God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1961 Beyond the War Spirit

"The probability of 27% is indeed a bit low. If there is a suitable spirit research plan and Warcraft crystal core, the probability of success may be improved, but now there is no way." Tantai Mingyue sighed. road.

Nowadays, in terms of the overall environment, legendary monsters have almost disappeared, and there are only a few legendary monster cores in the treasury of the Balance Holy See.

The quality of these legendary Warcraft crystal cores is not to be praised. Only one of them barely matches the battle spirit of the white-clothed bishop, but it is obviously not the best choice.

Hearing this, Feng Yixiu couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Perhaps for the Half-Saint, the appropriate World of Warcraft crystal core and the perfect spirit research plan are the biggest problems, but for Feng Yixiu, it does not seem so difficult.

Feng Yixiu can understand the evolutionary path of all war spirits, so he can naturally write a perfect spirit research plan effortlessly.

And now that his system has been upgraded, it is not only limited to monster cards, but can also fuse Warcraft cores, so theoretically he can also use two Dominator-level Warcraft cores to fuse into a Legendary Warcraft core!

It's just that Feng Yixiu's current level is too low and he doesn't have enough spiritual energy to do this...

"Perhaps after I become the War Spirit Emperor, none of this will be a problem..." Feng Yixiu said to himself.

"Brother Feng, are you talking to me?"

Tantai Mingyue saw that Feng Yixiu seemed to be talking and said with some confusion.

"No...no..." Feng Yixiu smiled and shook his head, then asked: "If the black bishop takes the risk to break through the Holy Spirit King and succeeds, wouldn't it be dangerous for us to balance the Holy See?"

"As far as I know, the black bishop's success rate of successful breakthroughs is about the same as that of my father, so she will not take risks unless she has to. At least there is no need for it now." Tantai Mingyue said seriously.

"What if it happens? After all, the black bishop is very ambitious and might do something crazy..." Feng Yixiu touched his nose and said in a deep voice.

"If the black bishop really succeeds, then my father may have no choice but to take the risk and break through. There is no other way." Tantai Mingyue said softly with a solemn expression.

"I just hope this day doesn't come too early..." Feng Yixiu frowned and murmured softly.

While the two were chatting, several hours passed in the blink of an eye.

Feng Yixiu can be regarded as thoroughly understanding the necessary conditions for becoming the Holy Spirit King, and has a clearer understanding of the current world structure.

Nowadays, the entire world seems to be calm, but in fact, there are undercurrents. Almost every empire is secretly wrestling with each other and constantly expanding its power.

"Psychic testing completed!"

Only a crisp and sweet electronic sound was heard, and then the soul measuring chamber where the Queen of Thorns was located was slowly opening.

Feng Yixiu's eyes were instantly attracted, and he quickly walked to the warehouse door to greet the Queen of Thorns.

"Little demon, how do you feel?"

Feng Yixiu had a smile on his lips, supported the somewhat weak Queen of Thorns, and said softly.

The Queen of Thorns smiled slightly and said calmly: "My Lord, this time the spirit detection seems to be different from the past. It seems that the spirit detection instrument has been detecting the limit of my power. This makes me a little tired, but I can still accept it."

However, Tantai Mingyue always locked her eyes in front of a monitor, trying hard to observe the growing five-dimensional attribute map.

At the beginning, the growth curves of the five-dimensional attribute diagrams remained synchronized, reaching the critical point of the SSR level at almost the same speed.

The five-dimensional attributes are agility, defense, physical strength, magic attack, and physical attack.

The strength of these five attributes can be used to judge the overall combat power and potential of a war spirit at a macro level. The higher the data, the stronger the war spirit is!

However, the advantages and disadvantages of this five-dimensional attribute map do not represent the results of actual combat. Real actual combat is far more complicated than simple data. It often happens that battle spirits with low statistics defeat battle spirits with high statistics.

But it is undeniable that the higher the data, the stronger the fighting spirit. Defeating the low data fighting spirit is a high probability event...

Feng Yixiu also stood beside Tantai Mingyue very curiously. Looking at the changing five-dimensional data map, his heartbeat couldn't help but start to beat faster.

The perfect five-dimensional data chart began to change. The base point representing magic attack broke through the critical point of SSR, and then the base point representing physical strength also exceeded the critical point of SSR!

"Finally it's not a perfect pentagon anymore..."

After Feng Yixiu saw that the pentagon was finally broken, he almost cried with excitement.

For most war spirit masters, the perfect pentagonal war spirit has been a lifelong pursuit, but Feng Yixiu no longer feels much about it.

Tantai Mingyue and Tantai Yangxu were so excited after seeing that the Queen of Thorns' data graph really exceeded the limit, they stared at their huge eyes and refused to blink for several minutes.

After breaking through the limit, the magic attack and physical strength base points began to skyrocket crazily, like two sudden tentacles, and finally stopped completely after a few minutes.

I saw that the base points of magic attack and physical strength were basically at the same level, and the height was more than three times higher than the limit of SSR!

"How is this possible! It has exceeded the SSR limit data by three times..."

Tantai Mingyue looked at the weird five-dimensional data map in front of her, and her pupils suddenly began to shrink.

Feng Yixiu said with a serious expression: "Sister Mingyue, what's the result of the little demon's spirit test? It shouldn't be too bad."

Bar? "

"If the little demon's five-dimensional data is still poor, I'm afraid our entire sequence leader of the Balanced Holy See will be useless..." Tantai Mingyue rolled her eyes at Feng Yixiu and frowned.

"Ah? It shouldn't be that exaggerated..." Feng Yixiu touched the back of his head and muttered softly.

"The most outrageous transcendent battle spirit data I have seen so far is only twice the SSR level. Your little demon really opened my eyes. It actually exceeded three times the limit in terms of physical strength and magic attack. This kind of transcendent battle spirit This is my first time seeing Ling!" Tantai Mingyue explained patiently.

Hearing this, Feng Yixiu also looked at the elegant Queen of Thorns at the side with a shocked expression.

However, he was not shocked for too long. After all, the evolution of the little demon used nine Warcraft crystal cores, and the difficulty was far beyond what other war spirits could match!

Moreover, these Warcraft crystal cores are all war spirits that are extremely good at magic attacks, especially the wood type Warcraft crystal cores among them are ancient level existences.

It is reasonable for the Queen of Thorns to obtain such astonishing data...

"As expected of the only ultimate battle spirit included in the "Holy Spirit Treasures", I can't imagine how powerful the Queen of Thorns will become if she evolves into the Holy Spirit..." Tantai Mingyue said solemnly.

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