God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1833 Tidecaller Elf King

It is by no means groundless that Zhu Sha is well-known in the Holy See of Equilibrium, her combat awareness and strength are top-level existences...

"Xiao Kongkong, can you smash the water dungeon with the Exorcism Demon Fist?" Feng Yixiu immediately communicated with the war spirits with a tacit understanding of their own situation.

"Boom boom boom..."

I saw that Dou Zhan Tianyuan's fists began to condense the spatial fluctuations, and immediately the two fists exerted force at the same time, trying to completely shatter the water prison.

The huge high-pressure water prison instantly became like a hedgehog, but there was no sign of breaking at all, but it returned to its original shape after a while.

This fierce and domineering Exorcism Fist was completely unable to deal with the high-pressure water prison, and instead injured himself due to the vibration of the water prison...

Dou Zhan Tianyuan followed a fierce and domineering fighting style, but when he encountered this soft water prison, he seemed to have met his nemesis.

No matter how fierce and domineering Xiao Kongkong's fists are, the high-pressure water prison will absorb them all!

"My lord, I can't shatter this high-pressure water prison..." Dou Zhan Tianyuan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and frowned.

"Then try if you can use teleportation to get out of this water prison." Feng Yixiu pondered for a moment, and then communicated with Xiao Kongkong again.

Dou Zhan Tianyuan nodded, and immediately began to use the power of space, and the whole person disappeared in place in an instant.

But after all, he did not escape from the range of the giant water dungeon, which already exceeded the limit distance that Xiao Kongkong could move in an instant.

Nowadays, the distance that Dou Zhan Tianyuan can move in an instant is only tens of meters, and it is impossible to get out of the range of the water prison with a diameter of more than 100 meters in an instant!

Just as Dou Zhan Tian Yuan was about to teleport for the second time, the water dungeon gradually began to deform and move, and Xiao Kong Kong was once again at the very center.

"It's useless... This is the battle spirit coordination technique deployed by the two ultimate battle spirits. Even if the ultimate battle spirit wants to get rid of it, it is very difficult to do it. You should not waste your efforts."

Zhusha's water phantom on the sea looked at everything in front of her with cold eyes, and said coldly.

Hearing this, Feng Yixiu couldn't help but feel a little heavy. No matter how strong his battle spirit is, it is only a complete battle spirit after all.

If you meet an ordinary eighth-level war spirit, you can still fight with the cooperation of the third-level war spirit, but it seems a bit stretched when you meet a top-level eighth-level war spirit like Zhu Sha...

Feng Yixiu clenched his fists tightly, and immediately said loudly: "Sister Zhu Sha, it's too early to say these things now, you are not the only one who knows the battle spirit coordination skill!"

After saying that, Feng Yixiu waved his hand, and saw that the two monster books beside him began to move automatically without wind, and streamers of different colors flew towards the two war spirits.

"War Spirit Concord Skill Seven Star Array!"

The Azure Jade Linlong split into seven in an instant, and immediately turned into a seven-star sunspot under the three fantasy series monster cards.

I saw Qixing Heizi slowly moving towards the back of Douzhan Tianyuan, and immediately formed a Big Dipper array!

In an instant, Dou Zhan Tianyuan exuded a faint dragon's breath all over his body, and there were wind dragons and fire dragons coiling around his fists.

I saw that he instantly turned on the Tiangang mode, and the holy king dharma behind him exuded a sacred brilliance, and the streamers of three completely different elements were constantly intertwined.

"Tiangang Sacred Dragon Palm!"

The moment Dou Zhan Tianyuan opened his eyes, a powerful spiritual pressure exploded instantly, even the huge high-pressure water prison trembled!


Between the intersection of the two dragons, the terrifying power of spatial shattering instantly crushed the high-pressure water prison with a diameter of hundreds of meters!

The horror of the power of this punch made all the water elements gasify instantly, and Dou Zhan Tianyuan rushed out from a large cloud of white mist...

Dou Zhan Tianyuan completely shattered Zhu Sha's water phantom with just one punch, and immediately plunged into the water.

However, within three seconds of entering the water, a huge white water column shot up into the sky!

The power of this water column is astonishing, the height alone seems to connect the sea and the sky, and at the end of the water column is the Dou Zhan Tian Yuan who was forcibly pushed out...

When Feng Yixiu saw the scene in front of him, he was even more horrified. The weight of Dou Zhan Tian Yuan was already astonishing, and with the blessing of Qi Xing Hei Zi, the weight was like a moving mountain!

But even so, Dou Zhan Tianyuan looked extremely small in front of this sky-high water column, and was sent flying thousands of meters away with just one blow.


On the sea level that was not completely calm, a humanoid figure about two meters high gradually surfaced.

This is Zhu Sha's appearance after the fusion of the two battle spirits. She is wearing a blue robe with long sleeves and holding a huge scythe condensed by water in her hand.

The impeccable and beautiful face seems to be the common feature of the elves and war spirits, but the deep sea crown above her head exudes light blue light, but it makes her look more elegant and noble...

Not long after, Zhu Sha also slowly emerged from the water surface. She dared to reveal her real body without the protection of spirit soldiers, which shows that she has absolute confidence in her fused battle spirit!

Feng Yixiu even scanned the data of this fusion battle spirit:

[War Spirit Name: Tidecaller Elf King

[War Spirit Attribute: Water

[War Spirit Rank: Ultimate Body

[Battle spirit level: level eight and level four

[War Spirit Quality: Monarch Level

[War spirit skills: torrents and stormy waves, hanging sea empowerment, deep sea prison, tide calling·condemnation and slashing


As expected, Zhu Sha's fusion battle spirit has reached the quality of a king!

Although he didn't have time to scan the data of the two war spirits just now, Feng Yixiu can roughly guess the quality of the two war spirits.

The smaller water-type elf should only be a monarch-level war spirit, and the larger water-type elf should have reached the king-level war spirit...

Although there is only one word difference between the Sovereign-level battle spirit and the Sovereign-level battle spirit, the meanings they represent are vastly different!

"Mr. Feng, I didn't expect you to be able to break through the high-pressure water prison, but it's a pity that you are still a little slow..." Zhu Sha smiled at Feng Yixiu, and then said indifferently: "This is the first time I have shown fusion in public. Zhan Ling, you are able to force me to this extent, it is already very remarkable."

Feng Yixiu frowned, and said in a deep voice: "This competition is not over yet, the outcome is still unknown..."

While speaking, several monster cards flew out from the Second Monster Book hidden behind Feng Yixiu, and the Queen Black Thorn, who had been staying behind Feng Yixiu without moving, suddenly became serious.

The substantive Qinglong Tianlun has a huge range, completely blocking the Black Thorn Queen behind her.

I saw streams of light continuously sinking into Queen Blackthorn's body, among which the most special one was the diamond-level monster card exuding bright light, Xie Wang, the evil king—Xi Rang!

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