God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1950 Final Resolution


The usually calm Empress Tianyu slapped the table angrily, and immediately stood up suddenly, and the violent spiritual pressure spread like an overwhelming force.

Although it is known to everyone that Empress Tianyu killed kings and came to power, no one has ever dared to mention it in front of her. Empress Nine-Tails can be said to be the first person!

The Nine-Tailed Empress was indifferent to the anger of the Heavenly Empress. She just leaned lazily on the seat and said calmly: "The Heavenly Empress should be less angry. After all, you don't have a long life like me. Life span, if you are angry all the time, you will easily get wrinkles..."


The serious world conference instantly became more relaxed, and many of the monarchs participating in the conference couldn't help laughing.

The Nine-Tailed Empress and the Heavenly Empress are both extremely beautiful, and the quarrel between these two peerless beauties is something they love to see. After all, this is a grand event that is extremely rare to see.

But if we just talk about appearance and temperament, the Nine-Tailed Empress is definitely above the Heavenly Empress!

"Empress Nine-Tails, don't forget that you are only the acting monarch of the Shura Capital. You have no right to speak here!" Empress Tianyu said in a low voice while trying hard to suppress her anger.

"I'm not talking to you. You are a little too sentimental. I advise you to sit down quickly..." The Nine-Tailed Empress smiled and shook her head, writing lightly.

"It's not a wise choice to anger me. Do you really think that if you stay in the Shura Capital, I can't do anything to you?" Empress Tianyu slowly loosened her white fists and then sat down slowly. .

"Oh? Can I think that you are threatening me?" The Nine-Tailed Empress frowned and said in a deep voice.

"You can think that I will make you regret going against the Sun and Moon Empire!" Empress Tianyu said loudly with a stern expression.

"If you have the ability, you can come to King Shura to find me. I want to see what you can do to me?"

The Nine-Tailed Empress was completely fearless in the face of the powerful Empress Tianyu, and the two powerful spiritual pressures were fighting crazily.

"That's enough! Do you treat this law enforcement officer like air?"

I saw the bright scepter in the hand of the bright law enforcement officer slamming into the ground, and the terrifying bright holy light instantly controlled the somewhat out-of-control scene.

"Empress Tianyu, as one of the representatives of the four empires, you have openly threatened Shura Capital. If you speak again, this law enforcement officer will revoke your right to vote!"

"Law Enforcement Officer, it was clearly the Nine-Tailed Empress who provoked me first, but I am just..."

"Huh? Do you have any objection to this law enforcement officer's sentence?"

Empress Tianyu still wanted to argue, but she was stopped by the bright law enforcement officer with a sharp look.

At other times, the Heavenly Empress would naturally not give up, but now at the World Conference, the Light Law Enforcement Officer represents the Pope and possesses supreme authority, and even she does not dare to openly confront him.

Moreover, whether the proposal can be passed this time is of vital significance. If the Sun and Moon Empire's vote fails, the advantages that have been established may be completely destroyed.

"Emperor Blood Glory, if the Sun and Moon Empire is true to its word, sows will climb trees, so I don't need to say much about how to choose, right?" The Nine-Tailed Empress glanced at Emperor Blood Glory and said in a deep voice.


When Empress Tianyu heard the Nine-Tailed Empress comparing her to a sow, the anger she had just suppressed surged into her heart again, and her fists made a crisp sound.

After receiving the clear statement from the Nine-Tailed Empress, the Blood Emperor did not hesitate any longer and immediately said: "I agree with Marshal Gu's proposal!"

Even though Emperor Xuehuang was afraid of offending Emperor Beiwu and Empress Tianyu, he was even more afraid of losing the help of the Shura Capital. After all, the relationship between the Shura Capital and the Dansha Empire was at odds, and the two had to stand on the same side.

Moreover, now that the Nine-Tailed Empress has clearly offended the Tianyu Empress, and the Shura Capital and the Dansha Empire are now bound together, the Tianyu Empress will inevitably vent her anger on the Dansha Empire.

Instead of facing the wrath of the Sun and Moon Empire alone, it is better to choose to support the Shura Capital. Now the Blood Emperor has no way out...

When Emperor Beiwu and Empress Tianyu heard that Emperor Xuehuang had voted in favor, they both stared at Emperor Xuehuang with anger on their faces, as if they wanted to eat him alive.

Faced with the anger of the two great emperors, Emperor Xuehuang felt a little panicked, but he also knew that there was no way out. Instead, he lost his previous timidity and completely ignored the anger of the two great emperors.

Feng Yixiu, who had been secretly observing the situation at the World Conference, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and looked at the Nine-Tailed Empress again with eyes full of admiration and gratitude.

Feng Yixiu did not expect that the Nine-Tailed Empress would be so brave and dare to openly confront Empress Tianyu of the Sun and Moon Empire, and even gain the upper hand in terms of momentum!

"Since the results of the first round of voting were a tie, the second round of voting will now begin. According to the rules of the World Conference, this time the voting will be anonymous!"

When the Guangming Law Enforcement Officer saw that the first round of voting had no results, he immediately started the second round of voting in accordance with the procedures.

This second round of voting is anonymous, mainly to prevent the one hundred monarchs of medium-sized countries from being maliciously retaliated by the four powerful empires and casting a vote that goes against their will.


When the black bishop heard that the second round of voting had begun, he seemed to have anticipated the final result, and immediately sighed helplessly.

As expected, the final voting result still approved Marshal Gu’s proposal, and it was still

A high rate of 76 percent passed.

What these medium-sized countries are most worried about is still the stable order of the wild world, and naturally they will not tolerate the successful implementation of the Demon Release Plan...

"This law enforcement officer announces that Marshal Gu's proposal has been officially passed. The Holy See of War will be deprived of its judicial power for two months. During this period, it will not be allowed to enter any of the ten major jurisdictions. This law enforcement officer will personally supervise the implementation!"

The Bright Law Enforcement Officer officially read out the final resolution, and his loud and deep voice continued to echo in the temple.

When this resolution was officially announced, some people were naturally happy and others were worried. Marshal Gu and the bishop in white naturally showed happy smiles, while the faces of the bishop in black, Emperor Beiwu and others became extremely gloomy...


Emperor Beiwu was so angry that he immediately left the scene. Before leaving, he gave Emperor Xuehuang a meaningful look.

The figure of Empress Tianyu also gradually became illusory, but her cold eyes always stayed on the lazy Nine-Tailed Empress, and she never moved her eyes until she completely disappeared.

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