God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2042 World Tree

Feng Yixiu touched the wash bar and pondered for a moment, then seemed to think of something and said loudly: "So World Tree is the best place for Jiu'er to recuperate!"

It can be said that the World Tree is the place with the richest spiritual energy. After all, the rumored origin of the spiritual energy may be the World Tree!

If Hu Jiuer is sent to the top of the World Tree, the time for self-healing will be greatly reduced...

The Queen of Thorns also agreed, nodded and said: "Theoretically, if Jiu'er is placed at the highest level of the World Tree, her awakening time will be within one month to two years..."

The sadness on Feng Yixiu's face gradually dissipated, at least the situation was not too bad.

Within one month to two years, although it is still a long time, it is much better than more than ten years!

"My lord, are you planning to send Jiu'er to the Holy See of Balance?" Queen of Thorns asked softly.

Feng Yixiu shook his head solemnly: "No... it's too dangerous to leave Shura King's capital now. Jiu'er finally escaped, and I can't let her be in any danger again!"

Empress Tianyu wanted to put Hu Jiu'er to death, but Feng Yixiu was not sure about the safety of sending Hu Jiu'er to the Holy See of Balance.

Even if Duan Muchen, the strongest member of the Balanced Holy See, came to escort him, Feng Yixiu would not be 100% assured because he didn't know if there was an informant from the Sun Moon Empire in the Balanced Holy See.

To put it bluntly, even if Feng Yixiu safely sent Hu Jiuer to the Holy See of Balance, he was not sure that he could protect Hu Jiuer's safety for as long as last year.

After all, Feng Yixiu is just a person. He always takes a nap and rests. It is much easier to kill someone than to protect someone...

"But without the World Tree, even if we build an advanced spirit-gathering array around the clock regardless of the cost, it would probably only shorten the time by three times." The Queen of Thorns said helplessly.

"Who said that the World Tree can only balance the Holy See and the War Holy See..."

While talking, Feng Yixiu took out a World Tree sapling that exuded emerald green light.

Even if it is an inconspicuous seedling, its amazing natural atmosphere has filled the huge palace, covering it with a light green layer.

"This...could this be the World Tree seedling?"

As the king of wood-type war spirits, the Queen of Thorns could almost conclude that the sapling in front of her was the World Tree sapling based on her perception of plants.

Feng Yixiu did not deny it, nodded and said: "Yes, this is a gift given to me by Bishop Bai, but I didn't expect it to be put to use so early."

"The bishop in white actually gave such a world treasure to the Lord, which shows how much he values ​​you!" The Queen of Thorns naturally understood what a treasure the world tree was, and the shock in her heart could not be calmed down for a long time.

"Now is not the time to talk about this. Little Demon, you were able to speed up the growth of the Green Dragon World Tree in the first place. There should be a way to make this World Tree seedling mature as soon as possible, right?" Feng Yixiu looked at the Queen of Thorns expectantly and said softly.

"This World Tree is not that World Tree. The difference between the two is like clouds and mud. Even though I can communicate with the World Tree seedlings, I cannot control these treasures of heaven and earth..." The Queen of Thorns shook her head helplessly and sighed. .

Feng Yixiu was obviously a little disappointed and said to himself: "Do we really want to take the risk? Or should we choose to wait quietly..."

"My Lord, don't worry. Although I can't control the World Tree, I can still assist it to accelerate its growth. As long as there is enough high-purity spiritual liquid for irrigation, I am sure that the World Tree will basically mature within three months." The Queen of Thorns smiled slightly and said calmly.

"Little demon, can you please stop gasping when you speak? You almost scared me to death..." Feng Yixiu's eyes lit up and he said with a smile.

"However, this high-purity spiritual liquid requires a large amount of spiritual stones to purify and refine, and it also needs to be supplemented by many heavenly materials and earthly treasures. I am afraid that the current King Shura will not be able to afford it." The Queen of Thorns said with a worried look.

"I will find a way to solve the resource problem. When the time comes, you only need to help the World Tree grow." Feng Yixiu is not discouraged. As long as there is hope, he will definitely try his best to fight for it.

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