God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1973 Killing someone with a borrowed knife


The death of the war spirit had a serious backlash on the red-armored man, and a mouthful of rich blood spurted out from his mouth.

At first, he didn't care much about the death of the war spirit, because the death of the war spirit was a common thing for a war spirit master.

But when the red-armored man saw the Demon Spirit Book beside him completely shattered, his pupils suddenly began to shrink, and the fear in his heart completely overwhelmed him.

The red-armored man kept trying to re-condensate the Demon Spirit Book, but the completely shattered Demon Spirit Book had no possibility of recovery. No matter how hard he tried, he could not condense it again...

"This...what on earth is going on!"

The red-armored man, who had almost collapsed, fell to his knees limply. The light in his pupils gradually began to dissipate, like a walking zombie.

The dark gold cage gradually began to disintegrate. Feng Yixiu walked towards the red-armored man who had no hope of life. A cold murderous aura gradually spread...

"Feng Yixiu, what exactly did you do to my fighting spirit?" The red-armored man slowly raised his head, and the extreme anger seemed to turn into anger and burst out from his eyes.

"Obviously, I just killed your fighting spirit..." Feng Yixiu smiled coldly and said softly.

"Of course I know you killed my war spirit, but why did my demon spirit book shatter?" The red-armored man has become a useless person, but he has become fearless.

For a war spirit master, the importance of the war spirit is self-evident. The red-armored man is now worse off than alive, and even death is a kind of relief for him.

"You should save this question to ask the King of Hell..."

Feng Yixiu's eyes were stern, and the Azure Dragon Holy Spear in his hand turned into a cold light and pierced the red-armored man's throat.

The red-armored man couldn't dodge at all, but hoped that Feng Yixiu could kill him at this moment...

At the critical moment, the Qinglong Holy Spear in Feng Yixiu's hand suddenly stopped and did not actually kill the red-armored man.

"Hahaha... Feng Yixiu, don't you dare kill me!"

The red-armored man slowly opened his eyes, looked up to the sky and laughed.

This is a deliberate attempt to anger Feng Yixiu. As long as Feng Yixiu really kills people, it will definitely violate the rules of martial arts, and the Holy See will definitely make a big fuss.

"The provoking method doesn't work on me, but you don't need to do it yourself to kill someone."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Qinglong Holy Spear in Feng Yixiu's hand turned into four spear shadows, easily breaking the opponent's hamstrings and hand tendons.


The severe pain made the red-armored man roar in pain, and his eyes looked at Feng Yixiu full of hatred.

But now he is unable to resist at all, and can do nothing except threaten with his eyes.

Feng Yixiu followed suit and destroyed all the remaining three people to prevent them from waking up from the coma.

"If you look at me with this look, you will lose your light forever..." Feng Yixiu's fierce eyes were like a Shura, making people dare not look into them.

The red-armored man was instantly restrained. He looked away slightly reluctantly and frowned: "Feng Yixiu, what do you want to do?"

Feng Yixiu ignored each other and first took off the black buttons on the four people's chests, and then slowly took off the white buttons on their chests.

Feng Yixiu slowly leaned down and quickly pinned the white button in his hand to the red-armored man's chest.

The red-armored man immediately understood Feng Yixiu's intention, stared at Feng Yixiu with a horrified expression, and said in a trembling voice: "You are simply a devil!"

Feng Yixiu smiled slightly and said calmly: "I said you don't need to do it yourself to kill people..."

After saying that, eight magic thorn flowers were seen opening next to Feng Yixiu, and Feng Yixiu threw all four of them towards four of the magic flowers like thorns.

The four magic thorn flowers were immediately submerged into the ground, and immediately Feng Yixiu accurately threw the four black teleportation buttons in his hand towards the other four magic flowers of thorns.

Feng Yixiu's plan is very simple. Since the contestants of the War Holy See can use the teleportation buttons to locate themselves, as long as they give their own buttons to the red-armored man to wear, the enemy will mistakenly think that the red-armored man is him.

The red-armored man could guess that Feng Feng was also hiding underground, and the rest of the members of the War Holy See would naturally think of this, so that they could achieve the purpose of killing someone with a borrowed knife.

Moreover, the Holy See of War had no way of finding fault. If they accused Feng Yixiu, it would be equivalent to admitting collective cheating in the martial arts performance, so they could only suffer the loss of being dumb.

The remaining four magic flowers of thorns containing black buttons will move around randomly underground, thus simulating the illusion that the four people are not dead...

After Feng Yixiu arranged everything, he immediately looked at the time and said to himself: "The guy said it would take ten minutes at most, but now I guess it should be about the same..."

Feng Yixiu once again climbed onto a dense and towering ancient tree, hiding himself in the shadows and secretly observing every move below.

A few minutes later, there was a sound of leaves rubbing from all directions, and this time the noise was much louder than the last time.

"It seems that the war papal troops are here, and the fun is about to begin..."

Feng Yixiu, who was hidden in the shadows, raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said to himself.

Most of the War Holy See came one after another from all directions, but when they saw that Feng Yixiu, who should have been right in front of them, did not appear, they made a tacit choice.

Ambush nearby and wait for the entire army to assemble.

They were also ordered by Diluc, who had been observing the situation. Diluc just thought that the previous four-person team was defeated and fled, so he gave the order to assemble all the team members before taking action!

Feng Yixiu, who had been observing the situation below, looked around for a week and said with a smile: "That guy from the Black Dragon Knight didn't come. God helps me..."


The participants of the War Holy See have basically assembled. In the absence of the Black Dragon Knight, a man wearing azure armor has assumed the responsibility of the commander-in-chief.

This person is Dale, the commander of the Second Judgment Group. His strength is only a hair away from that of the leader, so he naturally becomes the backbone of this group of people.


I saw countless black shadows emerging from all directions. They were indeed the elites of the War Holy See. Such a large-scale operation made almost no sound.

Dale led the crowd to surround the location of the Thorn Demon Flower, and sneered: "This guy Feng Yixiu is really naive, does he think he is safe hiding under the ground?"

As expected, the judgment of these guys was exactly the same as that of the red-armored man before, and they only thought that Feng Yixiu was hiding under the ground.

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