God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1979 The Demon Dragon Stabs

Seven Earthshaking Stars exploded out one after another, bombarding the steel body of the Abyss Demonic Dragon one after another.

This is a pure collision of power, which completely explains what the aesthetics of violence is!

The terrifying collision caused the sky to sparkle with flames, and even the forest filled with black mist could not cover up the dazzling fireworks.

"Dang Dang Dang..."

The Abyss Demonic Dragon is indeed the ultimate transcendent war spirit. It can withstand the successive impacts of seven Earth-shaking stars based on its physical strength alone.

Body of Steel is the Abyss Demonic Dragon's first combat skill, and it is also a passive combat skill with extremely terrifying defensive power.

The terrifying impact force of the seven Earthshaking Stars only caused a slight scratch on the body surface of the Abyss Black Dragon, but it was far from breaking the defense!

Feng Yixiu was already well aware of this result. How could he not know that Yuzhenxing could not pose a threat to the Abyss Black Dragon.

However, his purpose was not to seriously injure the Abyss Black Dragon, but to use the Azure Jade Linlong's offensive to create distance.

Although the Shaking Star could not seriously injure the Abyss Demonic Dragon, it could temporarily restrain it. Feng Yixiu took advantage of this opportunity and immediately opened a sufficient distance upwards.

"It should be almost done..."

After Feng Yixiu rose to an altitude of 10,000 meters, three diamond-level demon cards floated out of the first demon book.

It is the three true dragon demon cards called the dream combination, the Star Meteor Rainbow Dragon, the Destruction Tribulation Dragon, and the Polar Star Destruction Dragon!

Feng Yixiu flicked his fingers, and three diamond-level demon cards turned into three bright streams of light and flew out.


In an instant, the seven Earthshaking Stars underwent tremendous changes. Not only did their weight increase a hundred times, but they also began to compress sharply.

The huge Yushao Zhenxing was compressed into a strange sunspot, surrounded by terrifying annihilation thunder, and the powerful attraction began to explode crazily.

Creel reacted before Shaoyu Zhenxing completely turned into a sunspot, and said loudly: "Abyss Demon Dragon, why are you still standing there in a daze? Hurry up and distance yourself!"

As he spoke, Creel raised the Abyss Demonic Dragon Spear with both hands and shot it at the Yushao Zhenxing in front of him.

The terrifying reverse thrust coupled with the driving force of the abyss dragon's rapid waving of wings, one person and one dragon began to move away from the Seven Stars Sunspot at an extremely fast speed.

However, the seven-star sunspots still did not disappear. Instead, they gradually began to converge towards the center body, and terrifying gravitational fluctuations broke out instantly.

The gravitational fluctuation spread to a wide area of ​​several kilometers, and no matter whether it was a mountain boulder or a towering giant tree, no one was spared, and they were broken into pieces and flew upside down.

The Abyss Black Dragon was unable to escape from the astonishing range of gravitational fluctuations in a short period of time, but his powerful physical strength barely prevented him from being swept in by gravity.

"Damn it... a mere complete combat spirit is so difficult to deal with. Is this really a complete combat spirit?"

Creel clutched the protruding scales of the Abyss Demonic Dragon tightly and looked up at the ever-growing super-large Earthshaking Star, feeling awe-struck in his heart.

However, Creel did not sit still and threw out several demon cards.

I saw that the size of the Abyss Demonic Dragon was rapidly increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the scales emitting metallic luster on its body began to become crystal clear, as bright as obsidian.

Creel has an extremely clear idea of ​​the evolution of the Abyss Demonic Dragon. All the Demonic Spirit Cards are used to strengthen its physical strength, and this also makes the Abyss Demonic Dragon completely become an extremely powerful king-level war spirit.

In a moment, the super-large Yuxian Tianxing was completely formed, and its huge size covering several kilometers covered the sky and the sun.

Creel raised his head and looked at the super-large Earthshaking Star that kept falling downwards. Although he was extremely shocked, he was not afraid yet.

When the gravity disappeared, the Abyss Demonic Dragon flew rapidly towards the super-large Universe-Shaking Star above, and Creel's eyes were filled with determination.

The wind pressure generated by the fall of the super-large Yutian Star could not suppress the powerful Abyss Demonic Dragon, and a harsh sonic boom sound erupted from the constant waving of its wings.


I saw the black light that covered the sky erupting from the mouth of the Abyss Demonic Dragon, and its range was so large that it covered most of the stars in the universe.

The dark aura with extremely corrosive power mixed with the metal storm suppressed the falling speed of the super-large Yutian Star to the maximum extent, and the power of the Abyss Demonic Dragon Spear in Creel's hand became more and more powerful!

"The dragon thrusts!"

At this moment, Creel seemed to be integrated with the Abyss Dragon. The powerful sprint force brought by the War Spirit Sprint was perfectly utilized by him, and even magnified several times.

I saw the shadow of the black dragon spear condensed on the tip of the Abyss Demonic Dragon Spear. The thick black was like the bottom of the abyss, making the world dim, as if a huge wound had been torn into space.

The Abyss Demonic Dragon kept waving its wings, spinning and accelerating, and struck the Yutian Star head-on with a volley of spiral wind blades!


A collision that resounded throughout the world suddenly erupted, and the energy shock wave that destroyed the world ruthlessly destroyed all life within a few kilometers.

The Abyss Demonic Dragon Spear withstood the pressure of such terrifying power and gradually began to bend extremely, but how could the Awakened Spirit Soldier break so easily!


Tiny cracks gradually began to appear where the super-large Shaking Sky Star came into contact with the Abyss Demonic Dragon Spear, and they were still spreading rapidly.

"Break it for me!"

Creel shouted angrily, veins popped up on his forehead, and one person and one dragon turned into arrows piercing the string.

Destroy the super-large Yutianxing.

I saw the Abyss Demonic Dragon breaking through the super-large Shaking Star in one go, and the huge Star behind it gradually began to disintegrate and split.

However, the Abyss Demon Dragon and Creel were also seriously injured as a result. Many of the Abyss Demon Dragon's ribs were broken, and Creel's Abyss Demon Dragon armor also had cracks.

Feng Yixiu, who was high in the sky, couldn't help but frown when he saw the super-large Yutian Star disintegrating, but he didn't feel too surprised.

Feng Yixiu was surprised because this was the first time he saw someone capable of destroying the super-large Yutian Shaking Star by himself, but if this person was the tenth presiding judge, there seemed to be no need to be too surprised.

As a complete combat spirit, the Azure Jade Linlong was able to seriously injure the Black Dragon Knight, which was far beyond Feng Yixiu's expectations!


After breaking through the Shaking Sky Star, Creel finally saw Feng Yixiu high in the sky. However, due to the huge physical exertion, he was just panting heavily and did not launch an offensive immediately.

"Kriel, I won't give you a chance to breathe!" Feng Yixiu said condescendingly and indifferently.

As soon as he finished speaking, the super-large Shaking Universe Star instantly disintegrated, and the seven-star sunspots turned into streams of light and flew toward Feng Yixiu.

To be precise, it should be flying towards the Sky-killing Demonic Ape next to Feng Yixiu. Every seven-star sunspot will make Xiao Kongkong's aura become more dignified.

When the seven-star formation was completely condensed, the momentum of the Sky-Slaying Demon Ape reached its peak in an instant. Just hanging high in the sky was like an unshakable mountain!

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