God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2019 The pain of tail docking

The nine tails are the lifeblood of the nine-tailed celestial fox. The severe pain caused by a broken tail is unimaginable to ordinary people. The pain is several times more severe than the pain of a broken arm!

There is another important reason why Lord Bailang asked the Nine-tailed Empress to cut off her tail. That is that the Nine-tailed Sky Fox's strength mostly relies on the Nine-tails behind it. After the tail is cut off, Fox Jiu'er's strength will be greatly reduced.

If all nine tails are cut off, it may mean that Hu Jiuer's life will come to an end...

Bailang slowly raised the bloody sword in his hand, showed a smile of success, and then said in a deep voice: "The Nine-Tailed Empress, there are still three sacred objects!"

The nine-tailed sky fox's huge body was trembling violently due to the severe pain, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Don't go too far, you guy..."


Lord Bailang raised his knife and lowered it. A bloody stream of light instantly cut off the left arm of the disheveled man. Scarlet blood spurted out crazily, making the scene look a bit bloody.

"You'd better clarify the situation for me. You have no room to bargain with me now. If you don't want this guy to be tortured to death, you'd better do as I say!"

Lord Bailang revealed his extremely cruel and bloodthirsty nature. He looked at the bloody sword in his hand with an intoxicated expression and said loudly.

The man who looked like Feng Yixiu seemed to be speechless not only because of the severe pain, but also because he was afraid that Lord Bailang would kill them all. From the beginning to the end, he did not say a word except for the painful wailing...

When the Nine-tailed Sky Fox saw Lord Bailang's cruel methods, he was completely confused for a moment and had no time to consider his own safety, so he handed over the Millennium Ring and the Millennium Eye.

The Millennium Ring can travel through space, and is a great weapon whether used in actual combat or escape. The Millennium Eye, as a magical sacred object that can see through people's hearts, is also the key to Hu Jiuer's ability to firmly control the Shura Capital.

Lord Bailang was overjoyed when he obtained these two sacred objects. Although he was of Dansha royal bloodline and could not use the thousand-year sacred objects, he would definitely receive heavy rewards if he handed them over to the Blood Emperor.

"You should be satisfied now, right?" the nine-tailed sky fox roared angrily.

"Hahaha... Everyone says that the nine-tailed sky fox is so smart and cunning, but he can't escape the love network in the world, and he is willing to become a stupid woman!" After Lord Bailang obtained the two sacred objects, he did not need to Concerned about the power of the Millennium Eye, he immediately took off the golden mask and looked up to the sky with a big smile.

Hearing this, the Nine-tailed Sky Fox looked a little ugly, and she didn't know why she made a series of stupid decisions.

Hu Jiu'er knew clearly that Lord Bailang would not keep his promise, but when she watched Feng Yixiu die in front of her, her heart felt like thousands of ants eating her heart...

"But these are only two sacred objects, and there is still a thousand-year scepter that has not been handed over. Don't try to be clever with me!" Lord Bailang quickly calmed down from his excitement, and then remembered the most critical thousand-year scepter.

The Millennium Scepter is not only a symbol of royal power in the Shura Capital, but the most important thing is that it can control the Shura Barrier. Only those who obtain the Millennium Scepter can become the well-deserved new king of the Shura Capital.

"The Thousand-Year Scepter is in the Shura King's Capital. I didn't bring it with me this time. If you have the ability, you can get it yourself!" The nine-tailed sky fox smiled coldly and said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, the faces of Lord Bailang and the two great sages suddenly became gloomy. If what the Nine-tailed Sky Fox said was true, they would not be able to obtain the Thousand-Year Scepter simply.

"You'd better not play tricks with us. If you don't hand over the Thousand-Year Scepter, this guy's life will be in danger!"

Lord Bailang was still unwilling to give up. He was ready to repeat his old tricks and force Hu Jiuer to hand over the most critical thousand-year scepter.

"This is my storage ring. If it doesn't work, you can check it yourself!"

I saw a Najie that exuded bright light turned into a stream of light and sank into the hands of Lord Bailang, and the seal shackles on it had been untied by Hu Jiuer on his own initiative.

Lord Bailang accepted the ring with some doubts. After a careful search, he found no trace of the thousand-year scepter.

The two sages also looked at Lord Bailang expectantly, but after seeing each other shaking their heads towards them, they became extremely disappointed.

This unexpected situation also made Lord Bailang and the two sages a little overwhelmed, so they immediately gathered together and began to discuss countermeasures.

"The Nine-Tailed Empress is here well prepared. It seems that we have to go to the Shura Capital. We must kill the Nine-Tailed Empress as soon as possible, otherwise I'm worried something will happen later..." Silver Fox muttered in a low voice.

The Black Demon shook his head solemnly, and said in a deep voice: "I'm afraid we can't kill the Nine-Tailed Empress now. We haven't got the Thousand-Year Scepter yet. If King Shura plans to destroy both of them, it will be a serious problem. Let's stay here." The Nine-Tailed Empress will make the other party afraid..."

"What Lord Black Devil said is absolutely true. The Nine-Tailed Empress cannot be killed now. However, the Nine-Tailed Empress is always a time bomb. If she finds a chance to escape back to the Shura Capital, the consequences will be disastrous!" Bailang The monarch nodded in agreement.

"Then according to Lord Bailang's wishes, how should we deal with the Nine-Tailed Empress?" Silver Fox touched his chin and said in a deep voice.

"The best way now is to abolish the Nine-Tailed Empress. As long as her eight tails are cut off, she will have nowhere to display her great magical powers, and this will also be of great benefit to your attack on the Shura Capital..." Bailang The corners of the monarch's mouth raised slightly and he said calmly.

"Okay! Then I'll do as you say..."

Dark Devil and Silver Fox

They nodded in unison. After all, their primary goal was to capture the Shura Capital and seize the Thousand-Year Scepter. As long as there was no threat to the Nine-Tailed Empress, they didn't care whether she lived or died.

After getting the consent of the two great sages, Lord Bailang immediately said loudly to the nine-tailed fox: "Don't say that this king is not trustworthy. This is because you have not fulfilled the conditions proposed by me, so you don't want to It’s no wonder that this king is so cruel!”

"Bailang, I know you won't let me go, but if you dare to kill A Feng, I don't intend to live. If King Shura learns of my death, the Thousand-Year Scepter will be completely destroyed. !" Hu Jiu'er said sharply.

"Don't worry, I don't plan to kill this guy yet, but if you dare to resist, I will let this guy try what it means to live but not to die..." Bailang slowly took out the blood in his hand. The big knife was placed on the neck of the man in front of him, and the threat was self-evident.

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