God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1945 Smell the Roses

"Three dominant monsters..." The white-clothed bishop flicked his beard with a smile and said softly: "I was indeed right. You really have a talent in this area!"

Feng Yixiu touched his chin and frowned: "Master Bishop, in fact, the demon release plan is far from over. The Lingxu Mountain Range is just the beginning. I think the Seven Deadly Sins are already preparing to start other demon release plans, or Said they had already started..."

"This old man already knows that our Eyes of the Balancing Holy See lurking in the War Holy See are not yet able to penetrate into the upper echelons. They can only obtain a relatively preliminary plan to release the demons, but they cannot know the accurate action plan. This is why we have not taken action for a long time. ." The Lord Bishop said solemnly.

Now that the Holy See of Balance does not know the detailed plan, taking rash actions will only waste its time. After all, there are quite a few demon-sealing altars.

If you choose the elimination method, I am afraid that the efficiency will be very slow, and it may even be taken advantage of...

"I have learned all about the demon release plan. This time, there are six targets for the seven deadly sins. Among them, the plan to release the God-killing Demonic Wolf has been destroyed, and the remaining five are all world-destroying demonic beasts, among which the most dangerous They are the Mortal Python and the North Sea Giant Monster. Although the other three are also world-destroying monsters, they are not very powerful..."

Feng Yixiu has learned all about the demon release plan from Lieyan Tianlin, and is also familiar with the detailed action plan.

"The Seven Deadly Sins are really ambitious. They even released six world-destroying monsters at the same time. They must not be allowed to succeed!"

After the white-clothed bishop heard the entire plan to release the demon, the kind smile on his face suddenly became extremely serious.

The violent spiritual pressure spread like a tsunami. Even Feng Yixiu, who was the farthest away, felt tremendous pressure and his breathing became a little unsmooth...

"The demon-sealing altar where the worldly python is located is in the first jurisdiction. I will personally crush the conspiracy of the Seven Deadly Sins!"

Duan Muchen's expression could not help but become serious, and sword energy as sharp as a knife burst out from his eyes.

"The Kraken is in the fifth jurisdiction. As the leader of the fifth series, I naturally have a duty. I will make the Seven Deadly Sins pay a heavy price!"

The leader of the fifth order, Hai Ruo, also stood up immediately. She was a powerful water-based War Spirit Emperor, and the entire fifth order group was mostly composed of War Spirit Emperors who were proficient in underwater combat.

The sequence commanders of the areas where the other three world-destroying monsters were located also stood up one after another. Not only did they not shrink back from the extremely dangerous task, but they actually showed great excitement.

"Now that Feng Xiaoyou has learned all about the demon release plan, Feng Yixiu will direct the entire demon extermination operation this time. Do you have any opinions?" Bishop in white glanced at the crowd and said softly.

Hearing this, the line leaders were silent for a moment, but in the end they all nodded in agreement.

After all, Feng Yixiu had personally participated in the demon release plan. He was naturally the person who understood the plan best. Only he could ensure the safety of the operation to the greatest extent.

"Thank you all for trusting me..." Feng Yixiu stood up slowly and said in a deep voice: "Although we have the information advantage, our opponents are not only the Seven Deadly Sins, but we may also face the secret help of the Holy See of War. , so I hope everyone will not take it lightly."

"What Commander Feng said is absolutely true. If we face the Seven Deadly Sins alone, there is really nothing to worry about. But if we face the Seven Deadly Sins and the Holy See of War joining forces, we will probably be at an absolute disadvantage." Mei Yuanting said with a look on his face. He nodded solemnly and said in a deep voice.

"So the first thing we have to do is to restrict the actions of the War Holy See so that they cannot interfere with this action plan!" Feng Yixiu said seriously.

"But the Holy See of War has always acted in a domineering manner. It's probably impossible for us to restrict their actions..." Mei Yuanting shook her head helplessly and said softly.

"That's right, the Holy See of War and the Holy See of Balance are both world-wide demon-hunting institutions. There is no distinction between them. They will not be controlled by us." Hai Ruo frowned and agreed.

"Of course we can't control the Holy See of War, but I don't believe that the Holy See of War can really cover the sky with one hand. They will always be afraid of it, right?" Feng Yixiu touched his nose and said solemnly.

Bingli, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said: "There are not many people in this world who can make the War Holy See feel afraid, but it is definitely not none. At least they will be afraid of the World War Spirit Alliance and His Majesty the Pope!"

As he spoke, everyone looked at the Bishop, as if waiting for his decision.

After the Lord Bishop pondered for a moment, he said: "The Holy Dragon under the Pope's crown has disappeared, and I can't contact you in a short time. However, I have the right to convene a conference of the World War Spirit Alliance. As long as there is enough evidence, I think the war can at least be temporarily restricted." The Holy See’s misdeeds..."

"The Blazing Sky Scale I recruited was once a war slave of the War Holy See and participated in the demon release plan. I also captured thousands of the Seven Deadly Sins blood disciples, as well as Solo, the commander of the Eighth Legion of the War Holy See. Their testimony is the best evidence that the War Holy See colluded with the Seven Deadly Sins!" Feng Yixiu said loudly.

Hearing this, everyone looked at Feng Yixiu in surprise. They thought that the demon release plan that could destroy the God-killing Demonic Wolf was already at its limit, but they did not expect that Feng Yixiu could be so thoughtful.

I have to say that Feng Yixiu's thoughts are indeed extremely meticulous, as if everything is under his control...

Feng Yixiu was also a little embarrassed to be stared at by everyone, so he frowned and said, "Why are everyone staring at me?"

"Have a tiger in your heart and smell the roses carefully... Brother Feng not only dares to take risks, but also has a thoughtful mind. It's really impressive."

I am so ashamed of myself! "Mei Yuanting shook his head and said with a wry smile.

"Although the War Holy See did not let the presiding judge participate in the operation to avoid suspicion, the evidence is enough for them to drink a pot, and I am afraid they will not dare to make any other actions." The white-clothed bishop showed a kind smile again and said lightly.

"But is it too late now? I'm afraid the World War Spirit Alliance Conference cannot be held in a short time..." Feng Yixiu said worriedly.

Although Feng Yixiu has never participated in the World War Spirit Alliance meeting, he has heard about it.

The World War Spirit Alliance is the largest power organization, and one of their decisions may even affect changes in the world structure.

The people who can participate in the World War Spirit Alliance Conference are all giants from all sides. Most of its members are kings from medium-sized countries or above, and a few are special organizations.

This special organization naturally includes important world demon hunting institutions such as the Holy See of Balance and the Holy See of War. In addition, there are also notary agencies resident in the World War Spirit Alliance, etc...

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