God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1942 Demon Sealing Map

Tantai Boyun's youngest son is Tantai Yangxu, with whom Feng Yixiu has always been friends in the China Senior League, and the two have also established a rather deep friendship.

If Tantai Bo Yun hadn't personally introduced him, I'm afraid it wouldn't have been so easy for Feng Yixiu to be admitted as an exception at that time...

Everyone raised their brows slightly when they heard that the bishop in white asked Feng Yixiu to take a seat. They were not surprised that the bishop in white gave Feng Yixiu a seat, but they were shocked that this seat was specially reserved.

The conference table of the Balancing Holy See is a long white jade table. The bishop in white is naturally sitting on the main seat. The ten long columns are located on both sides, with exactly five seats on one side.

The side corresponding to the main seat of the white-coated bishop has always been vacant, but at this meeting, a seat second only to the white-coated bishop appeared.

If you look closely, you will see that there is a emblem of equilibrium on the back of this specially vacated seat, but it is slightly smaller than the emblem of equilibrium on the back of the white-coated bishop's seat.

There are only serial numbers on the backs of the top ten seats, which is obviously very different from the vacant seats...

Feng Yixiu, however, didn't know what was special about this vacant seat. He just felt that there was something a little weird in the eyes of the commanders looking at him.

I saw Feng Yixiu sitting on the seat opposite the bishop in white under the envious eyes of everyone. I have to say that this seat is indeed quite comfortable.

"Now that Feng Xiaoyou has taken his seat, it means that he has become the leader of sequence zero by default. Everyone should have no objections, right?"

Feng Yixiu had just sat down when the bishop in white looked around at the commanders with a smile on his face. Although his tone was kind and gentle, it was filled with unquestionable majesty.


In an instant, Feng Yixiu was also frightened by the words of the white-clothed bishop. After feeling the envious gazes of all the commanders, he subconsciously twitched his throat.

The seat that had been quite comfortable just a moment ago became like sitting on pins and needles, and he was ready to stand up on the spot. However, looking at the expectant look in the white-clothed bishop's eyes, he couldn't bear to refute the old man's intention.

In fact, Feng Yixiu did not reject the position of Sequence Commander Zero. On the contrary, he was full of expectations. However, he never expected that Bishop Bai would let him become Sequence Commander Zero at this time.

Originally, Feng Yixiu thought that the white-clothed bishop would at least wait until he grew up to become the War Spirit Emperor before entrusting him with important responsibilities, but he did not expect to make this decision after seeing him for the first time!

Seeing that Feng Yixiu seemed a little worried, Aileen patted the back of his hand with a friendly smile and said softly: "Xiao Feng, the bishop has never made mistakes in his decision-making. Since he thinks you are qualified to become the leader of Sequence Zero, , then you can accept it calmly and don’t feel panic."

As the No. 10 sequence leader, Irene's seat was also the closest to Feng Yixiu, so she could clearly feel Feng Yixiu's emotional changes.

In addition to Irene, Zifeng, Bingli and others also cast soft glances at Feng Yixiu to encourage him, which also made him relax a little...

"My Lord Bishop, it's not that I doubt your decision, it's just that I don't quite understand how Feng Yixiu is just a newcomer who has only joined the Balance Holy See for more than a month. He is far from qualified to become a sequence leader in terms of both strength and qualifications. How can he become a leader?" The serial number zero above all the sequence lengths?"

After a long silence, a sequence commander in the fourth seat stood up, bowed to the white-clothed bishop, and then asked the question in his heart.

This person is Mei Yuanting, the fourth series president of the Balanced Holy See. As a member of the Judgment Holy Court, she has always been quite fiery and upright, and she cannot tolerate any sand in her eyes.

Even though he knew that questioning at this moment would embarrass the bishop in white, in order to balance the fair order of the Holy Court, he still raised the objection without hesitation.

The bishop in white was not angry and said calmly: "Although only the Fourth Sequence Commander raised objections, I think everyone has some doubts in their minds. But after seeing this, I think everyone should understand..."

While speaking, the bishop in white stretched out his palm tremblingly, and a transparent bead emitting a faint light appeared in everyone's eyes.

There are many light spots of different colors scattered on this transparent ball, which also represent the powerful magical beasts that have been sealed around the world.

The top ten sequence leaders are also quite familiar with this transparent bead. This is the demon-sealing map that only the bishop is qualified to control. The different light spots on it correspond to the powerful magical beasts that have been sealed around the world.

Bishop in white can grasp the real-time dynamics of powerful monsters sealed around the world by observing the Demon Sealing Map. However, the Demon Sealing Map has not changed for a long time. The ten elders of the sequence have already memorized the fixation of the Demon Sealing Map. distributed.

Many sequence leaders with excellent eyesight have noticed that the Demon Sealing Diagram is different from the previous ones. The rather eye-catching crimson light spot seems to be missing...

The white-clothed bishop slowly turned the transparent ball in his hand to a specific angle, and then smiled and said: "I think everyone should have seen some clues. As you can see, the red star light spot representing the God-killing Demonic Wolf has already The complete disappearance also means that the God-killing Demonic Wolf has fallen in the Lingxu Mountains."


Although everyone had already guessed it, it still caused quite a stir after being confirmed by the white bishop.

The God-killing Demonic Wolf is a legendary and powerful magical beast. It is really weird that the world-destroying Demonic Beast, which was helpless in the era of vast wilderness with so many strong men, died silently and silently...

"Master Bishop, there seems to be no connection between the death of the God-killing Demon Wolf and Feng Yixiu becoming the No. 0 Sequence Commander! Could it be that Feng Yixiu killed this God-killing Demon Wolf..."

Although Mei Yuanting was also very shocked, she didn't think this had anything to do with Feng Yixiuneng. She just felt that this was just the bishop in white deliberately changing the subject.

"You really guessed it right. The person who personally killed the God-killing Demonic Wolf is none other than Feng Xiaoyou!" The white-clothed bishop smiled slightly and said softly.

As soon as he finished speaking, the ten sequence leaders looked at Feng Yixiu in unison, their eyes full of shock and suspicion.

The top ten sequence commanders are all well aware of the power of the God-killing Demonic Wolf. Even if they work together, they may not be able to kill the God-killing Demonic Wolf. Just an eighth-level war spirit master is simply a fantasy!

"Impossible...This is absolutely impossible!"

"Master Bishop, you cannot be so biased towards Feng Yixiu just because he is your youngest son's best friend. There is definitely doubt about the death of the God-killing Demonic Wolf, but it is absolutely impossible for Feng Yixiu to kill him!"

"Although Feng Yixiu was also in the Lingxu Mountains during this period, it cannot be concluded that he was the one who killed the God-killing Demonic Wolf. What if the Demon Release Plan was just to obtain the Demonic Beast Crystal Core and Demonic Card, causing the God-killing Demonic Wolf The death is most likely caused by the cooperation between the Seven Deadly Sins and the Holy See of War!"

Most of the sequence leaders obviously did not believe the Bishop's astonishing remarks at all, and began to attack them in groups without caring about their dignity.

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