great benefits in this process, the most intuitive of which is the increase in level.

The spiritual power contained in the four spirit circle formed by the four holy beads is as thick as the ocean, which can be seen from the fact that Feng Yixiu and others absorbed it for three days and three nights.

Under the influence of the Four Sacred Formation, Feng Yixiu actually improved three small realms in a row within three days, reaching the seventh-level and sixth-level War Spirit Venerable realm!

The spiritual sea in the body is constantly churning, hitting the wall of the spirit, Feng Yixiu is also intoxicated by the feeling of the rapid improvement of the realm...

And Shen Ruyu and Dongfang Xiamo also raised three small realms in a row, among which Shen Ruyu's level was the same as Feng Yixiu's, while Han Xiao and Dongfang Xiamo's levels were only one level lower than Feng Yixiu's.

Finally, the light of the four holy beads gradually dissipated, which meant that their power had been completely absorbed by the three of them.

The light of the Four Spirits Formation gradually began to dim, and the sea of ​​spirits in the hearts of everyone's eyebrows gradually stopped rolling.

"It's finally finished..." Teacher Xuanji looked at everything in front of him, and he was ready to finish the finishing work.

The bodies of the four Holy Spirit Beads began to slowly drift towards the eyebrows of the three of them. As long as they were completely absorbed, they would have completely absorbed the Holy Beads.

everything is going very well

Li, but just when Teacher Xuanji thought everything was about to end, a holy white light suddenly appeared!

At the very center of the four of them, a holy white beam of light shot straight into the sky, and even the barrier was a bit crumbling...


The sound of dragon chant resounding through the heaven and earth sounded again, and a majestic real dragon appeared in everyone's sight.

Perhaps it is not accurate to describe it as a real dragon, because he clearly felt that the moment this aura appeared, the roaring four holy heavenly wheels instantly quieted down.

Xuanji doesn't know whether you are doing it out of respect or fear, or a combination of both...

"What... what's going on here?" Although Teacher Xuanji was well-informed, today really opened his eyes, and he was a little at a loss.

What is happening now seems to have completely surpassed his previous cognition. Who is this transcendent existence above the four holy spirits?

The white dragon glanced around like a monarch, and then stared at Feng Yixiu below for a long time, his eyes were a bit complicated.

Teacher Xuanji and Jialan Ziyu didn't dare to act rashly, they could only sit aside nervously.

If this divine dragon does something excessive, Teacher Xuanji will save the children even if he is desperate...

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