God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1894 White Devil Eyes

Feng Yixiu smiled and shook his head, and said calmly: "You seem to have misunderstood something? You don't think that without the mithril cross necklace, I really can't do anything to you, do you?"

"Is not it?"

The werewolf leader used great force to throw away the cross necklace in his hand, and immediately fell into the deep lake not far from the Baisha Altar.

Although Bai Zhan immediately sent people to search for it, it was estimated that they would not be able to find it in a short time.

"I could have let you die happily, but you have to choose a more painful way of death, but you can't blame me..." Feng Yixiu's eyes were cold, and the mark of the white tiger hidden under the clothes gradually began to appear.

In an instant, Feng Yixiu's whole body was shrouded in a sacred light, and at the same time, violent evil energy was also scurrying around.

The two completely incompatible poles of light and shadow coexist harmoniously in Feng Yixiu, and even more amazing power explodes!

"This...how is this possible! Wasn't that little girl inheriting the mark of the White Tiger? Why would you have it too!" Mu Tuo looked at the evil Feng Yixiu in front of him in disbelief, and subconsciously stepped back. Two steps.

The reason why Mu Tuo didn't run away immediately was because he had correctly identified Dongfang Xia Mo, who was only a seventh-level war spirit master who had inherited the White Tiger heritage, and did not pose much of a threat to him.

But now that Feng Yixiu has also obtained the White Tiger inheritance, the situation will be very bad...

When everyone in the Baisha clan felt this evil-killing holy power, they were no less surprised than Mu Tuo, and they were even more shocked!

"As expected of Master Feng, you can actually obtain the mark of the White Tiger without the blood of the Holy Spirit of the White Tiger!" Bai Zhan looked at Feng Yixiu again with eyes full of respect.

"White Eyed Wolf, who told you that the Holy Spirit Seal can only be inherited by one person..." Feng Yixiu smiled coldly and said lightly.

"Fuck! I won't play with you anymore..."

Mu Tuo immediately wanted to quit after seeing that Feng Yixiu had the mark of the white tiger, and he no longer had the slightest chance of taking any chances.

However, Feng Yixiu had no intention of chasing him. His eyes were gradually illuminated by a golden glow, and the shape of his pupils also changed slightly.

The originally ordinary black pupils gradually turned into pale gold, with dense black strange patterns on them, revealing extremely powerful oppression.

This is not only the power that the White Tiger Mark brings to Feng Yixiu, but also a sign that the void blood in the body is gradually awakening due to the absorption of the White Tiger Mark.

However, Feng Yixiu has not yet completely unlocked all the seals, so the power of the Void Bloodline still cannot be fully utilized.

Even so, the White Devil Eyes still possess extremely powerful power. Not only can they release the evil-killing holy light through their eyes, they also have super dynamic vision comparable to the White Tiger Holy Spirit. They can even easily see in the dark night. See things.

When Feng Yixiu opened the White Devil Eyes, the extremely fast running werewolf leader in front of him was as slow as a turtle...

"Evil-killing Holy Light!"

Feng Yixiu's White Devil Eyes released a dazzling golden holy light. Its exaggerated brightness made people dare not open their eyes at all.

When the werewolf leader was bathing in this evil-killing holy light, his body was slowly melting like the first snow meeting the rising sun.


The severe pain made the werewolf leader look up to the sky and roar, his whole body was burned by golden flames.

The so-called immortal werewolf leader had unconcealable fear in his eyes. His legs could no longer maintain a standing posture, and he slowly fell to his knees...

However, being close to the Evil-Destroying Holy Light cannot quickly burn him to death. It can only make him completely lose his resistance.

"Zhu Xie·Broken Clear Sky!"

The Azure Dragon Holy Spear in Feng Yixiu's hand began to be entangled by the evil-killing holy light, and it quickly condensed at the tip of the spear.

A golden ray of light easily penetrated the werewolf leader's heart, leaving a burning hole.


Mu Tuo looked at the fatal injury on his chest. Although he was unwilling to do so, he still slowly fell to the ground.

The golden holy flame was still slowly burning Muto's body, and his consciousness gradually became blurred.

The werewolf leader desperately tried to control the power of immortality to recover from his injuries, but an overwhelming force left him helpless.

I saw the black evil spirit hovering over the werewolf leader, and soon the black word "kill" condensed, and the strange breath of death gradually filled the air.

"I just want to have a foothold as a werewolf. I don't understand what's wrong with me..."

As the werewolf leader approached death, he was still mumbling words, but his eyes were completely distracted.

After three full minutes, Muto's signs of life completely disappeared, and everyone dared to come forward.

Feng Yixiu looked down at the miserable dead werewolf leader and frowned: "I will give the werewolves a place to stand, but you won't have the chance to see it..."

"Master Feng, are you not injured?" Bai Zhan followed immediately and asked with concern.

"Mutuo can't hurt me yet, are the brothers of the Baisha clan okay?" Feng Yixiu asked with a slight smile.

"Thanks to Master Feng and Miss Dongfang, all the injured brothers of the Bai Sha clan have been fully recovered." Bai Zhan bowed slightly and said in a deep voice.

Since this battle, Bai Zhan's attitude towards Feng Yixiu has obviously become much more respectful.

Not only Chief Bai Zhan, but also the rest of the Bai Sha clan who had doubts about Feng Yixiu’s strength before.

The elder also had an awe-inspiring smile on his face.

"Master Feng, what should we do with the orcs who participated in the rebellion this time?"

The great elder of the Baisha clan stood up and asked respectfully.

The scale of this battle was very large, and many werewolves and the other three orc tribes were captured as prisoners.

"All the orcs who participated in the rebellion will be killed without mercy!" Feng Yixiu said coldly with his hands behind his back.

"This is close to five thousand people? Is this treatment too harsh? I think it would be better to just deport them..." The great elder's pupils suddenly shrank and he said with a trembling voice.

"Kindness is reserved for friends, not enemies!" Feng Yixiu glanced at the great elder coldly, and the powerful evil aura instantly scared the other party away from looking directly.

The Great Elder looked at Chief Bai Zhan with pleading eyes, but Bai Zhan shook his head and said sternly: "What do you think I am doing? Lord Feng is Wang Ling!"

Through this betrayal, Bai Zhan understood many truths. Mercy is his greatest advantage, and it is also his greatest disadvantage!

He had expected the betrayal of the werewolves, but he never thought that the other three orcs, who seemed quite kind, would also have rebellious intentions.

If thunderous measures were not taken this time, it would probably be unfair to other orcs who had not participated in the rebellion.

Only by achieving true merits and deeds must be rewarded and punished, can the orc tribe become more powerful!


The great elder was too frightened to speak any more, and immediately led the Baisha clan to carry out the execution.

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