God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1621 Underground Great Wall

The four main players of the Furious Scale team walked towards the arena below with solemn faces, their eyes full of confidence and determination.

"Wrathscale team, come on!"

At the VIP seat not far away, many members of the Seventh Headquarters and the Holy Academy team stood up, cheering for the Furyscale team.

Now the hopes of everyone in China are placed on the Fulin team. They are also fighting against each other at this moment, and sincerely hope that the Fulin team can win a big victory...

Feng Yixiu turned his head slowly, nodded slightly towards the captains not far away, and then walked heavily towards the arena.

After the Xuantian Martial Arts Field was damaged, repaired and strengthened in the previous match, the overall area is wider and stronger than before.

The entire venue is made of extremely expensive superalloy materials. It can be said that it is almost made according to the specifications of the Battle Spirit Emperor's venue. It must be impossible for the previous match to happen again.

The Wrathscale team and the Sun Moon team went to their respective team safety zones, and Feng Yixiu was also observing the opponent's main lineup.

This is also the first time Feng Yixiu has seen the main lineup of the Sun Moon team. Their lineup is also two men and two women, but the battle spirits of the other two are still unknown.

But judging from the aura and eyes of these two people, they must also be among the best young geniuses in the Sun Moon Empire, and their strength must not be underestimated.

In order to be safe, the Sun Moon Empire can be said to have gathered all the most outstanding geniuses of the younger generation of the Sun Moon team together.

Yuan Shenya and Shen Daijing, as the captains and deputy captains, needless to say their strengths, after all, the strengths they showed before were crushing.

As for the other two members, they are also outstanding members of the younger generation of the Sun Moon Empire, and they are also super geniuses who have been selected through layers of selection in first-class academies.

Even if it is placed in the super first-class academy of the Sun and Moon team, there is no problem at all as a captain, and the strength is very terrifying...

On the surface, the Sun and Moon team appears to be the representative team of the Sun and Moon Royal Academy, but in fact it can be said to be a super team created by the power of the whole country!

Among the two players, one is known as the strongest defensive genius of the younger generation of the Sun Moon Empire, and his full name is Tsukamoto Xia.

And the other female team member is known as the strongest control genius of the younger generation of the Sun Moon Empire, and her real name is Yan Chunnai...

It can be said that the basic player configuration of the Sun Moon team and the Furious Scale team is almost the same. They are all balanced lineups with two strong attackers, one control and one defense.

Facts have also proved that the lineup with the highest fault tolerance rate is also a lineup of the balanced genre, so almost all the top-notch teams are balanced teams...

"Now, the players from both teams are invited to shake hands!"

The last final match, of course, was presided over by the chief referee, and immediately said loudly.

"call out!"

As soon as the chief referee finished speaking, two rays of light, one white and one black, reached the center of the arena one after the other.

Yuan Shenya couldn't help but frown, he could clearly feel that Feng Yixiu's speed seemed to be faster than before...

Yuan Shenya stretched out his palm first, and said in a deep voice, "I haven't seen you for a week, but His Excellency Feng's strength seems to have improved again."

Feng Yixiu stretched out his left hand expressionlessly, and said calmly, "Let's go to each other...Captain Yuan probably hasn't been idle these few days."

"Hahaha... Since the opponent is Your Excellency Feng, I naturally don't dare to neglect, but I don't intend to give up this final championship to Your Excellency!"

While speaking, Yuan Shenya's palm suddenly began to exert strength, and black magic lines spread continuously along his palm.

In an instant, an extremely terrifying force erupted instantly, and Feng Yixiu couldn't help but frown slightly when he was caught off guard.

Although he didn't know why Yuan Shenya possessed such terrifying power, he could clearly feel an extremely dark aura attacking him...

I saw Feng Yixiu's left palm began to be covered with a layer of white jade dragon scales, and a more terrifying dragon force erupted.

Yuan Shenya's expression changed in an instant, his eyes were full of shock when he looked at Feng Yixiu again, and his expression gradually became a little ferocious.

This is the first time he has encountered a terrifying force that can match the ghost hand, and it even made him feel cold sweat on his back...

A long time passed, and the chief referee felt a little embarrassed when he saw that both of them were about to let go, so he held back his words for a long time.

In the end, Feng Yixiu let go of his hand. If he didn't care about the demeanor of a big country, he would have taken this opportunity to crush the opponent's palm!

Seeing Feng Yixiu let go, Yuan Shenya suddenly pulled his hand out, but the palm hidden behind him was still trembling slightly.

Never fighting this guy in close quarters, Yuan Shenya kept reminding himself in his heart...

Feng Yixiu stared indifferently at Yuan Shenya in front of him with eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling. Before the match even started, the strong smell of gunpowder was already pervasive!

"After the handshake ceremony, please return to their respective safe areas, and immediately start the mimetic map extraction. After the ten-second countdown, the competition will officially begin!"

While announcing the rules of the game according to the procedure, the chief referee continued to climb towards the sky, and did not stop until he was completely out of the barrier.

All eyes were focused on the big screen of Xuantian Martial Arts Field, and the background map was constantly changing.

The mimetic map for the finals has been determined, and the full name of this map is "Underground Great Wall".

This is a map full of Chinese architectural styles, but

It can be regarded as quite satisfactory, and there is not much advantage for both teams.


I saw that the entire playing field began to change continuously, and finally completely transformed into a map full of simplicity and thick atmosphere.

Compared with other maps, the structure of the entire underground Great Wall is very simple. There is only one road, but it is extremely narrow and long.

Feng Yixiu and Yuan Shenya deduced the best tactics in their hearts the moment they saw the mimetic map.

However, the Sun and Moon team still has some advantages. After all, the information of two members of their team is still unknown, which is a bit difficult for the Furyscale team to formulate tactics.

I saw Yuan Shenya whispering something to Yan Chunnai beside him, who also nodded with a serious face, and immediately glanced at Shen Ruyu who was far away.

Even though they were thousands of meters away, Shen Ruyu felt the short-term locked eyes, and her brows could not help but frown.

I have to say that the opponent is very smart, they know that Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu's battle spirit fusion skills are the key to victory, so they want to target Shen Ruyu.

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