God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2313 Eternal disaster

After these two attempts, Feng Yixiu already knew the true limits of his body, and calculated that diving twenty-five meters at a time would not put his life in danger, but could also maximize the potential of his body and blood.

This tempering of the body is like forging a sword. It does not happen overnight. It must be tempered many times before it can be successful...

On the first day, Feng Yixiu had already descended to a depth of nearly a hundred meters. However, the deeper he went into the Xuanming Death Zone, the more difficult it became, and his speed gradually slowed down.

Although in this ultra-high pressure state, Feng Yixiu could not quite feel the changes in his body, but the gradually decreasing depth could not deceive others. He was indeed growing at an extremely terrifying speed.

Outside Xuanming Pavilion, everyone was staring at the waveless water surface of the ancient well.

"His Majesty has been sneaking into the Xuanming Death Realm for more than an hour. I'm afraid that Prince Xining is in danger..."

"Hey... the Tianhai Lake Tide lineage and ours are of the same origin. I never thought that I would lose my life just after returning to my homeland. What a pity!"

"Who says otherwise! But I can't blame others for this. Who made him too arrogant, otherwise he wouldn't have lost his life."

Although the Tide King has not returned yet, after such a long time, the Tide King still has not returned, which is obviously not a good sign.

Princess Chaoyin was also standing in the crowd, looking at the calm water with a worried look, but she was happy inside.

If Xining was still alive, he would have been rescued by the Tide King long ago. If there is no movement now, he must not have been found.


Just as everyone was talking, slight ripples suddenly appeared on the calm lake, and then the Tide King suddenly jumped out of the water.

Princess Chaoyin rushed over first and asked hurriedly: "Your Majesty, why are you the only one coming back? Where is Prince Xining?"

The Tide King shook his head seriously and said in a deep voice: "I have been searching hard for a long time, but I can't see my nephew Xining. I can only smell the strong smell of blood."

"how so……"

Princess Chaoyin was also stunned, her expression could not help but become a little sad, and she whispered softly: "If I had known, I should not have told Xi Ning about this place. It was my sister who harmed him, and even left him with a whole corpse." None stayed.”

"Your Highness, don't blame yourself. You are just out of good intentions. If you want to blame me, blame me for being too talkative and Your Highness Xi Ning talking too much, which caused the disaster." Elder Xihong still knelt on the ground and did not dare to get up. He was listening to Prince Xining breathed a sigh of relief after his death.

"However, although I did not find the relics of Xi Ning's nephew, I unexpectedly found several relics of Xi Ning, and one of them caught my attention."

As he spoke, the Tide King turned his palm, and a responding conch with faint cracks appeared in his palm.

When Princess Chaoyin saw the Echo Conch, her heart trembled, and then she subconsciously glanced at Elder Xihong.

Elder Xihong is also a man who has matured with age. The King of Tide suddenly took out this thing and it must not be without purpose. He already had a bad premonition in his heart, and his forehead was unknowingly covered with beads of sweat.

"The echo in this response conch is very interesting. I will play it for you to listen to now."

The Tide King pressed the response mechanism under the echo conch, and an extremely clear conversation floated out.

Feng Yixiu had long known that the Xuanming Holy Pond and his party were the Hongmen Banquet, so he had already made sufficient preparations before entering it. Therefore, this response was extremely complete and did not allow Elder Xihong any chance to refute.

Although most of them have never heard the voice of Prince Xining, they are very familiar with the voice of Elder Xihong. On the other hand, looking at the trembling appearance of Elder Xihong lying on the ground, who else could it be if it weren't for the conversation between him and Feng Yixiu?

"This Elder Hong is really shameless. He still does this kind of slander and frame-up at an old age."

"Fortunately, I have this echoing conch to prove it, otherwise Prince Xining would really have died inexplicably..."

"But what's the point of talking about this now? Prince Xining is already dead, so what's the point of seeking justice."

When the echo clip was completely played, everyone couldn't help but shake their heads and sigh.

"Xi Hong, do you know how sinful it is to frame the royal family?" King Tide put his hands behind his back, and his aura of calmness and self-power made people shudder.

"capital offense……"

Elder Xihong was silent for a long time before slowly speaking, but his voice seemed extremely trembling.

He originally wanted to take this opportunity to seduce Princess Chaoyin, but he never thought that he would lose his life because of it.

But now that things have come to this, there is no turning back, and his execution is a certainty.

Perhaps confessing Princess Chaoyin would allow him to survive, but if Princess Chaoyin is punished, Prince Xi Zhan will definitely make his life worse than death!

He is just an elder who protects the pool, and is one of the marginal figures in the Elder Pavilion. He really cannot afford to offend Princess Chaoyin, let alone Prince Xi Zhan.

Rather than doing this, it is better to take everything on yourself, and at least seek some blessings for future generations.

"Since you already know the consequences of this matter, I don't have anything to say, but I still have a question in my mind." King Tide's eyes were dark, and after a moment of silence he said: "You and nephew Xi Ning have never known each other, why do you want to People dying?"

"I am thinking for the sake of the entire Tidal Kingdom. It is true that Xining and Chao Ge are from the Tidal Royal Family, but their return at this juncture is probably because of the instructions from the top management of China. If they gain power in the future, they will definitely support China with all their strength. , will inevitably arouse the wrath of Dragon Palace and Siren Palace, does your Majesty want the Tide Clan to be forever doomed?"

Elder Xihong already knew that he was doomed, but he completely lost his worries and became bolder.

After saying this, the Tide Royal Family's children who were watching couldn't help but look solemn. Even though they didn't dare to talk casually, everything could be seen from their worried eyes.

The timing of the return of Prince Chaoge and Prince Xining was too much of a coincidence. It happened to be when the Kingdom of Tide was in doubt. If this was a coincidence, they would definitely not believe it.

"You are about to die, and you still dare to make alarmist remarks here. You are just a small elder protecting the pool. How can you predict this national event!" King Tide shook his clothes angrily and said in a deep voice.

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