God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1986 Soul Battle Spirit

"Since you have all thought about it, let's hurry up and sign the war spirit contract without further delay." Feng Yixiu said seriously.

This is the eighth level of the World Tree, and every minute and every second costs a lot of Order Points.

Even though Feng Yixiu has a huge amount of order points, but adhering to the concept of saving what he can, he still has to save some flowers...

Dongfang Xia Mo and Gui Gui immediately began to sign the war spirit contract. Dongfang Xia Mo bit his middle finger very quickly, and a little red blood dripped on the Holy Spirit Book.

The Holy Spirit Book that had been dusty for a long time suddenly burst into dazzling light. This Holy Spirit Book had obviously been purified by the Holy See of War, and no evil spirit had escaped...

Guigui also bit her finger immediately, but her blood was transparent, like pure water drops.

The Holy Spirit Book suddenly burst out with even more dazzling light, and a huge dense magic circle appeared at the feet of Dongfang Xiamo and the Ghost Queen.

Since what Dongfang Xiamo absorbed this time was a diamond-level demonic spirit, which was also equivalent to a powerful contracted immortal-level demonic beast, the spiritual impact caused was also extremely shocking.

However, compared to the huge impact of spiritual power, the impact of soul power is more dangerous. Dongfang Xia Mo's forehead oozed with big beads of sweat, and if he was not careful, he might lose his soul.

Fortunately, Feng Yixiu summoned the Queen of Thorns in time, and the auxiliary effect of Senluo's halo suddenly relieved Dongfang Xiamo's pressure a lot.

As time passed, the dense arrays at the feet of Dongfang Xiamo and the Ghost Queen gradually merged together to form a brand new spirit-summoning array.

The moment the new spirit-summoning array was formed, the Ghost Queen felt that the connection between herself and Dongfang Xiamo had become closer, as if their lives were connected together.

At the same time, the Holy Spirit Book suspended in mid-air also began to move automatically without wind. The appearance of the Ghost Queen gradually began to be outlined on the first page, and the figure of the ghost gradually became more and more illusory.

In the end, the Ghost Queen completely disappeared in front of everyone, and the first page of the Holy Spirit Book was completely outlined. The name of the war spirit was "Ghost Queen".

However, as the Ghost Queen completely submerged into the Holy Spirit Book, the dark and ink Holy Book also gradually underwent strange changes.

I saw that the black Holy Spirit Book gradually began to become transparent, and eventually disappeared completely...

"What's going on? Why did the Holy Spirit Book disappear..."

It was also the first time for Feng Yixiu to see this situation, and he couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

"Don't panic, I can detect the existence of the Holy Spirit Book, but it is now completely transparent."

While speaking, Dongfang Xiamo slowly raised his hand, as if grabbing the air.

However, the disappeared Holy Spirit Book gradually appeared from Dongfang Xiamo's hand, but it was still translucent.

Feng Yixiu was amazed when he saw such a strange change, and said softly: "This is the first time I have seen such a change in the Holy Spirit Book. Could it be related to ghosts?"

"This may have something to do with the fact that the Ghost Queen is a soul-based war spirit, but this is also a good thing for me." Dongfang Xiamo smiled slightly and said solemnly.

"Soul-based war spirit, this is an extremely rare attribute of war spirits. I have only seen a soul-based war spirit once so far." Feng Yixiu nodded solemnly, as if he thought of something, and immediately corrected: "No. ... To be precise, I should have only seen a soul blood spirit once."

"Third brother, you have encountered enemies with soul blood spirits before, why didn't I know about this?" Dongfang Xiamo asked curiously.

"That was a long time ago. Back then, the Lord of Hades at the Gate of Hades had a soul-based blood spirit. If I remember correctly, that blood spirit should be called the King of Ghost Vault. If it weren't for the absolute geographical advantage, I'm afraid that There's really nothing we can do about that guy..." Feng Yixiu explained patiently.

It was the Nine-Tailed Empress who personally dealt with the Ghost King. If it had not been for the absolute geographical advantage, it would not have been so easy to kill him.

"So the soul battle spirit is very powerful?" Dongfang Xiamo said with a smile.

"That's natural. Soul-based battle spirits have always been super first-line battle spirits, but their reputation has not been prominent because of their very rare number. However, this does not hinder the power of soul-based battle spirits." Feng Yixiu said with a serious face.

"Hehe... Gui Gui really did not disappoint me. From now on, I will also be a genius with two fighting spirits!" Dongfang Xiamo clenched his pink fists and said excitedly.

Ever since Han Xiao had dual battle spirits, Dongfang Xiamo had always wanted to have a second battle spirit, and this time she finally got her wish.

Moreover, Guigui, whom Dongfang Xia is very familiar with, is the best choice in terms of loyalty and strength!

"Sister Xia Mo, please don't get too excited. Signing the war spirit contract is just the first step. Have you thought about what kind of monster card Gui Gui can use to maximize his combat power?" Feng Yixiu put his hands behind his back. said in a deep voice.


Dongfang Xiamo scratched her head in embarrassment. Feng Yixiu's words were like a bucket of cold water poured over her, making her calm down instantly.

Perhaps the second battle spirit is indeed just the first step, and the evolution strategy of the monster card is more important...

Even if two war spirits have exactly the same qualifications, if they use different quality monster card combinations, their strength will probably be very different.

"Third brother, you are a super spiritual researcher and Mr. Chu's favorite disciple. You will definitely help me choose the best combination of demon cards!" Dongfang Xiamo looked at Feng Yixiu expectantly.

He said with eyes full of stars.

Feng Yixiu shook his head helplessly and said in a deep voice: "Sister Xia Mo, I really can't do anything to you. It's no problem to help you choose monster cards, but I don't even know Gui Gui's combat spirit skills now. , you are making things difficult for me..."

"Then let me introduce it to you now..."

Dongfang Xia was about to introduce the Ghost Queen's combat skills to Feng Yixiu at the end of Xia Dynasty, but was interrupted by Feng Yixiu.

"Sister Xia Mo, you only need to summon the ghosts. We need to save time." Feng Yixiu waved his hand and said with a smile.

"oh oh……"

Dongfang Xiamo was as obedient as a kitten and immediately summoned the Ghost Queen.

The Ghost Queen at this time is not much different from the previous demon spirit form, but her aura is much more solemn. Due to the war spirit contract, a subtle connection was formed between Guigui and Dongfang Xiamo, and both of them were strengthened to a certain extent.

War spirits and war spiritual masters have a symbiotic relationship. It can be said that one prospers and the other suffers.

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