God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2055 Dansha Split

The Pharaoh wanted to explain himself several times, but he didn't know how to excuse himself. After all, he had no strong evidence to prove his innocence.

On the contrary, these criminal evidences were testified by 150,000 Dansha warriors. The current Pharaoh can be said to be unable to defend himself...

"Your Majesty, you should be very clear about my character. Do you really believe that I will commit treason?" The Pharaoh knew that there was no use in defending, so he just slowly raised his head and looked at Emperor Xuehuang with a serious face.

"I only believe in my own eyes. Could it be that the 150,000 Dansha warriors got together to deceive me?" The Blood Emperor was unmoved and frowned.

The Blood Emperor has been wary of the Pharaoh for a long time, but he has never found the Pharaoh's flaw before. Now that he finally has the opportunity, he will naturally not let it go easily.

"Then what does Your Majesty want to do with me?" Pharaoh asked with an expressionless face.

"If according to the laws of the Dansha Empire, any crime is enough to put you to death, I will not punish you because of my past kindness. As long as you hand over the Millennium Wheel of Wisdom, and then take the initiative to remove the Pharaoh If you take the position, I can consider sparing you from death..." Emperor Xuehuang said in a deep voice with a cunning light in his eyes.

In fact, the Blood Emperor didn't want to let the Pharaoh go easily at all, he just wanted to get the other party to hand over the Thousand-Year Wheel of Wisdom first.

After all, the Millennium Wheel of Wisdom is also crucial to the Dansha Empire, and Emperor Xuehuang naturally wants to take it into his own hands.

"I'm sorry that I can't do it. The thousand-year wheel of wisdom has been lost." The Pharaoh shook his head helplessly and said softly.

Hearing this, Emperor Xuehuang, who had been suppressing his anger, finally couldn't hold back any longer, and a fierce murderous aura suddenly broke out.

The Millennium Wheel of Wisdom has always been carried by the Pharaoh. It is obviously impossible for it to be lost just after a trip to the Shura King's capital!

"I think the loss is fake. You gave the Thousand-Year Wheel of Wisdom as a gift to King Shura, right? No wonder King Shura would call you brothers, so that's how it is..." The Blood Emperor's eyes were cold and his brows were furrowed.

"I did give the Millennium Wheel of Wisdom to King Shura, but I was forced to have no choice. Please forgive me." The Pharaoh also knew that explanations were useless, so he might as well tell the truth.

"What a helpless person. You came back unscathed, and yet you dared to shamelessly claim that you were forced. I want to hear how tortured you were before you took the initiative to give away the sacred relics of the country. !” Emperor Xuehuang laughed angrily, pointed angrily at the Pharaoh below, and said loudly.

The Pharaoh lowered his head and remained silent for a moment, then whispered: "Is this enough to protect the safety of hundreds of millions of people?"

"It's really the most ridiculous thing in the world. Do you want to use hundreds of millions of people to oppress me? Do you think I won't dare to kill you!" The Blood Huang Emperor waved his hand and said sternly: "Someone, kill this The rebels who are treasonous and rebellious will be escorted out and executed!"

As soon as these words came out, the entire Dansha Hall instantly became silent. No one thought that Emperor Xuehuang would actually order the execution of the Pharaoh.

The Pharaoh is not only the head of the sages, but also the spiritual belief of most Dansha people. Even if he really commits the crime of treason, he must not be killed easily.

For a time, no one dared to approach the Pharaoh, because no one wanted to be charged with killing an important minister of the country.

"Hahaha... It seems that King Shura is right. I really overestimate you. You are indeed a stupid and unscrupulous tyrant!"

The Pharaoh suddenly began to look up to the sky and laugh, and the astonishing spiritual pressure instantly broke the heavy shackles that bound his body.

The solemn Time Wheel instantly appeared behind the Pharaoh, and the Demon Lord of Time slowly condensed and took shape beside him.

"Can't you finally hide the fox's tail? What are you still doing? Hurry up and take down this traitor!"

The Blood Emperor did not expect that the usually peaceful Pharaoh would fight back, and he became panicked in a short time.

Although the Blood Emperor has never fought against the Pharaoh King, he has some understanding of the Pharaoh King's strength. Even in a one-on-one situation, he is not sure of victory.

And this is one of the reasons why Emperor Xuehuang is so afraid of the Pharaoh, because if the Pharaoh is really rebellious, he will definitely have the strength and influence to overthrow his rule!

Emperor Xuehuang gave an order, and the interior of Dansha Hall instantly became tense. First, hundreds of Dansha guards in the hall took the lead in launching a charge against the Pharaoh.

The Pharaoh King was unconcerned with the attacks coming from all directions. The pale golden time domain spread instantly. The speed of the guards and others who were as fast as lightning just now suddenly dropped ten times, as slow as a turtle!

This is not the most surprising thing. All objects within ten meters of the Pharaoh begin to age and decay rapidly, and eventually turn into dust and dissipate...

Even the high-speed flying arrows cannot touch the Pharaoh. Just standing still is enough to make people tremble!

In an instant, the guards who were eager to perform meritorious service just now were so scared that they did not dare to approach the Pharaoh again. After all, such strange scenes were too terrifying, and they did not want to turn into dust inexplicably.

However, these guards did not dare to touch the Pharaoh, which does not mean that everyone did not dare to do so. At least the strong men who were also saints were not afraid to the point of not daring to take action.

Since the Pharaoh was captured, the four remaining sages have all gathered here. The faction close to the Blood Emperor is afraid that the Pharaoh will rebel, while the faction close to the Pharaoh is afraid that something unexpected will happen to the Pharaoh.

Naturally, both parties do not want things to develop in a bad direction, but once things are irreversible

If so, then they will take action even if they are reluctant!

"Pharaoh, you are disobeying the Holy Order. I will not tolerate your mischief!"

Su Fengrunner took the lead to stand up, ready to control the invisible wind blade to attack the Pharaoh.

But before he could take action, the high priest blocked his way and said sternly: "Anyone in the Dansha Empire may be traitorous, but it is impossible for him to be the Pharaoh!"

The other two sages soon fought together, and the collision between these powerful men instantly razed the entire Dansha Palace to the ground!

"Dan, this is my palace, and you dare to openly plot rebellion. It seems that you don't want to walk out alive!" The Blood Emperor's fists were clenched, and the sun wheel behind his back was emitting hot fire.

As he spoke, all the soldiers in the Dansha Palace rushed towards this side, and their number was at least half a million!

However, the 500,000 Dansha army became polarized. Half of them came towards the Bloody Emperor. Most of them were the 150,000 Dansha warriors who had been sent to the Shura Capital before, while the other half It was concentrated towards the Pharaoh.

"Xuehuang, you may have made something wrong! Although I have never thought of rebellion, I don't think everyone is on your side..." Pharaoh smiled coldly and said lightly.

"How could this happen..." When Emperor Xuehuang saw half of the Dansha army protecting the Pharaoh, he roared angrily: "Do you traitors also want to rebel?"

Facing the furious Xuehuang Emperor, the Pharaoh said in a deep voice: "How can a tyrant who spends his days living in excess be loved by others? If it weren't for the blood of the Dansha Emperor, I'm afraid there would be no one behind you!"

Hearing this, Emperor Xuehuang turned red with anger, but he still did not have the courage to issue an order for an all-out attack.

Because as long as he issues an order, both sides will basically end up losing. Even if he wins the final victory, I'm afraid it will be meaningless...

The Pharaoh did not move even half a step from beginning to end, but looked coldly at the Xuehuang Emperor not far away, and said loudly: "Xuehuang, if one day the Dansha Empire is really destroyed, do you remember the mistake? It’s up to you, not me!”

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