God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2045 The wronged soul demands his life

Because Valentin was too short, he looked very inconspicuous sitting in his seat. When he heard the news, he stood on the seat excitedly and said excitedly: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, I promise to complete the task as scheduled." !”

"One more thing, I would like to remind everyone that when you see the Pharaoh in the future, you must treat each other with courtesy. Be as polite as you can. Don't let him notice any hostility, at least don't let those Dansha warriors feel it... "Feng Yixiu continued.

"The Pharaoh is most likely the person behind this aggressive war. Why should we be so nice to that guy?"

Many underworld generals who didn't know why hesitated for a moment and still raised the questions in their hearts.

"Of course there is a reason for this king to do this, but it is not convenient to reveal too much now. Everyone just needs to remember one thing. A little impatience will mess up a big plan. Whether you can win the Dansha Empire in the future depends on your acting skills..." Feng Yixiu smiled mysteriously and said softly.

"Anyway, it's right to listen to the king. Just do as you are told. Why is there all this nonsense!"

Sivir looked sharply at the underworld general who asked the question, and he was so frightened that he lowered his head angrily.

"Okay, this meeting is almost over. Everyone will perform their duties tomorrow. Everyone is tired after a busy day. Let's go back and rest early..."

Feng Yixiu waved his hand, indicating that everyone could leave separately, except Dongfang Xiamo who did not leave.

"Hmph... Third brother, do you dislike me?" Dongfang Xiamo folded his hands on his chest and muttered with his little mouth pouted.

"Third sister, what do you mean? How could I dislike you?" Feng Yixiu raised his eyebrows slightly and said with a smile.

"But you have assigned tasks to everyone, except for me, and you still say you don't dislike me?" Dongfang Xiamo said angrily.

"No way...am I afraid that you will be tired?" Feng Yixiu touched his nose with a guilty conscience, his brain was also running at high speed, and he immediately said with a smile: "Besides, this is your first time in the Shura Capital. Isn’t it good to go sightseeing?”

In fact, Feng Yixiu is really worried about Dongfang Xiamo. After all, the third sister is the eldest daughter of the Dongfang family. She has been accustomed to a pampered life since she was a child. Where is the material for work...

As long as Dongfang Xiamo doesn't cause trouble for others, Feng Yixiu will happily burn incense and worship Buddha. He really doesn't expect her to help build the Shura Capital.

"Everyone is working hard, do you want me to wander around?" Dongfang Xiamo frowned and asked.

After Feng Yixiu was silent for a moment, he seemed to have thought of something and smiled: "Actually, I have a more important task for you. No one can complete this task except you..."

"Hehe... I knew you had not forgotten me. After all, I am very powerful. Please tell me what the mission is?" Dongfang Xiamo finally showed a smile and asked quickly.

"Isn't it fun to let the Ghost Queen drive ghosts to scare those Dansha soldiers, pretending to be the ghosts of the killed Dansha soldiers, and making those guys sleepless and sleepless?" Feng Yixiu said with a smile.

"Hey... this sounds interesting!" Dongfang Xiamo was indeed very playful. He immediately patted his chest and vowed: "Don't worry, I promise to scare the shit out of those guys!"

After saying that, Dongfang Xiamo stopped entangled and left the meeting hall with a smile on his face.

Feng Yixiu saw Dongfang Xiamo being so interested, smiled and shook his head, saying: "It seems those guys from the Dansha Army are really going to be miserable..."

Although Feng Yixiu came up with this task on a whim, it was definitely not just to kill Dongfang Xia.

Everyone in the Dansha Legion already felt guilty for killing their brothers who had fought side by side, and Dongfang Xiamo's threats would definitely make their feelings of guilt even stronger.

Feng Yixiu has a thorough understanding of human nature. He understands that these people will not blame themselves, but will put all the blame on the Pharaoh who gave the order.

If things go on for a long time, their resentment towards the Pharaoh will inevitably become more and more serious. If they return to the Dansha Empire in the future, they will deliberately discredit the Pharaoh in order to appease their guilt.

However, Feng Yixiu never expected that Dongfang Xia would launch an operation tonight and arrive at the camp just set up by the Dansha Corps alone.

Dongfang Xiamo completely concealed her aura with the power of phantom, and everyone in the Dansha Army could not sense her existence at all...

Everyone in the Dansha Corps spent a lot of effort to basically clean up the garbage, and fell asleep in a mess before they could take a shower.

"Eh... this place stinks too much. It's a shame these guys can still sleep!" Dongfang Xiamo pinched his nose and looked at the tent not far away with a look of disgust.

I saw Dongfang Xia Mo quietly summoning the Ghost Queen. After explaining the specific tasks, he immediately said seriously: "Gui Gui, this is a very important task!"

The Ghost Queen looked confused throughout the whole process, but seeing Dongfang Xia Mo's serious look, she nodded solemnly: "Sister Xia Mo, I promise to complete the mission!"

As she spoke, the Ghost Queen immediately opened the door to the underworld, and countless resentful spirits floated out. The dark night emitted a faint fluorescent light, making the already gloomy camp even more terrifying...

"Yeah... go ahead!"

Dongfang Xiamo looked at the thousands of ghost army and nodded with great satisfaction.

I saw vague ghost figures floating towards various simple tents, stirring up a biting wind.

, many Dansha warriors who were not sleeping deeply opened their eyes in a daze.

"Ah! There is a ghost..."

"There is always a wrongdoer and a debtor, and it was all because Pharaoh asked me to do this. I was forced to have no choice..."

"If you want revenge, go to Pharaoh. We are just following orders. Please don't pester me..."

The stinking camp, which had been silent just a moment ago, suddenly heard the sounds of countless ghosts crying and wolf howling. Many frightened Dansha soldiers even rushed out of the camp and fell into the septic tank.

If ordinary resentful spirits are not enough to frighten these battle-experienced warriors, the resentful spirits released by the Ghost Queen are those who died at the hands of their companions, so it caused such a huge panic...

"Hehe... I didn't expect that the Dansha warriors who kill so many people also have a timid side. It's really a relief!" Dongfang Academy quietly hid behind the tiger of the Holy King of Tianming, admiring the chaotic scene in front of him, and he was in a good mood. .

This kind of commotion lasted until midnight before it subsided. Dongfang Xia only felt sleepy before leaving, but those Dansha soldiers who had been frightened could not sleep anymore...

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