God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1883 Bloody Skeleton

The lavender flower of the other shore floats in the Nine Netherworld Tiger, with a constantly rotating word "death" wrapped in it, and the violent murderous aura spreads like a wave.

I saw the Nine Netherworld Tiger continuously waving its tiger claws, and the Nine Nether Light Slash, like a violent storm, accurately hit the root of each bloody skeleton's arm.

The terrifying explosive power cut off all the bloody skeleton palms almost instantly. Immediately, the Nine Nether Tiger used the dark vortex to move to the place where Dongfang Xia Mo fell and caught it firmly.

Feng Yixiu also rushed to Dongfang Xiamo's side in an instant and immediately used Qinglong Holy Thunder to quickly heal his injuries.

Under the dual effects of Senluo Halo and Qinglong Holy Thunder, Dongfang Xiamo's injuries were completely healed in just a few seconds.

However, the crisis was still not over. During the short stay, the surrounding bloody skeletons slowly crawled out from the black earth. The large number made Feng Yixiu feel tremendous pressure.

The size of these bloody skeletons is at least ten times larger than the previous white skeletons, and there is a qualitative leap in both speed and strength.

The moving speed of the forest white skeletons is only slightly faster than the running speed of a third-level source warrior, but the moving speed of these bloody skeletons is comparable to that of a fourth-level source warrior!


The bloody powder is moving towards the broken arm interface of the bloody skeleton, and the bloody skeleton whose arm has just been severed is recovering quickly.

Feng Yixiu immediately asked the Queen of Thorns to use holy light vines to attack these bloody skeletons. This time it was obviously much more difficult.

Holy light vines can no longer kill on a large scale like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves. They can only sweep away dozens of them at a time. However, compared with the increasing number of bloody skeletons, this is simply a drop in the bucket.

These bloody skeletons are much stronger than those white skeletons. Ordinary holy light does not seem to have much effect on them. It only has a suppressive effect, but there is no way to kill them completely.

Dongfang Xia's White Tiger Holy Scythe can completely kill it, but the killing speed is too much and too slow.

The White Tiger Sacred Scythe released a dazzling holy light, a stream of white light flashed past, and the heads of dozens of bloody skeletons fell to the ground at the same time.

The powerful white tiger evil spirit has an evil-destroying effect and can effectively inhibit the regeneration ability of these undead monsters...

"Damn it! There are too many of these bloody skeletons, we can't kill them all..." Dongfang Xiamo frowned and gritted his teeth.

Feng Yixiu immediately summoned the Azure Jade Linlong, jumped on his back, and said loudly: "These bloody skeletons shouldn't be able to fly. Let's try it from the air..."


Dongfang Xiamo immediately threw out a platinum demon card, and the Nine Netherworld Tiger immediately gave birth to a pair of dark wings.

The Azure Jade Linlong and the Nine Nether Tigers immediately soared up and quickly left the dangerous ground, while those bloody skeletons could only raise their heads and howl at Feng Yixiu and others.

But just when they thought they were out of danger, the faint will-o'-the-wisps floating around began to stir.

Dots of will-o'-the-wisps quickly gathered in the direction of Feng Yixiu and Dongfang Xiamo, and within a moment they formed huge bloody skulls.

The bloody skull exuded dazzling bloody fire, but Feng Yixiu did not feel the heat. Instead, he felt a breathtaking cold air entering his body.

But this kind of coldness is not physical coldness, but more like coming from the depths of the soul, making people feel trembling from the heart.

Feng Yixiu watched helplessly as the number of bloody skulls gathered around him increased, like bloody stars all over the sky, with no end in sight at a glance.

This bloody skeleton was completely incorporeal, but seemed to have self-awareness as it frantically pursued Feng Yixiu and Dongfang Xiamo in the sky.

"Hoo ho ho..."

Tens of thousands of bloody skulls spit out bloody orchid fireballs from their mouths, attacking the two people from all directions.

Such an attack with no blind spots made it impossible for Feng Yixiu and Dongfang Xiamo to avoid it. They could only watch the blood-red fireballs in the sky as their pupils continued to dilate.

"Holy Light Cage!"

At the critical moment, hundreds of Feng Yuan magic arrays appeared around Feng Yixiu, and each Feng Yuan magic circle quickly grew a holy light vine.

Now the Queen of Thorns is no longer limited to ground combat, she can use the wind spirit to create the wind spirit array.

The Wind Spirit Array allows the thorn vines to accelerate the absorption of water elements and spiritual power in the air, so that she can sow thorn seeds in the air to achieve the effect of free combat in the air.

Hundreds of holy light vines began to entangle with each other, quickly forming a dazzling holy light cage, protecting Feng Yixiu, Dongfang Xiamo and others at the center.

"Boom boom boom..."

The bloody fireballs continuously bombarded the Holy Light Cage, causing tiny cracks to gradually appear on its surface.

Although the Queen of Thorns is constantly condensing the wind element magic circle, it is still difficult to resist the increasing number of bloody skulls.

"The density of this attack is too high. We can only be used as living targets in the air. It seems that we have no choice but to return to the ground!" Feng Yixiu frowned as he looked at the cracks in the holy light vines that were gradually widening.

"But there are a lot of blood skeleton armies on the ground. I'm afraid it's not an option if this continues..." Dongfang Xiamo shook his head, worried.


Hearing this, Feng Yixiu couldn't help but fell into deep thought. Now he was in a dilemma.

Now the army of will-o'-the-wisps in the sky and the army of blood skeletons on the ground are both a fatal problem for them...

Without thinking for too long, Feng Yixiu took out the cross evil-breaking necklace stored in the ring, and said to himself: "Lao Jin said that this cross evil-breaking necklace can restrain the vampires and werewolves, but I don't know how effective it is against the undead and the werewolves. Does the will-o'-the-wisp have any effect..."

As he spoke, Feng Yixiu put the cross necklace on his neck, and finally chose to drop it towards the ground.

The will-o'-the-wisp skeletons in the sky are too scattered, making it difficult for Feng Yixiu to strike efficiently, but the ground is a flat surface, which is at least slightly better than the sky.

I saw the almost broken Holy Light Cage falling quickly towards the ground, and soon it chose a place with the densest concentration of bloody skeletons to fall.


The huge holy light cage hit the ground heavily, and the resulting holy light explosion knocked away the bloody skeletons within a few hundred meters.

The Holy Light Cage also exploded instantly, and Feng Yixiu and Dongfang Xiamo appeared again in the sight of the bloody skeleton.

"Ho ho ho..."

Tens of thousands of bloody skeleton legions quickly rushed towards Feng Yixiu, and were about to tear Feng Yixiu and others into pieces who had just landed.


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