God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2074 Red Lotus Ultimate Dragon

The weapons of the True Silver series can kill undead demons, and most of the elites of the orc clan are equipped with weapons of the True Silver series.

Sivir and Qiangwei saw with their own eyes that Bai Zhan split the Death Summoner in half with an axe. Instead of resurrecting him, a ray of holy light dispelled the death aura from the Death Summoner.

"That's great. Bai Zhan, you lead the orc army to cover us, and Angkela will be left to us!" Sivir said extremely excitedly.

"No problem, we'll take care of it!"

Bai Zhan patted his chest heavily and gave an order for all the orc warriors with true silver swords to assemble.

Although the orc warriors can cause effective damage to the death-summoning demons, the numerical gap between the two sides is too obvious.

There are less than 10,000 orcs with Truesilver series weapons, but the opponent has more than 100,000 death-calling legions, and the pressure is still very high...

"Soldiers of the Shura Legion, maintain a defensive formation and do not engage in direct confrontation with the Dansha Legion in the short term!" Qiangwei gave the order to the Shura Legion behind her.

Due to the appearance of the Death Telling Witch, no matter how many deaths the Dansha Legion has, it will be meaningless, and it will even increase the pressure on Sivir, Qiangwei and others.

So the best way now is to maintain the defensive formation first, and then wait for Sivir and Qiangwei to completely defeat the death-summoning witch Angkela, otherwise it will be impossible to win...

"The Death Summoning Legion is coming, we must charge!" Bai Zhan suddenly cut off the row of demons in front of him with an axe, and loudly reminded Sivir and others behind.


Sivir and Qiangwei stood side by side, and immediately summoned their respective ultimate fighting spirits to fight.

Nowadays, the two ultimate fighting spirits have undergone earth-shaking changes compared to before. Sivir's mechanical armed dragon has undergone mutation and evolution and has become the "Red Lotus Armed Dragon".

Originally, the mechanical armed dragon was black as a whole, but now it is a gorgeous angry red. Especially the two eye-catching red lotus cannons behind it are extremely impressive.

"Red Lotus Armed Dragon" has made a qualitative leap in all aspects of its attributes compared to before, among which the increase in attack power is the most astonishing!

Sivir's single-attribute war spirit successfully mutated into a dual-attribute war spirit. It was no longer just metallic, but also awakened the fire attribute...

Rose's Black Rose Dragon also completed its mutation and evolution and became the "Blood Night Rose Dragon".

The appearance of the Black Rose Dragon can be said to be unique among the sub-dragon species, but it pales in comparison to its evolution.

"Blood Night Rose Dragon" has rose-like scales all over its body. It is no longer the dark red of the past, but a dazzling blood red, as gorgeous as blood flames burning violently.

Feng Yixiu also spent a lot of money to mutate and evolve the two war spirits Qiangwei and Sivir. If he hadn't made a lot of money from the cooperation with Tantai Mingyue, I'm afraid he would be a little reluctant...

"Qiangwei, the king personally prepared the mutant spirit fluid for us, we can't let him down!" Sivir jumped onto the red lotus armed dragon and glanced at Qiangwei beside him.

Qiangwei also nodded seriously and said solemnly: "That's natural!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Black Rose Dragon rushed out first, its beautiful figure leaving a gorgeous rose stream in mid-air...

Sivir looked at Qiangwei's retreating back. Not willing to fall behind, she chuckled and immediately chased after her.

"Come on!"

The orc army led by Bai Zhan surrounded Qiangwei and Qiangwei, and rushed towards the dense army of death-summoning demons in front of them without fear.

The densely packed death-summoning demons were torn open by the orc army, and Sivir and Qiangwei also charged without sparing any effort.

"You losers, stop them!"

Angkela watched the distance between Sivir and Qiangwei getting closer and closer, feeling a little panicked in her heart.

He immediately waved the death-summoning magic whip in his hand wildly, and all demons who had been whipped by the magic whip fell into a terrifying state of madness, with all aspects of their attributes increasing even more powerfully.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch..."

Under the control of the Dark Phantom Eagle, the Death Summoning Demons no longer continued to attack the Shura Legion's defense line, but all rushed towards Sivir and Qiangwei.

The number of Death Summoning Demons was too great. Even if the orc army tried its best, they could not kill them all, and they were finally able to break through the defense line.

However, Sivir and Qiangwei did not panic at all when faced with the massive attack of demons. Instead, they showed excited smiles.

"Hahaha... Just in time, let you have a taste of my red lotus cannon!"

Sivir's ultimate fighting spirit erupted with extremely terrifying explosive power. White mist rose from the Red Lotus Cannon behind him, and the Red Lotus Cannon shells emitting dazzling firelight fell like a storm.

Everything within a radius of tens of thousands of meters became a bombing zone. In just tens of seconds, the Red Lotus Armed Dragon fired hundreds of Red Lotus artillery shells.

"Boom boom boom..."

The ear-piercing explosions and the screams of the demons resounded throughout the sky, and the entire battlefield seemed to be ruled by the red lotus armed dragon!

Wherever Sivir passes by, there will only be a piece of scorched earth burning with red lotus flames, like a purgatory on earth.

Almost no one dared to block the footsteps of the Red Lotus Ultimate Armed Dragon, because those who dared to stop were ruthlessly picked off by the Red Lotus Dragon Spear in Sivir's hand...

It's just that Sivir's super explosive output cannot be maintained for a long time, and it must be replenished briefly before the attack can continue.

However, Sivir did not panic too much, but glanced at Qiangwei beside him, smiled and said: "Help me for a while..."

Qiangwei smiled and nodded, then reached into the void with her right hand and pulled out a gorgeous awakening spiritual weapon.

The full name of this awakened spiritual weapon is the Bloody Night Rose Sword. It is a powerful spiritual weapon whose appearance is directly proportional to its strength. It is especially good at fighting large-scale battles!

The Bloody Rose Sword is an awakened spiritual weapon of the Vientiane System. It can be turned into countless rose petal-like blades, and these seemingly gorgeous rose petals are deadly weapons, and can even absorb the blood of the enemy.

I saw the gorgeous spirit weapon in Qiangwei's hand suddenly turned into countless petals and scattered everywhere. From a distance, it looked like a sea of ​​blood-colored flowers floating in the air. It was so gorgeous that it was difficult to look away.

There is a refreshing fragrance in the air, but there is also a faint smell of blood that is difficult to detect. The two flavors mix to form a unique aroma. Even if you just smell it, you will be intoxicated and unable to extricate yourself...

It's just that the demons who were rushing around to summon death were not living creatures, and they didn't know how to appreciate the beautiful scenery. They still rushed towards Qiangwei and Sivir with their claws and teeth!

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