God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2310 Tidal Decree

"Okay, that's what I meant." Feng Yixiu agreed with the corner of his mouth raised slightly.

Three, two, one.


Feng Yixiu and Xigu spoke almost at the same time.

"Hahaha... heroes see the same thing!" King Xigu smiled and patted Feng Yixiu on the back, and then said excitedly: "But it took a lot of effort for my uncle to see through the hypocrisy of that girl Chaoyin. Her face, you’ve only seen her for two or three days, it seems I’m not as good as you at knowing people!”

"Your Majesty is too modest... As the saying goes, the authorities are blind to the beholder. Maybe you grew up watching Chaoyin, so you relaxed your vigilance. My nephew should be vigilant when he is new. It is not a skill." Feng Yixiu shook his head with a smile. , said softly.

"If you weren't a junior of my clan, I would really want to be friends with you forever!" King Xigu looked at Feng Yixiu with admiration in his eyes and sighed.

"Perhaps there may be a chance in the future..." Feng Yixiu smiled faintly and murmured softly.

"What did my nephew just say? My uncle is old and can't hear clearly." Xigu came closer and asked.

"Nothing, my nephew just wants to say, since you are already suspicious of Princess Chaoyin, why don't you simply eliminate this scourge? Even if you care about friendship, you can at least expel her from the country." Feng Yixiu smiled and shook his head, confused. road.

"Hey... my nephew doesn't know something. It's not that my uncle doesn't want to do it, but that he can't do it." Xi Gu sighed with a wry smile on his face.

"Oh? Why is this?"

Feng Yixiu frowned slightly and said in confusion.

"Chaoyin is the daughter of my eldest brother Xiozhan. My father passed the throne to me, but he was afraid of fratricide, so he gave the Tide Decree to my eldest brother. Although my uncle is not afraid of the Tide Decree, he is really afraid of it. If you start a fight, I'm afraid you won't be injured. Besides, as a prince, Xi Zhan also has considerable influence in the country. Once he breaks his face, I'm afraid the Tide Kingdom will be a river of blood..." Xi Gu said.

"What is this tidal decree?" Feng Yixiu asked.

"The Tidal Edict is a sacred object left behind by the first generation of Tide Queen. It can mobilize extremely huge power of the deep sea. It may not be very powerful on land, but it is a first-class killer weapon on the seabed." Xigu explained patiently, He couldn't help but look heavy when he mentioned the Tide Law.

"So that's it..." Feng Yixiu touched his chin and said calmly.

After Xigu hesitated for a moment, he finally said: "Not only that, this girl Chaoyin is also not simple. She is the fiancée of the third prince of Dragon Palace. The power of Dragon Palace is extremely huge. Even my uncle is quite afraid of it. If he is not careful, It will attract the Dragon King’s wrath.”

"It's no wonder. It seems like you can't mess around."

Feng Yixiu couldn't help but sympathize with the Tide King. As the Tide King, he was constrained by many forces, and he felt aggrieved.

There is a powerful prince in the country who is eyeing him, and abroad there are powerful forces such as the Dragon Palace and the Siren Palace entrenched.

On the surface, the Tide King keeps his word in the country, but in fact he is walking on thin ice. If he makes a mistake, he is in danger of destruction.

"To be honest, my uncle has long known that the death of his beloved daughter is related to Chaoyin's vicious girl. It's just that the girl acted too carefully. I can't find any strong evidence at all. On weekdays, I still pretend to have no knowledge. , do you know the pain in uncle's heart?"

Having said this, Xigu has completely put down his pretensions as a king, just like a helpless old man.

"Uncle, don't worry, my nephew will definitely avenge your daughter!" Feng Yixiu gently held Xigu's withered palm, his expression extremely determined.

"Good nephew, my uncle only had one daughter in his life. His beloved wife passed away because of the grief when his only daughter passed away. However, when I saw you and Chao Ge, I felt closer than ever before. I really love you two. We regard you as your own children, and I really don’t want you to be involved in the whirlpool of right and wrong.” Xigu shook his head and said in a deep voice.

"Since the moment my sister and I prepared to return to our hometown, we were destined to be unable to stay out of it. The Tide Kingdom is also our home for our future survival. My nephew hopes to see her getting better and better..." Feng Yixiu's eyes were intense and he said in a deep voice. road.

"My daughter had the same idea at the beginning, but something unexpected happened soon after she was established as the crown prince. She is not afraid of my nephew's ridicule. Even now, I still haven't found out the ins and outs of the matter. But after today's incident, I wonder if I have found out what happened. It doesn't matter anymore, my beloved daughter Yu'er must have been plotted by that girl Chaoyin, but it's a pity that Yu'er doesn't have the strength of this wise nephew, so she couldn't escape the disaster after all..." Xigu lowered his head and recalled His expression became sad because of the painful years of the past.

"Conspiracy and conspiracy are just things that cannot be put on the table. My nephew has experienced it since he was a child. As long as he is strong enough, any scheme is just a joke." Feng Yixiu shook his head with a smile and said confidently.

"Are you really not afraid of ending up with the same fate as Yu'er?"

Xigu slowly raised his head and asked quite seriously.

"What's there to be afraid of!" Feng Yixiu smiled coldly and said seriously.

As the Shura Emperor, Feng Yixiu had already experienced all sorts of conspiracies, ghosts, and monsters.

Although Princess Chaoyin was indeed a bit troublesome, Feng Yixiu didn't take it to heart at all...

"Hahaha...so courageous!"

Xigu also laughed for a long time, then leaned forward slightly and said softly: "But confidence alone is not enough. I wonder what my nephew is going to do next?"

"If you want it to perish, you must make it crazy. Since Chao Yin Qian

Fang Baiji wants to kill me, so let him be proud for a while. I think it won’t be long before she will force you to establish a crown prince. At that time, you will take the opportunity to throw out the battle for the crown prince and decide who will be the future with your strength. Crown Prince, in my absence, Chaoyin will definitely not object, but will take the lead in agreeing. "Feng Yixiu said seriously.

"Chao Ge is still in Tide City, so Chaoyin naturally has a sense of crisis in her heart. According to her character, she will definitely try her best to force me to establish a crown prince. When the battle for the crown prince is determined, you will naturally have If you are qualified to join, you will naturally become the future crown prince. This is a brilliant plan!" Xigu's eyes lit up and he exclaimed.

Feng Yixiu shook his head and said calmly: "My nephew is not interested in the position of crown prince. When the time comes, I will let my sister Chao Ge, and I ask my uncle for your forgiveness..."

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