God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2288 Soul Exploration

After a slight pause, Feng Yixiu continued: "But I have never seen Prince Xining take action. What do his spiritual soldiers, spiritual armor, and dual battle spirits look like?"

"I can't describe this clearly in a short time. How about I draw it!" Chao Xiang frowned slightly and suggested.

"It's not necessary. Do you mind if I explore your memory fragments?" Feng Yixiu asked cautiously.

He was planning to use the Millennium Eye. As a sacred object that could spy on people's hearts, he could easily know the precise appearance of Prince Xining's spiritual weapons and armor in Chaoge's impression.

However, the Millennium Eye is not absolutely omnipotent. It can only spy on the other person's thoughts at that moment. Feng Yixiu needs to use words to guide the corresponding information to emerge in the other person's mind.

For example, if Feng Yixiu mentioned Xi Ning's spiritual weapons and spiritual armor, then the corresponding appearance and other information would subconsciously appear in Chao Ge's mind. He just needed to seize the right opportunity to capture it.

However, as Chao Ge is a girl, it is always impolite for Feng Yixiu to rashly explore her heart, so he must obtain the other party's consent.

"Of course there is no problem, but what should I do?" Chaoge agreed without hesitation.

"You just need to stare into my eyes, and then recall the appearance of your brother's spirit weapon and spirit armor in your mind." Feng Yixiu replied softly.

"It's that simple?"

Chao Ge looked into Feng Yixiu's eyes with some confusion, as if he didn't believe it.

But just when Chao Ge and Feng Yixiu's eyes met, the memory fragments in her heart about Prince Xining's spiritual soldiers and spiritual armor had been stolen.

"Okay...I already know." Feng Yixiu said calmly.

"Ah? Has it started yet?" Chao Ge tilted his head slightly and asked with some confusion.

"It's over. Prince Xining's spiritual weapons and armors are all pure white. Am I right?" Feng Yixiu asked with a slight smile.

Chao Ge nodded in astonishment, then looked at Feng Yixiu with a strange look in his eyes, and whispered in a low voice: "The abilities here are too scary!"

"Don't worry, I'm not very interested in probing other people's thoughts. I won't use the Millennium Eye easily if it's not necessary. Using it too much will affect my mood..." Feng Yixiu shook his head with a smile. , the glimmer of light emitted by the Thousand-Year Eye on his neck dimmed again.

In the whole world, only the sun and the human heart cannot be looked directly at. Feng Yixiu knows this truth well, so under normal circumstances he will not use the Millennium Eye easily.

Moreover, the inner thoughts explored by the Millennium Eye are only temporary. People's hearts will indeed change over time. Even saints will have a dark side in their hearts.

Feng Yixiu pays more attention to how a person acts rather than his momentary inner activities...

Hearing this, Chao Ge also breathed a sigh of relief, but he did not dare to look directly into Feng Yixiu's eyes again for a short time.

No normal person would like to have their secrets discovered, even Chao Ge, who has always been aboveboard, is no exception.

"Chao Ge, you are so nervous, maybe you have some little secret in your heart that you don't want me to know?" Feng Yixiu looked at Chao Ge, whose eyes were wandering, and said with a smile.

"No...no, Mr. Feng misunderstood." Chaoge said hesitantly.

"By the way... My thousand-year sacred object can easily reveal its identity. Chongyun, you can also transform the thousand-year eye, the thousand-year ring, and the thousand-year wheel of wisdom!" Feng Yixiu seemed to have thought of something, and he was about to The thousand-year wheel of wisdom stored in the storage ring was taken out.

As for the Thousand-Year Crown and the Thousand-Year Scepter, Feng Yixiu has left them in the Shura Empire and is in charge of his incarnation.

Those two thousand-year-old sacred objects can only be effective in the Shura Empire, so bringing them out does not make much sense. On the contrary, it will put the Shura Empire in danger.

While speaking, Feng Yixiu once again used teleportation to transmit key memory fragments such as Xi Ning's spiritual weapons and spiritual armor to Chongyun.

After all preparations were completed, Feng Yixiu first summoned the three war spirits, and then immediately condensed his own spiritual soldiers and spiritual armor, placing them all neatly in front of Chongyun.


Relying on the memory fragments in his mind, Chongyun first transformed Feng Yixiu's spiritual weapon and spiritual armor, and its appearance was no different from Xi Ning's.

As for Feng Yixiu's Chaos Demonic Sword and Taotie Demonic Armor, Chongyun changed their colors and shapes, perfectly hiding the most conspicuous Eyes of Chaos and Taotie's Mouth.

As for the Thousand-Year Eye and the Thousand-Year Ring, they can be transformed into common accessories at will. The use of these thousand-year sacred objects is extremely hidden, so there will be no problem if you are careful.

Chongyun finally approached the three war spirits. Obviously, it was much more difficult to transform into a living creature than a dead one, not to mention the three war spirits in different forms. His expression was also solemn as never before.

This is not as simple as changing the appearance. He also has to change the fighting spirit form of the three war spirits. This is also the most difficult point in the transformation and disguise.

Chongyun was seen taking the lead to walk in front of the Star Saint Dragon King, and then condensed a huge mirage with both palms at the same time, completely covering the Star Saint Dragon King.

This time it took much longer than the transformation time for Feng Yixiu, after all, the size of the Star Saint Dragon King was there.

After half an hour, the dark mist completely dissipated, and a majestic white dragon appeared in front of everyone.

The body shape of the Star Saint Dragon King has not changed much compared to the past, except for the

The double dragon horns became single horns, and the unique and dense dragon patterns on the entire body were also hidden.

"Chaoge, what do you think?"

Feng Yixiu looked at Chaoge aside. As Xining's younger sister, she was naturally the one with the most say.

"My brother's battle spirit was only a complete body at the beginning. Now that it has become the ultimate body, there will naturally be some changes. Generally speaking, there seems to be no problem. It's just that I always feel like something is missing..." Chao Ge looked at it seriously. Looking at the white dragon in front of him, he whispered softly.

"There's something missing. It's a bit awkward to say so." Feng Yixiu also nodded, and at the same time carefully looked at the small white building in front of him.


After a period of silence, Feng Yixiu and Chao Ge exclaimed almost simultaneously.

"Your brother's battle spirit has both water and thunder elements. It's not enough to be surrounded by thunder. It should also be surrounded by water waves!" Feng Yixiu looked at Chongyun aside and said softly.

"Don't look at me. I'm just in charge of disguise. Although it's not difficult to transform into water waves, it's just a deception and won't allow your war spirit to release water-attributed war spirit skills!" Chongyun shook his head and said, "Don't look at me." vocal channel.

"This is embarrassing for you, but as a sea dragon without a water element, this is really unreasonable." Feng Yixiu shook his head helplessly and sighed.

"What's so difficult about this? I'll condense a water-attributed lotus of disillusionment and let my brother eat it."

Just when Feng Yixiu, Chao Ge and others were helpless, the Queen of Thorns stood up.

Nowadays, the Queen of Thorns can combine the power of four elements to condense the Lotus of Disillusionment. Naturally, she can also condense the water-based Lotus of Disillusionment with a single element. This is a piece of cake for her.

"Yes! How could I have forgotten this..." Feng Yixiu suddenly clasped his hands together and said excitedly.

I saw the nine-crown array behind the Queen of Thorns blooming with azure light, and the water magatama in the nine-yuan magatama was running crazily.

But in a moment, a blue lotus of disillusionment with a strong aura of water element bloomed in the hands of the Queen of Thorns.

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