God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1632 The Return of the Ghost King

Dongfang Xiamo smiled slightly, and said lightly: "It doesn't matter how many ants are scalding in boiling water?"

Hearing this, the Ghost Queen nodded in agreement, and had to say that the white tiger's evil spirit was really terrifying.

It's almost like a power that exists exclusively for the purpose of punishing evil, and it is no longer measurable by quantity...

"Sister, your current breath is very scary, no... it should be very scary." The ghost queen was afraid of being burned by the white tiger's evil spirit emanating from Dongfang Xiamo, so she always kept a certain distance.

Dongfang Xiamo used to be a dark source martial artist, although he looked a bit eerie in the eyes of normal people, he was full of mystery. But for the ghosts of the ghost clan, they are very kind.

However, the situation of Dongfang Xiamo surrounded by the evil spirit of the white tiger is completely different now. Ordinary people may feel that staying next to Dongfang Xiamo is very safe, but the soul body is afraid to avoid it...

Dongfang Xia Mo immediately switched to the form of the dark system, and said a little embarrassedly: "It should be much better now, right?"

Only then did the Ghost Queen dare to stand beside Dongfang Xiamo, holding her arm, and said with a smile, "It's still comfortable to look at like this..."


Just before the two of them spoke, a gate to the underworld gradually condensed in the distance.

This was the gate of the underworld through which Dongfang Xiamo came in, so she quickly walked over there.

"Sister, that is the gate of the underworld, as long as you go out, you can return to Xuantian Martial Arts Field!"

Guigui immediately pointed to the gate of the underworld in the distance, indicating that this was the only exit.

"Captain, I'm here to help you guys, I guess we haven't finished the fight yet..." Dongfang Xiamo nodded and said to himself.

After saying that, Dongfang Xiamo walked towards the gate of the underworld, and the peace in the underworld once again returned.

On the Xuantian martial arts arena, there is still a complete silence.

Everyone stared dumbfoundedly at the super-large Yuxingtian star with a diameter of a kilometer in midair!

The moment Shaanyu Tianxing was fully formed, the thunderclouds above Yuan Shenya and Shen Daijing's heads began to gradually dissipate.

At the same time, the Yata mirror on Yuan Shenya's waist also completely lost its divine light, which means that the number of absolute defenses has been exhausted...

As soon as Yuan Shenya regained his sight, he felt the strange atmosphere around him, looked around for a while, and found that Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu had disappeared.

And the surroundings have been wrapped in a dark golden cage, and the expressions of the audience also seem a little strange...


Yuan Shenya involuntarily moved his throat, and an ominous premonition welled up in his heart.

He slowly raised his head, and saw a scene that shocked him so much...

Although I have seen Shayu Tianxing before, but I saw it in the auditorium. It can be said that the senses are completely different.

When Yuan Shenya was the audience, although he was shocked, he definitely wasn't afraid!

But after personally experiencing it this time, he finally realized how terrifying Shaanyu Tianxing is...

At a glance, you can't see the sea of ​​thunder and fire at all, as if the burning sun in the sky is falling down!

This is an irresistible despair, even Yuan Shenya, who is extremely arrogant in his heart, has the idea of ​​retreating when facing this behemoth in front of him...

If Yan Chunnai was there, they might be able to hide in the underworld for a while, but now there is no hope.

His hands subconsciously touched the transmitter at his waist, and his reason told him that he had to give up.

However, the fear in his heart prevented him from pressing it for a long time, and his eyes were a little red.

Yuan Shenya is very unwilling now. Did he come to Huaxia all the way to humiliate himself?

If he loses this game, he can even imagine what kind of ridicule and doubts he will face when he goes back...

Shen Daijing gently placed his hand on the back of Yuan Shenya's hand, as if to encourage him to press the teleport button.

Now Jin Daijing is very calm. Although the big tengu and the guhuo bird have successfully merged, they will definitely not be able to stop the shaking Yu Tianxing in front of them!

After the fusion of the big tengu and the Guhuo bird battle spirit, the full name is Huanyu big tengu, and his strength has made a qualitative leap.

But this Phantom Feather Tengu is not a strength-type battle spirit, but an agility-type fusion spirit.

Maybe it is very powerful when fighting alone, but it is also powerless against a transcendent super power with no dead ends like Shaking Yutianxing...

Yuan Shenya suddenly threw away Shen Daijing's arm, and immediately said coldly: "No matter what, I will win this game!"

"Okay... I support you too..." Shen Daijing didn't say anything else, but nodded slowly.

Shen Dai Jing didn't want Yuan Shenya to continue to compete. According to the current situation, even if he wins the game, he will pay a huge price!

And the four holy beads were all absorbed by the members of the Fury Scale team, even if they won this game, it wouldn't make much sense...

The reason why he didn't stop Yuan Shenya was because he knew that once he made a decision, no one could change it!

Yuan Shenya's eyes became a little red, and an incomparably ferocious demonic energy spread wildly, and his eyes burst out with bloody light.

At the same time, a tome of the holy spirit, gushing with monstrous flames, appeared

Beside him was the Holy Spirit Book that had appeared once before.

"Ghost King from hell, I summon you with the blood of the king, please help me!"

Yuan Shenya cut his wrist without hesitation, and the lavender blood began to pour into the Holy Spirit Book beside him frantically.

If the summoning of the holy spirit book was just for bluffing last time, this time it is for real!

I saw the blood rushing like a brook into the Devil's Book next to him, along with his primordial soul.

He is consuming his own life to summon the ghost king, it can be said that he is competing with blood and life...

All of a sudden, the book of monsters next to Yuan Shenya began to tremble violently.

A crack seemed to be torn open in the space at this moment, and thick purple magic energy gushed out crazily.


Before the space crack was completely broken, a huge magic hand protruded from the space, and even tore the space crack completely with bare hands.

In the dark cracks in the space, only a huge humanoid figure could be seen slowly walking out, the blood radiating from the eyes made one's heart tremble.

"What's bothering my king's peace again? If I don't let my king have a good fight, I can't spare you!"

Before the ghost king came out, a sound like an evening drum and a bell reverberated throughout the Xuantian Martial Arts Field.

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