God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2259 Clearing up the past feud

"Thank you for your understanding..." Thousand Illusion Mirage Demon King lowered his head and said softly.

Just as Feng Yixiu said, the Thousand Illusion Mirage Demon King seemed to be stopping Feng Yixiu, but in fact he was saving his life.

He is too familiar with the strength of the Nine Sins Fox Lord, and if he takes action, he will probably be killed or injured.

"Brother Mirage, if I want to sneak into the great rivers and mountains in the future, I am afraid that your help will be indispensable. I wonder if you can help me?" Feng Yixiu said seriously, his eyes burning.

"The reason why I deliberately stayed here to break up my marriage is because I had already planned this. I have lived in Dajiangshan for several years. Not to mention that I know every place well, but at least I won't let you show your weakness. But although I can help You sneaked into Dajiangshan, but if you want to rescue His Highness Jiu'er, I'm afraid it won't be that easy, so you have to be mentally prepared..." Qianhuan Mirage nodded slightly.

"In order to rescue Jiu'er, I have put my life and death aside for a long time. You only need to help me change my appearance and sneak into the country. You don't need to worry about the rest." Feng Yixiu said with a serious face.

"Then I'm relieved..." Thousand Illusion Mirage Demon King smiled slightly, and then asked: "Since Thousand Illusion Mirage Demon King is dead, what is my current identity?"

Feng Yixiu pondered for a moment and said, "If Brother Mirage doesn't mind, how about becoming my personal guard captain from now on?"

The so-called personal guard is like a personal bodyguard. The reason why he gave the identity of Thousand Illusion Mirage Demon King is of course so that he can stay by his side conveniently.

"The Guards..." The Thousand Illusion Mirage Demon King pondered for a moment as if he was talking to himself, and then he immediately agreed: "Okay! Then I will be your Guards Captain from now on."

As he spoke, the Thousand Illusion Mirage Demon King began to change his appearance, from a handsome young man to a tough middle-aged man with a stubble.

In order to conform to the identity of the captain of the personal guard, the Thousand Fantasy Mirage Demon King also made a great sacrifice. He gave up his original handsome appearance and turned into a weather-beaten middle-aged tough guy. His right eye has an extremely long slit. With scars, he looks like a ruthless character who is not easy to mess with.

Feng Yixiu circled around the Thousand Illusion Mirage Demon King, nodded with satisfaction, and said with a smile: "Not bad, not bad... It looks like this!"

"I dare not say anything else. I am unparalleled in the world in terms of illusions. Even a sixth-level telekinesis system source warrior cannot identify my true form."

The Thousand Illusion Mirage Demon King patted his chest confidently, and his original voice became rough, revealing a harsh meaning.

"Now that we have a new identity, we must have a new name..." Feng Yixiu touched his chin and pondered for a long time, then said with a smile: "The appearance of mirages is often accompanied by clouds and mist, otherwise I will call you Chongyun, Do you think it’s okay?”

"Chongyun... is not bad."

The Demon King of Thousand Illusions and Mirages muttered in a low voice and happily accepted the new name.

"Then it's settled. From now on, you have to slowly adapt to this identity and don't expose your true identity!" Feng Yixiu reminded with a serious face.

"Don't worry, I, Chongyun, have always acted cautiously, and there is no need for your majesty to remind you!" The Thousand Illusion Mirage Demon King bowed slightly and said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Feng Yixiu was stunned for a moment. He never thought that the other party would start to adapt to his new identity so quickly. On the contrary, it made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Now that the identity of the Thousand Fantasy Mirage Demon King has been solved, the sudden appearance of a powerful guard captain next to Feng Yixiu may arouse suspicion.

Although this is within the Shura Empire, there would not be much of a problem under normal circumstances, but when it comes to rescuing Hu Jiuer, everything needs to be done with caution!

"However, if you suddenly appear, it will arouse unnecessary suspicion. At that time, I will ask Sivir to form a personal guard. You can participate according to the normal selection process. I think with your strength, you should win this position. Isn't it a problem?" Feng Yixiu frowned slightly and said in a deep voice.

"You are still thoughtful. The Nine Sins Fox Lord has hands and eyes that reach the sky. Even in the Shura Empire, we must be extremely careful! Then we will do as you say..." Thousand Illusion Mirage Demon King nodded seriously, echoed.

"Chongyun, thank you for your help!" Feng Yixiu gently patted the Qianhuan Mirage Demon King's shoulder, his expression suddenly became solemn, and he said in a deep voice: "Actually, I know that you have always admired Jiu'er, and I can guess that. Why do you insist on leaving the Shura Capital? Even so, you are willing to help me. I really don’t know how to thank you."

"I'm not helping you, but for the sake of His Highness Jiu'er, you should stop being so self-righteous..." Thousand Fantasy Mirage Demon King snorted coldly.

"You're right, but no matter what, I should say thank you to you!" Feng Yixiu smiled and nodded, saying in a deep voice.

In a sense, Feng Yixiu and Chongyun can be regarded as love rivals, but Jiuer has always had only one person in his heart, and Chongyun can only be regarded as having unrequited love at best.

At first, after Feng Yixiu chose to leave the Shura Capital, Chongyun thought he would have a chance, but reality gave him a loud slap in the face, and in the end he had no choice but to voluntarily withdraw from the Shura Capital.

Chongyun was a little afraid to look directly into Feng Yixiu's blazing eyes. He turned his head slightly and whispered: "To be honest, until I broke into the Shura Imperial Capital, I had not made up my mind whether to help you. After all, I chose Helping you means going against the two supreme beings, the Nine Sins Fox Lord and the Black Dragon Emperor, what is the difference between that and seeking death?"

As Chongyun, who has been in both the Heavenly Fierce Clan and the Flower of Evil, he is very clear about the strength of the Nine Sins Fox Lord and the Black Dragon Emperor, so he naturally knows how terrifying they are.

Even so, Chongyun still chose to side with Feng Yixiu in the end. To be precise, he chose to side with Hu Jiuer...

"You're honest, but why did you change your mind later?" Feng Yixiu asked curiously.

Chongyun sighed helplessly and said: "To be honest, I haven't figured it out myself... I only know that when I saw Jiu'er choosing to sacrifice himself for you, and you desperately chasing after me, I Only then did I know that Jiu'er's choice was right. At that time, I was really happy for His Highness Jiu'er from the bottom of my heart!"

Hearing this, Feng Yixiu was stunned for a long time. At a certain moment, he even felt a little sorry for Chongyun.

However, it is impossible to say right or wrong in matters of love. We can only say that Chongyun likes someone he shouldn't like.

"Don't look at me with such sympathy! Now I have completely figured it out. As long as His Highness Jiu'er can be happy." Chongyun said softly with a trace of loneliness in his eyes.

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