"Glory Sun Winged Dragon, hold on for me!"

The Blood-Glory Emperor clenched the horns of the Sun-winged Divine Dragon tightly and gritted his teeth.

I saw the Sun-Winged Divine Dragon waving its wings crazily, trying to offset the terrifying gravitational pull brought by the Destroyed Sky Star.

However, as the star of disillusionment gradually sinks, the gravitational force gradually becomes stronger, and the dazzling thunder of disillusionment is like falling rain, wildly bombarding downwards, like a scene like the end of the world.


A violent thunder of disillusionment accurately hit the Sun-Winged Dragon, causing it to fall into a state of brief paralysis. After just a moment of stagnation, it could no longer withstand the super gravity of the star of disillusionment.

The huge Sun-winged Divine Dragon slammed into the star of disillusionment. A stronger lightning of disillusionment made it unable to move at all, and countless flying boulders continued to bombard it.

"Heaven and earth ashes!"

The Blood Emperor tried his best to raise the blazing Sun Scepter in his hand. He obviously wanted to repeat his old trick.

However, the Star of Disillusionment is not the Star of Shaking the Universe. It is protected by a layer of highly compressed nine-crown elemental cover. The ultra-high temperature of the Brilliant Sun Scepter only causes the entire Star of Disillusionment to begin to burn violently, but there is no way to evaporate it instantly.

Within a moment, the Sun-Winged Divine Dragon and the Blood-Huang Emperor were submerged by countless boulders and gravel, and a fiercely burning super-large star of disillusionment appeared high in the sky.

"Boom boom boom..."

I could only hear the roaring sounds coming from the star of disillusionment, and the harsh pyroblasts tried to break out of the restraints, but there was no way to do so.

At this moment, a ray of early morning sunlight pierced the clouds and shone on the vast desert.

Looking at the sun rising in the east, Feng Yixiu seemed to remember Pharaoh's instructions, and knew in his heart that he could not delay it any longer.

"Xiao Kongkong, give him a ride!" Feng Yixiu frowned slightly and said softly.


The Sky-Slaying Demon Ape suddenly appeared above the Star of Disillusionment. The Seven Stars of Disillusionment turned into a star dragon and wrapped around his right arm. He slowly raised his right fist, and the dazzling light of disillusionment and the exorcism wave were compressing crazily.

The piercing sound of dragon roars and the sound of elemental explosions roared, and the steel-like muscle lines of the God-killing Demonic Ape suddenly tightened, and he punched the star of disillusionment with an unreserved punch.


Only a loud bang was heard, and the huge Disillusionment Star was like a meteorite falling at high speed. During the high-speed fall, a dazzling fire started to ignite from the bottom.

Before the star of disillusionment could completely fall, Feng Yixiu left without looking back. The ultra-high-intensity continuous battles were already too much for him, and the duration of the disillusionment mode was almost up.

The Shura Legion was already approaching the Shura King's capital. His purpose was just to hold back the Blood Emperor and buy time for the Shura Legion to retreat.

No matter whether the Blood Emperor is seriously injured or not, Feng Yixiu has no need to continue to entangle him. Moreover, with the rising sun, the Blood Emperor's strength will also greatly improve!

As expected by Feng Yixiu, the Disillusionment Star exploded before it completely fell, and a dazzling fire that was comparable to the scorching sun suddenly erupted.

The light of disillusionment and the blazing sun collided crazily, and the ripples of energy alone completely evaporated everything within a few thousand meters!


The Bloody Emperor's eyes were red, and he was breathing heavily. His face was even pale, and he was obviously seriously injured.

This was only possible when the Bloody Emperor used his trump card at the critical moment to get out of trouble. It was an epic demon card from the ancient series!

Looking at the golden clothes dyed red with blood, Emperor Xuehuang was so angry that his whole body was shaking. He had not experienced the feeling of being injured for a long time, and the long-lost pain made him fall into complete madness.

"Feng Yixiu! I will make you die without any body parts!"

The Blood Emperor stared at Feng Yixiu who was walking away and roared angrily.

The Sun-Winged Divine Dragon seemed to feel the anger of its master. After roaring fiercely, it began to wave its wings to chase Feng Yixiu.

The scorching sun in the morning washes away the darkness, and the Sun-Winged Divine Dragon becomes even more scorching and dazzling under the baptism of the sun, just like another sun in the sky!

Feng Yixiu glanced at the Sun-winged Divine Dragon behind him and said softly: "What the Pharaoh said is true, the Sun-Winged Divine Dragon is indeed much stronger in the daytime state..."

The current state of the Sun-winged Divine Dragon has increased by at least 50% compared to the night. The sun-sun clothing on the body no longer looks like clothing, but more like a fiercely burning sun!

Even if Feng Yixiu is in his prime, he probably won't be a match for the current Blood Glory Emperor. Naturally, he can only avoid his sharp edges...

Fortunately, the Blood Emperor and the Sun-winged Divine Dragon had already suffered serious injuries, and their speed had not reached their peak. They could only reach the same speed as Feng Yixiu.


Seeing that it could not catch up with Feng Yixiu, the Sun-Winged Divine Dragon was so angry that it could only continue to bombard the Star Saint Dragon King in front of him, with shockingly powerful fires bombarding him one after another.

However, Feng Yixiu paid no attention to the Sun-Winged Divine Dragon, and kept dodging the attacks from behind. When he couldn't dodge, the Sky-Slaying Demon Ape and Feng Yixiu blocked it.

"Feng Yixiu, you are a coward. Do you only know how to run away?" Emperor Xuehuang could already see the gate of Shura Capital, and he couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

Hearing this, Feng Yixiu frowned slightly, but he ignored Emperor Xuehuang's cynicism and continued to move towards the capital of King Shura at full speed.

Now is not the time to fight for strength and courage. A small impatience will mess up a big plan. As the king of a country, he must consider the overall situation...

Twenty minutes later, Feng Yixiu finally entered the realm of the Shura King's capital. Although the Blood Emperor was unwilling, he only dared to stay outside the Shura barrier and did not dare to step into it at all.

After Feng Yixiu entered the Shura barrier, he suddenly turned around and sneered: "Xuehuang Emperor, you only dare to bark at my door. Do you dare to come in and fight?"


The Blood Emperor stared angrily at Feng Yixiu, clenching his fists with a dull crunching sound.

Although he was angry, the Blood Emperor did not lose his mind, and he still did not step into the Shura barrier.

Feng Yixiu smiled and shook his head, and said softly: "If you don't dare, get out of here. I will personally visit you in seven days. Just wash your neck and wait!"

After saying that, Feng Yixiu walked towards the gate of Shura Capital without looking back. Qiangwei, Sivir and others also came towards this direction.

Qiangwei, Sivir and others have also been anxiously waiting for Feng Yixiu to return. They were extremely surprised when they saw Feng Yixiu unharmed and the Bloody Emperor covered in blood.

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