God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1955 Holy Spirit Hall Master

The bishop in white has one son and one daughter. The eldest daughter is Tantai Mingyue, and the youngest son is Tantai Yangxu. However, there is an age difference of ten years between the two.

Because he had a son at an old age, Tantai Boyun was particularly doting on his younger son. Although Tantai Mingyue also loved this naughty brother very much, she also knew not to be overly pampered, so she had always been extremely strict with her younger brother.

Tantai Mingyue is now thirty-two years old. Her temperament is different from other sequence leaders. She naturally has an extremely calm scholar's temperament. Although her appearance is not amazing, she is definitely a A rare beauty with temperament.

These days, Feng Yixiu has had a lot of contact with Tantai Mingyue due to commanding the demon extermination operations, but Tantai Mingyue at that time was different from now.

Tantai Mingyue looked heroic when leading the mechanical legion in battle. Her extremely aggressive and sharp eyes made people dare not approach easily, just like a cold-blooded war machine.

But Tantai Mingyue's eyes don't have such strong aggression on weekdays, but she still looks quite calm and wise, and a loose white uniform can't hide her perfect mature figure.

"Commander Tantai, although this is not the first time we have met, I am still very happy to see you today..." Feng Yixiu smiled slightly and extended his right hand very politely.

Tantai Mingyue smiled slightly, then shook hands with Feng Yixiu very solemnly, and said softly: "Chang Feng is very polite, but since you and my brother are brothers, there is no need for us to be so different from each other. How much do I care about you?" Sui, if you call me Sister Xianyue, it shouldn't be considered taking advantage of you, right?"

"What did Sister Mingyue say? This is my honor..." Feng Yixiu smiled and shook his head, and then relaxed his palm naturally.

"I heard that you are coming to the Holy Spirit Hall today to complete the ultimate evolution of Dou Zhan Tian Yuan. My father specially asked me to come and assist." Tantai Mingyue explained.

"I see... But the Holy Spirit Church is always crowded on weekdays. Why is it so deserted today?"

Feng Yixiu looked at the empty Holy Spirit Hall with some doubts and said in confusion.

"In order to welcome your arrival, my sister has specially sealed off the entire Holy Spirit Hall, but you don't need to feel too much psychological pressure. This is not a privilege, it is just to keep it secret..." Tantai Mingyue seemed to see Feng Yixiu's intention. Thoughts, smiled.

It is inevitable that the Balancing Holy See will have spies from the War Holy See, so Tantai Mingyue's move is obviously very necessary, so as to effectively prevent Feng Yixiu's battle spirit data from being leaked.

Especially at this juncture when the grand martial arts performance is about to be held, the news that Feng Yixiu has transformed into the ultimate fighting spirit cannot be leaked easily...

"Sister Mingyue, the bishop specifically asked you to help. You must be proficient in spiritual research, right?" Feng Yixiu asked curiously.

"Sister is the master of the Holy Spirit Hall and a long-famous spiritual master!"

Before Tantai Mingyue could respond, Tantai Yangxu on the side couldn't wait to answer.

Hearing this, Feng Yixiu also looked surprised. The title of Master of Spirit Research was not so easy to obtain. Even in such a long time, he had only met one Master of Spirit Research, Mr. Chu.

"I'm sorry... I didn't expect Sister Mingyue to become a spiritual master at such a young age. This talent is probably unique." Feng Yixiu clasped his fists slightly and said seriously.

"What's this... My sister is not only a master of spirit research, she is also a double doctor of mechanical engineering. With her own strength, she has turned the previously unpopular mechanical war spirits into today's super first-line war spirits, and she also has mechanical A nickname for a madman!"

Tantai Yangxu became more and more enthusiastic as he talked, with a proud posture as if he had obtained all these honors and titles personally.

"You're itchy again, aren't you?"

A rare blush appeared on Tantai Mingyue's face, and then she glanced at Tantai Yangxu beside her with a serious look.

Tantai Yangxu covered his mouth with a playful smile, indicating that he would not speak again.

"I'm sorry to make you laugh, but it's just some trivial joking. Don't listen to my brother's nonsense..." Tantai Mingyue smiled awkwardly at Feng Yixiu and said softly.

"Sister Mingyue is really excellent and humble, but it's still hard for me to associate the word madman with Sister Mingyue..." Feng Yixiu touched his chin and wondered.

Bing Li also mentioned the mechanical fanatic to himself at the beginning, but at the beginning he thought that the mechanical fanatic might be an unkempt mechanical weirdo, but he did not expect that he would be such a beautiful woman with scholarly temperament in front of him.

"Actually, I don't really like this title. I just invested a little bit in researching machinery. Maybe it's a little crazy, but it's okay..." Tantai Mingyue explained with a serious face.

Tantai Yangxu couldn't help but want to complain several times, but was frightened by Tantai Mingyue's sharp eyes and dared not speak.

"If I remember correctly, my Balance watch was made by Sister Mingyue herself. Such an exquisite Balance watch is like a work of art. I really like it. In fact, I have always wanted to thank you in person." Feng Yixiu raised the Balance watch on his left hand and bowed slightly.

"This is just a piece of cake. You don't need to take it to heart. The big martial arts performance is imminent. Let's discuss the evolution of the Ultimate Ape Fighting Ape first..." Tantai Mingyue slowly turned around and slowly walked toward the Holy Spirit. He walked deep into the hall and said in a deep voice: "I have prepared the top evolution chamber. Let's talk while walking."

Feng Yixiu immediately caught up with the opponent and said: "This time for the ultimate evolution, I plan to use the magic beast crystal core of the God-killing Demonic Wolf.

I have already prepared all the materials for his evolution. "

"The evolution of the ultimate war spirit uses the ancient species' master-level monster crystal core. Although this is theoretically feasible, very few people can succeed. This requires extremely high requirements for both war spirits and spiritual researchers. It is slightly uncomfortable. If you are careful, you will fail..." Tantai Mingyue looked extremely serious when discussing professional issues, which was quite similar to Mr. Chu.

"Are all research talents like this?" Feng Yixiu looked at the extremely serious Tantai Mingyue and couldn't help but muttered in his heart.

"Brother Feng, although it's a little rude, can you let me see the spiritual research plan you wrote?" Tantai Mingyue stared at Feng Yixiu sincerely and said softly.

"Of course it's no problem..."

Feng Yixiu flipped his palm lightly, and a heavy spiritual research plan like a dictionary appeared in his hand.

Tantai Mingyue took the soul research plan handed over by Feng Yixiu very naturally, and the speed of flipping it over made Feng Yixiu extremely surprised.

It only took less than a minute to flip through the more than one hundred pages of spiritual research plan, and he suddenly stopped after reading it.

"Sister Mingyue? Is there any problem?" Feng Yixiu asked in a low voice when he saw the other party's expression was abnormal.

Tantai Mingyue shook her head solemnly and frowned: "Brother Feng, are you sure you are a special spiritual master?"

"What...what do you mean?"

Feng Yixiu was also confused by the sudden question and couldn't help but become a little nervous.

"Don't get me wrong... It's just that I have never seen such a perfect spiritual research plan, and I can't find any flaws. I don't think even a spiritual research master can write such a perfect spiritual research plan!" Tantai Mingyue looked solemn and said loudly.

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