God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2255 The lion opens his mouth

"Having said that, the True Dragon clan back then was also divided into two branches. One of them was led by me personally, while the other was led by Emperor Molong. The two have always been incompatible. I just don't know how many. A hundred years have passed, will this situation change..." The White Dragon King frowned slightly and murmured in a low voice.

"I'm afraid we won't know this until then. If we can get help from the True Dragon Clan, Da Jiangshan and his party will be more confident." Feng Yixiu touched his chin and said in a deep voice.

"The top priority now is to seize the time to improve your cultivation. You'd better leave here as soon as possible! Don't let the people who care about you wait too long..." The first-generation Holy Spirit King waved his hand and said in a condensed voice.

"Father and mother, take care. I'll take my leave now, kid."

I saw Feng Yixiu saluting the two of them respectfully, and then gradually began to dissipate.

Feng Yixiu has been sinking in the sea of ​​consciousness for three whole days and three nights. He can no longer waste time here.

"Hey... Feng'er's life is really hard, and he has to endure all this pain at such a young age. But he is our son, are you really willing to beat him?"

As soon as Feng Yixiu left the sea of ​​consciousness, the White Dragon King glared at the first-generation Holy Spirit King angrily and scolded.

"I don't want to do this, but I have to do it." The first-generation Holy Spirit King shook his head helplessly, and then continued: "Actually, I am the person who can understand Feng'er best. I couldn't save you back then, and I absolutely cannot let you. Such a tragedy will happen again to Feng'er!"

When the White Dragon King died, the first Holy Spirit King also experienced the pain Feng Yixiu suffered, so he could empathize with it.

That period was completely dark for the first-generation Holy Spirit King. If it weren't for the unborn Feng Yixiu who needed to be taken care of, he might have planned to leave with the White Dragon King.

"Feng'er is much stronger than me, and much better than I was back then. I believe he can definitely do what I couldn't do back then!" the first generation Holy Spirit King said firmly with piercing eyes.

The White Dragon King nodded gently and said solemnly: "I also believe that Feng'er can do it!"

The originally lifeless Shura Palace suddenly became extremely lively, just because Feng Yixiu completely woke up.

Sivir, Qiangwei, Dongfang Xiamo, Han Xiao and others all rushed towards Feng Yixiu's palace.

"Your Majesty, you finally woke up!" Sivir walked up to Feng Yixiu in three steps and two steps at a time, half-kneeling on the ground and said excitedly.

"I'm sorry to make you worry about me. I'm fine. Don't worry about it..." Feng Yixiu slowly lifted the quilt, stood up slowly, and said softly: "The period when I was unconscious , has anything happened in the Shura Empire?"

"It's not a big deal. The Shura Empire has restored its previous order. It's just that the Empress Tianyu sent a letter asking us to lift the economic blockade on the Sun and Moon Empire, and also asked us to compensate them for the trade war. All the losses." Qiangwei walked over and told the truth.

Hearing this, Feng Yixiu couldn't help but frown. As soon as Hu Jiu'er was captured, he sent someone to put forward conditions. It can be seen that the surprise attack of the Hundred Ghosts must be inseparable from the Empress Tianyu.

If Feng Yixiu had not learned about the Nine Sins Fox Lord's plan, he might have agreed to all the requests of Empress Tianyu in a hurry, but now he would not do so.

"We can't be led by others, but we can't force the other party into a desperate situation to prevent the other party from jumping over the wall." Feng Yixiu said with a serious face.

"Then how should we deal with it specifically?" Qiangwei bowed slightly and asked softly.

"The economic blockade on the Sun and Moon Empire can be lifted, but we must also refuse the other party's unreasonable conditions for compensation for losses. The Sun and Moon Empire is a hungry wolf that cannot be fed enough. We cannot let others slaughter us!" Feng Yixiu said categorically.

"But will this put Her Highness the Empress in danger?" Sivir asked worriedly.

"Don't worry... Empress Tianyu is relying on Jiu'er in their hands, thinking that we don't know the specific situation, so the lion is just talking. In fact, she can't influence the actions of the Nine Sins Fox Lord. We just need to give the other party a little sweetness , it’s enough to naturally pretend that we don’t know the inside story.” Feng Yixiu smiled, shook his head, and said lightly.

"Your Majesty, what do you mean by the inside story?" Qiangwei tilted her head slightly and asked with confusion on her face.

Qiangwei, Sivir and others did not know why the Nine Sins Fox Lord abducted Hu Jiu'er. They just thought that he wanted to use this to obtain a large amount of strategic resources to solve the economic crisis caused by the collapse of the Sun and Moon Empire.

That's why they were afraid of offending Empress Tianyu and didn't dare to explicitly refuse the other party's unreasonable request. They just deliberately delayed time because Emperor Shura was still in a coma.

"You don't need to ask too much about this. It's enough to know that Jiu'er will not be in danger for the time being." Feng Yixiu shook his head and said calmly.

It's not that Feng Yixiu doesn't believe them, it's just that this matter is of great importance. The fewer people who know the inside story, the safer Hu Jiuer's situation will be.

Sivir, Qiangwei and others nodded silently and did not inquire further.

Emperor Shura must have his own reasons for doing this, and the two of them would naturally obey unconditionally as their subjects.

"But Wei Chen still has one last question, how can we reasonably reject the Sun and Moon Empire?" Qiangwei pondered for a moment and asked softly.

Feng Yixiu thought for a moment and said in a deep voice: "It's simple. Pretend to agree to the other party's request. As long as the other party agrees to release Hu Jiu'er, not only can he compensate the other party for his losses, but he can also give away half of the Shura Empire's wealth!"

"Your Majesty, are you serious?

Of? With such a generous condition, what if the Heavenly Empress really agrees? "Sivir's pupils suddenly shrank and he exclaimed.

"Don't worry, Empress Tianyu will refuse, and will not take the initiative to mention this matter in the future..." Feng Yixiu smiled and shook his head, saying quite confidently.

Even if the Empress Tianyu agrees, the Nine-Sin Fox Lord will never agree. After all, she took all the trouble to kidnap Hu Jiu'er, not just to make money, but to take her body and change her life!

Hearing this, Sivir and Qiangwei couldn't help but look at each other, and then they couldn't help but smile knowingly.

As expected of Emperor Shura, he had just woken up and solved the problem that had troubled the two of them for many days with just a few words.

"Then I will retire first..."

After receiving instructions from Feng Yixiu, Qiangwei naturally had to deal with matters related to the Sun and Moon Empire.

After saying that, Sivir was about to leave with Qiangwei, but as soon as he turned around, he was stopped by Feng Yixiu.

"What other orders does your Majesty have?" Sivir asked with confusion on his face.

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