God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2033 Cannibalism

"Sin will pay homage to the King!"

Sivir didn't care that his injury hadn't healed yet, so he knelt down in front of Feng Yixiu and placed his right hand close to his heart.

Feng Yixiu immediately wanted to help Sivir up, and said softly: "Sivir, you have done a good job, there is no need to call yourself a criminal general."

However, Sivir refused to stand up. Instead, he lowered his head and said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, the sinner has failed to live up to the instructions of you and His Highness the Empress. He neither found any note that you could leave behind nor tried to dissuade him." Her Royal Highness the Empress left the city, but she almost led the Shura Legion out of the city, and almost caused the Shura King to perish in my hands..."

"The main responsibility lies with me. Your ability to organize so many refugee camps in such a short period of time is already a great achievement. No matter how serious your sin is, it is nothing..." Feng Yixiu frowned slightly, and immediately He said softly: "Besides, being too loyal is a mistake. I hope you will continue to make mistakes."


Sivir slowly raised his head, his eyes already looking a little moist, as if he wanted to say something.

Feng Yixiu did not give Sivir this chance. Instead, he helped Sivir up with a smile, then leaned over and patted the dust on Sivir's knees, and said with a smile: "Okay, you are the leader of the Eight Underworld Generals. , but you can’t cry and cry, it will make people laugh..."

Sivir smiled and touched the tears from the corner of his eyes, and then said softly: "Your Majesty, the Nine-Tailed Empress said that this operation was most likely to be manipulated by the Dansha Empire behind the scenes. Qiangwei went to the Dansha Empire to ask for help but was rejected. Now, He came suddenly at such an urgent moment, I'm afraid he has ulterior motives!"

"It's not very possible. The Dansha Empire must be behind this war of aggression..." Feng Yixiu shook his head and then said in a very confident tone.

"Since the king is so sure, why not take this opportunity to capture the Pharaoh?" Sivir said with some confusion.

"It is easy to take down the Pharaoh King now, but have you ever thought about what the Shura Capital will be like in the future?" Feng Yixiu said with a solemn expression.

Hearing this, Sivir couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Although it is easy to kill the Pharaoh now, it will definitely cause a complete break between the Shura Capital and the Dansha Empire.

"If the Pharaoh dies, the cooperation between the Shura Capital and the Dansha Empire cannot be maintained. Even if the Dansha Empire is severely damaged in this battle, so is our Shura Capital..." Feng Yixiu looked solemn and said in a deep voice. road.

"But the Dansha Empire is extremely ambitious. On the surface, they please us, but secretly they are trying their best to annex us. What's the use of our superficial cooperation?" Sivir frowned and asked.

"Even if it is a superficial cooperation, the Dansha Empire has to provide the Shura Capital with massive resources every month. Now the development of our Shura Capital mainly relies on the Dansha Empire's supply. At least until the Shura Capital can be self-sufficient, we cannot cooperate with Dansha. The empire has completely turned its back..." Feng Yixiu sighed helplessly and said seriously.

Feng Yixiu is now the king of a country, and every decision he makes is related to the well-being of thousands of people in King Shura. He must not act based on his own impulse.

Even though the Shura Capital has more than enough to protect itself, it does not have the energy to compete for precious resources. Its rapid development into a medium-sized kingdom in recent years is also dependent on the Dansha Empire's many years of supply.

"But the Empress was so seriously injured by them, can we just forget about it?"

When Sivir saw the pale face of the Nine-Tailed Empress and the blood-stained clothes, the anger and guilt in her heart made her unable to stay calm.

"Of course I won't let it go like this. The two powerful War Spirit Emperors in the Bailang Army must be appointed by the Dansha Empire. Let the Pharaoh kill them with his own hands. I'm afraid this will be a hundred times more painful than if I do it myself. Besides, I The king assures you that the Pharaoh King and the Blood Emperor will also pay the price with their blood!" Feng Yixiu said coldly with burning eyes.

Sivir calmed down a little, and then said in a deep voice: "The Pharaoh is the mastermind behind the scenes, but we can't touch him. It's really unacceptable..."

"Although the Pharaoh cannot move yet, I will not make it easy for him. I will make his life worse than death!" Feng Yixiu looked at the Pharaoh's back coldly and whispered.

"Does the king have a way to deal with the Pharaoh?" Sivir asked curiously.

"This battle is crucial to the Dansha Empire, and the Bloody Emperor will definitely pour out the anger of the defeat on the Pharaoh. If we add to the fire, do you think the Pharaoh's life will be easier? "Feng Yixiu smiled slightly and said lightly.

Sivir was immediately enlightened and nodded repeatedly: "It is rumored that the relationship between the Blood Emperor and the Pharaoh has always been at odds, but the Pharaoh has always been cautious in his actions. The Blood Emperor has never found any excuse for the Pharaoh. The defeat of this war will definitely make him The Blood Emperor has something to do, and it may cause internal division..."

"Yes, the Pharaoh's influence in the Dansha Empire is no weaker than that of the Blood Emperor. If the two of them fight, we, King Shura, will not only be able to gain precious time to recuperate, but we may also be able to reap the benefits! "Feng Yixiu raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said in a deep voice.

"Your Majesty is wise, no matter who is better, the Pharaoh King or the Bloody Emperor, this will be of great benefit to our Shura Capital!" Sivir's eyes lit up and he said excitedly.

"This is naturally the best ending, but the Pharaoh has always acted cautiously, and although the Blood Emperor is a fatuous lord, he is not so easy to fool, so it is not easy to make the Blood Emperor believe that the Pharaoh has disloyal intentions. It would be too easy, you must act according to my instructions next!" Feng Yixiu said in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, we will fully cooperate!"

I saw the underworld generals and law enforcers headed by Sivir lowering their heads in agreement.

"Forcing the Pharaoh to kill the Black Demon is only the first step, and this scene will also be witnessed by the 150,000 Dansha Army. Sometimes the truth or falsehood does not lie in the facts, but in the number of people who believe..." Feng Yixiu raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said coldly.

"This dog-eat-dog scene is quite interesting. This guy Black Devil may be one of the sages who secretly returned from the Dansha Empire. I didn't expect that he didn't die in an X-level mission, but died at the hands of the respected Pharaoh. I'm afraid he will It must be very uncomfortable..." Sivir also looked at the Pharaoh expectantly.

At this time, the Pharaoh was already confronting the black devil. In order not to expose himself, he also condensed the spiritual weapons and spiritual armor with great care. The time wheel behind him emitted a dazzling light.

As the pillar of faith for hundreds of millions of people in the Dansha Empire, the Pharaoh naturally has a time wheel condensed by the power of faith.

"You Fang Xiaoxiao, how dare you offend the capital of Shura King, I will make sure you never come back!" A golden staff suddenly appeared in the hand of the Pharaoh King, and this was his awakened spiritual weapon.

This awakened spiritual weapon is of the Vientiane System, and its full name is the Staff of Time. Its ability is to control the flow of time around it.

I saw the Pharaoh holding the Staff of Time and slamming it against the ground, and an invisible time fluctuation burst out, and this was the powerful time field.

Even though the Pharaoh's spiritual realm was suppressed by the Shura barrier, he still showed an overwhelming strength advantage.

In the realm of time, everything seems to have been pressed on the slowdown button, even the fallen leaves in the sky seem to be frozen.

At this moment, the Black Demon was covered in blood, but compared to the physical pain, the spiritual grievance made it more difficult for him to accept.

But he released the signal gun with his own hands. This situation can be said to have been caused by him. Even though he had all kinds of grievances, he did not dare to express them openly...

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