God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1990 Establishing an Alliance

"This...could it be the sapling of the World Tree?" Feng Yixiu said with a surprised look on his face.

"Young friend Feng is indeed very discerning. This is indeed a sapling of the World Tree. When the World Tree in the Black and White Shrine was tested for its branches, it also experienced countless failures. Only two seedlings survived successfully. Then They are the two World Trees of the current War Holy See and the Balanced Holy See." The white-clothed bishop nodded and said softly.

"There are only two World Tree seedlings, so where did this seedling come from?" Feng Yixiu asked with some confusion.

"This seedling was one of the failed products among the countless experimental products. However, this seedling did not completely die, but retained a trace of vitality. The first bishop of the Balanced Holy See was deeply loved by the Pope, so This half-dead seedling was given to him, and after the cultivation of successive bishops of the Balancing Holy See, it was finally revived..." the white-clothed bishop patiently explained.

"I see, so this World Tree sapling is really hard-won..." Feng Yixiu said with a serious expression.

Although the description of the white bishop seems very simple, if you think about it for a moment, you will know that it is not easy.

It took hundreds of years for this World Tree sapling to be completely revived by the hands of several Kinkou Bishops, which shows how precious it is.

"The No. 0 Sequence Regiment has been officially established. I don't have anything good to give you. I don't think it's stingy to give you this broken seedling, right?" The Sequence Leader in white smiled and handed the seedling in his hand to Feng Yixiu, saying softly road.

But Feng Yixiu didn't dare to reach out and take the world tree sapling, because he knew how heavy this gift was!

"What? Could it be that Little Friend Feng doesn't like this gift..."

The bishop in white frowned slightly when he saw that Feng Yixiu had not collected the seedlings for a long time.

Feng Yixiu immediately clasped his fists and bowed: "Master Bishop, this gift is probably too valuable, and I dare not accept it..."

"Little friend Feng, just now I praised you for being informal, why are you so cautious now?" the white-clothed bishop said with some displeasure.

"Your Excellency, this is hundreds of years of hard work by the Bishops of the past generations, and you just leave it to me?" Feng Yixiu slowly raised his head and asked doubtfully.

"Little friend Feng, I have seen your contribution to the balance of the Holy See these days, and this is the reward you deserve." The white-clothed bishop looked a little serious, and then said in a deep voice: "Besides, I have given you the world The tree saplings also intend to support your Asura Capital, so you don’t have to feel too much psychological burden, just accept it with peace of mind.”

Hearing this, Feng Yixiu, after a moment of silence, slowly reached out and took the World Tree sapling from the white-clothed bishop's hand.

The reason why Feng Yixiu didn't dare to take over the World Tree seedling was because he was afraid of owing a huge favor, and this also made him feel a little anxious.

But after the bishop in white said that he wanted to support the Shura Capital, Feng Yixiu completely gave up his worries and naturally accepted the seedlings of the World Tree.

Feng Yixiu first carefully put the World Tree sapling into the ring, and then asked: "Master Bishop, King Shura has just become a medium-sized country. If it has any world influence, I'm afraid it can't be mentioned. You Why not support countries with greater potential?"

"It's not because of anything else, just because you are the king of Shura Capital!" The white-clothed bishop said with a gleam of light in his cloudy eyes.

"The trust of Lord Bishop really makes this junior feel a little scared. I only hope that I can live up to your expectations..." Feng Yixiu smiled slightly and bowed.

"No matter how King Shura develops in the future, I hope to be able to balance the Holy See and King Shura and become allies. I can't guarantee it for others, but I will keep an eye on the War Holy See for you and will never let any presiding judge Intervene in the state affairs of the Shura Capital." The white-clothed bishop said seriously.

"Thank you, Lord Bishop, for your trust. I can guarantee that King Shura will always support the Balanced Holy See." Feng Yixiu smiled slightly and said in a deep voice.

The white-clothed bishop patted Feng Yixiu on the back with satisfaction, and then said softly: "I'm afraid there will be a lot of intersections between the Balanced Holy See and the Shura Capital in the future. For the convenience of communication, I plan to join the No. 0 Serial Regiment and the Shura Capital. I want to establish a teleportation formation in time, I wonder what Little Friend Feng wants?"

"That's great, this junior also has this intention!"

Feng Yixiu agreed without hesitation. In fact, he had had this idea for a long time, but he never raised it out of concern.

After all, the Balancing Holy See has never established a teleportation formation within any country. The main reason is for the security of the Balanced Holy See. After all, this is very likely to become a breakthrough point for the enemy.

Secondly, this involves the issue of sovereignty. If the general teleportation point is set up in the wild, there will not be any sovereignty disputes. As long as enough manpower is sent to guard it, there will basically be no big problem.

However, once it is set up within a country, it will be inconvenient for the Balance Holy See to send members of the Balance Holy See to guard the transmission point. If the transmission point is completely controlled by the other country, the risk is too great.

If he didn't have 100% trust, the bishop in white would never agree to establish a teleportation array within the country that leads directly to the Holy See of Balance.

"Since Xiaoyou Feng also agrees, let's make an agreement. When the time comes, I will send professionals to be responsible for building the teleportation point, and the specific location is still decided by you personally." The white-clothed bishop said solemnly.

"No problem, this junior will definitely choose the safest position." Feng Yixiu nodded in agreement.

"The teleportation formation is a rather huge project, and it may take a lot of time. Then we will need to trouble Little Friend Feng."

The white-clothed bishop said softly.

"Don't worry, Lord Bishop, I will personally supervise the teleportation formation, and there will definitely be no mistakes." Feng Yixiu looked serious, and immediately said: "As for all the losses in building the teleportation array, King Shura will also bear all the losses. .”

"Young Feng deserves to be the king of a country. You are confident in what you say. Since you have said so, I won't be verbose." The bishop in white smiled and nodded. He seemed to have thought of something again, and his brows could not help but wrinkle slightly. , said: "What do you think of the Dansha Empire today?"

"This junior had dealings with the Dansha Empire in the early years. The Dansha Empire was already on the verge of defeat, and the royal family and nobles were even more corrupt. Although it is still one of the four great empires, it has actually already been In name only..." Feng Yixiu analyzed it very objectively.

"My thoughts coincide with yours. The current decline of the Dansha Empire is irreversible. If it were not for relying on the Shura Capital, I am afraid it would have been annexed by the covetous Beiyuan Empire and the Sun and Moon Empire." Bishop Baiyi He said with a serious face.

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