God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2301 Unknown Opportunity

"Break through the shackles between life and death..."

Feng Yixiu muttered something in a low voice, and his expression became a little intriguing.

Seeking a breakthrough between life and death sounds simple, but it is an extremely dangerous thing. If you are not careful, you may really lose your life.

"This is obviously a stupid way, but it is also the only feasible way at present. If you insist on learning the sword-breaking style, I am afraid you can only take the risk and give it a try." The first-generation Holy Spirit King said seriously.

"My child understands, but what should I do? Do I really want to challenge the sea monsters everywhere?" Feng Yixiu seemed a little embarrassed.

The first-generation Holy Spirit King shook his head and said calmly: "A large number of life-and-death battles can indeed make you grow quickly, but the risks are too great and the efficiency is not very high."

"Besides a life and death battle, I really can't think of any other way." Feng Yixiu said a little disappointed.

"Since you have arrived at the Tide Kingdom, you might as well try to inquire inside the country. Xuanwu Holy Spirit King has a close relationship with the Tide Royal Family, and he sacrificed his holy soldiers here. With his father's understanding of him, he extremely It is possible that a great opportunity will be left here." The first-generation Holy Spirit King said with a serious expression.

"Oh? But what does this have to do with the child breaking through the shackles?" Feng Yixiu asked curiously.

"Father, I don't know the specific situation. Instead of asking me, you might as well go and explore it yourself..." The first-generation Holy Spirit King smiled mysteriously and shook his head.

"I know, kid. Thank you father for your teaching!"

Feng Yixiu clasped his fists slightly and did not stay here for long, but immediately exited the spiritual space.

"What exactly is the opportunity that my father said? It's really confusing..." Feng Yixiu slowly opened his eyes and said to himself.

"Forget it...it's useless to think about it now. It's better to go and explore it in person tomorrow."

After several days of running around and having just experienced another battle, Feng Yixiu was already exhausted and fell asleep as soon as he lay down.

This sleep lasted until noon of the next day. As soon as Feng Yixiu got up, he heard bustling noises outside.

After opening the door, I saw that Dongyuan Palace, which was deserted yesterday, had become extremely lively. Many familiar faces were walking around in Dongyuan Palace.

"Although Chongyun is a little unreliable, his efficiency is quite high..." Feng Yixiu murmured to himself with the corners of his mouth raised slightly.


There was a sound of sneezing not far away, and Chongyun whispered with a tired face: "Is it Princess Chao Ge who is missing me?"


Feng Yixiu smiled slightly and strode towards Chongyun.

"Your Highness, you're up..."

Chongyun saw Feng Yixiu nodded, but he looked a little lackluster.

"Why do you look so listless? Could it be that you didn't get a good rest last night?" Feng Yixiu said with a smile.

"Aren't you asking knowingly? I haven't had any rest at all!" Chongyun muttered in a low voice, his tone full of resentment.

"What are you muttering about? You won't say bad things about me again, will you?" Feng Yixiu frowned slightly and said in a deep voice.

"Then how dare I speak ill of you? You are my future uncle!" Chongyun forced a smile and said flatteringly.

"That's good……"

Feng Yixiu nodded with satisfaction, and then asked: "By the way, is Princess Chaoge up?"

"His Royal Highness Chaoge got up early, and Princess Chaoyin came to visit early in the morning. She also sent a large number of precious treasures and some necessary daily necessities. They were all rare things. I have sent people to move them. "Chongyun responded truthfully.

"Oh? What evil is that guy holding back..."

Feng Yixiu touched his chin, thought for a moment and then continued: "You can accept all the things Chaoyin sent, but the things at the entrance cannot be used to avoid fraud."

As the saying goes, you must not have the intention to harm others, and you must not have the intention to guard against others. This Chaoyin was too enthusiastic, which actually made people feel a little afraid.

Chongyun nodded and said in a deep voice: "Okay... I will give the order."

After saying that, I saw Chongyun looking at Feng Yixiu with extremely expectant eyes, which made Feng Yixiu feel a little uncomfortable for a while.

"Why are you staring at us like this? Is there something dirty on my face?" Feng Yixiu touched his face and whispered.

"Are you going to find His Highness Chaoge now? Can I go with you?" Chongyun said with a smile.

"What a big deal I think it is! Why don't you have to go with me if you can't go look for it yourself?" Feng Yixiu shook his head helplessly and sighed.

"Chaoyin and Chaoge are together! I went there rashly. It would be bad if I said something wrong again and made His Highness Chaoge angry..." Chongyun said aggrievedly like a child who had done something wrong.

"That guy's really thick-skinned!" Feng Yixiu sneered, and then continued: "But compared to other things, you probably need rest now! You see, you are really about to become a panda. …”

"Okay then! I'd better go and rest first, but I can't let His Highness Chaoge see me like this."

Chongyun nodded, and then swayed away. It could be seen that he was really exhausted, and even walking in a straight line was impossible for him.

After bidding farewell to Chongyun, Feng Yixiu inquired a little and learned that Chaoge and Chaoyin were still in the living room, accompanied by the high priest Xuanshui.

Living room at the moment

It was quite lively, and from time to time, clear and sweet laughter could be heard in the hall.

But this is just an appearance. Chaoyin's trip seems to be to establish relationships, but in fact he wants to take advantage of Prince Xining's absence to get some useful information.

But Chao Ge is not an easy person. He looks soft and weak on the surface and speaks in a gentle voice, but in fact he is impeccable.

Several hours have passed since Princess Chaoyin arrived at Dongyuan Palace early in the morning, but she has received almost no useful information.

As the high priest of Xuanshui, Xi Feng has been guarding Princess Chao Ge, and Xi Ming, as the former high priest of Ming Shui, has now become Chaoyin's personal guard, always following her.

The two of them never had a conversation from beginning to end, but their eyes met from time to time, and there was a faint smell of gunpowder in the air.

"So, my sister has a good relationship with China's top management, otherwise they would not fully cooperate with you in returning to your hometown..." Princess Chaoyin nodded slightly and said softly.

"It's not as good as you think. I can only say that the marshals of the Huaxia Kingdom understand the righteousness and are indeed trustworthy partners." Chaoge shook his head and smiled.

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